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Palin, Please Go Away.



  • Sarah Palin is the Glen Beck of politicians.
  • Palin Crossed Border for Canadian Health Care
    "We used to hustle over the border for health care we received in Canada," Palin said in her first Canadian appearance since stepping down as governor of Alaska. "And I think now, isn't that ironic?"
  • edited March 2010
    Palin Crossed Border for Canadian Health Care
    "We used to hustle over the border for health care we received in Canada," Palin said in her first Canadian appearance since stepping down as governor of Alaska. "And I think now, isn't that ironic?"
    So? Article says up to the age of six which would put her when, 1970? Was Canadian Health Care 'socialized' at that point? Did her family cross the border because that was where the closest hospital was located? Or did they cross over for free care?

    Please provide some context.
    Post edited by HMTKSteve on
  • Who are you, and what have you done with Steve?!
  • Who are you, and what have you done with Steve?!
    Steve is re-evaluting his life and currently living in an apt as he goes through a divorce. Old steve is gone. New Steve is living a less stressful life now and is much happier.
  • edited March 2010
    Steve is re-evaluting his life and currently living in an apt as he goes through a divorce. Old steve is gone. New Steve is living a less stressful life now and is much happier.
    whooooaaaaa, Crap man! Sorry to hear.

    Relivent Okla. conservatives debate divorce...
    Post edited by Cremlian on
  • Healthcare hypocrisy aside, I hate her for this:
    Palin: "God writes notes on his hand too!"
  • Healthcare hypocrisy aside, I hate her for this:
    Palin: "God writes notes on his hand too!"
    I HAS A HATRED. Ugh.

    I actually had to physically plant my palm onto my face. I can't believe she cited that quote as justification for what she did!!
  • Healthcare hypocrisy aside, I hate her for this:
    Palin: "God writes notes on his hand too!"
    I HAS A HATRED. Ugh.

    I actually had to physically plant my palm onto my face. I can't believe she cited that quote as justification for what she did!!
    Oh please, you guys hate because of that. Grow up.
  • Oh please, you guys hate because of that. Grow up.
    Yea, people lose the ability to discern jokes the more they hate someone, my only issue was it was a crappy joke...(but she was playing to her audience which was a pro-life conference) :-p
  • *nods in agreement*
  • edited March 2010
    Steve is re-evaluting his life and currently living in an apt as he goes through a divorce. Old steve is gone. New Steve is living a less stressful life now and is much happier.
    whooooaaaaa, Crap man! Sorry to hear.
    To paraphrase Louis CK, "Don't 'awwww' -- no good marriage ends in divorce."
    Post edited by Funfetus on
  • To paraphrase Louis CK, "Don't 'awwww' -- no good marriage ends in divorce."
    You can still express sadness that it got to that point.
  • You can still express sadness that it got to that point.
  • I have to ask, what do we gain by putting so much energy into hating on Palin? I mean, unless people think the political system isn't a circus and joke half of the time already? She is what she is, and I always thought if people ignored her, she would not gain so much recognition. Of course, her fans/followers still give her the time of day and attention. Until you call her out publicly on her 'almost too stupid to be real' outlook on things in general with details to back up that she is either inept or insincere, being mad will do nothing but add to her fame and...credibility? Maybe I don't know how social perceptions work, but if she is as detrimental as people think, instead of being mad why not plot and scheme on the basics of exposing her true face or making her such a footnote that by 2015 I forget who her name is.

    Lord knows I would have already by now.
  • In Australia we had a similar character during the 90's and early 00's named Pauline Hanson who inherited a fish and chips shop was not educated beyond high school.

    She ran for political position with speeches which resemble Hitler's speeches against Jews, except replace Jews with non-white immigrants. She had a bunch of retarded ideas, speeches etc. she got way to much attention -
    Got voted into some power
    Started her own political party which held seats in parliament
    Filmed a "If you've found this I'm dead..." tape
    Went to Prison
    Went on "Dancing with the Stars" in Australia
    Had a nude photoshop

    She is now a joke to the country and media in general but the more attention we give retards in politics the longer they stay.

    Let Palin be, just let her become "Daily Show" and "Stephen Colbert" material.
    By all means vote her out but deny her attention, otherwise she'll keep going.
  • In Australia we had a similar character during the 90's and early 00's named Pauline Hanson who inherited a fish and chips shop was not educated beyond high school.
    She's moving to england now, and the BNP has said they'll welcome her with open arms.
    Had a Horryfying nude photoshop
  • Had aHorryfyingnude photoshop
    Wait, I thought nude photoshops of people weren't something the people being photoshopped usually initiated.
  • Wait, I thought nude photoshops of people weren't something the people being photoshopped usually initiated.
    She supposedly didn't, but it came right at a point of her flagging popularity after dancing with the stars, and right as she was selling a book, so I'm not so sure about that.
  • Wow, I am surprised to see that this thread has gone on this long. I am just glad she stepped down from her seat, not that she would have been re-elected. I just hope her plan to run for presidency is a joke.
  • The bastards at Discovery have hired her for a show about Alaska on TLC.
  • The bastards at Discovery have hired her for ashow about Alaska on TLC.
    It's been on the decline for a while, but my respect for Discovery has now hit rock bottom.
  • This TV show is the best thing, gets her out of the political limelight. If she likes doing it she may decide to stay out of politics.
  • edited March 2010
    It's been on the decline for a while, but my respect for Discovery has now hit rock bottom.
    Eh, I don't care that much. It's on TLC, which is pretty much Discovery's network for crap reality shows - LA Ink(The other two, Miami and London, I rather enjoy, but Kat Von Dee and the cavalcade of dickheads she surrounds herself with Shits me off more than I can put into intelligible words), 19 Kids & Counting, Hoarding: Buried Alive, Cake Boss, Little People, Big World, and I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant. They add one more shitty reality show to the list, I'm not concerned. It's just another slice of shit on what is already a big, thick shit sandwich.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Fuckers are back.
    After shitting all over each other post-campaign? Interesting.
  • edited March 2010
    Palin is a festering puss-filled boil on the already pimply teen-aged face of American politics. Thankfully, she and the merry band of ultra-nationalist neo-conservatives (read as tea baggers) will likely continue to be caricatures of themselves and drawing the racist/sexist/xenophobic/homophobic/demagogue vote away from what's left of the Republican party, giving sanity another, longer chance at prevailing.

    Edit: My bad on the typo.
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • puss-filled
    Hey, when you start spelling "Colour." properly, you'll have room to complain.

    Just accept that language changes.
  • Just accept that language changes.
    In that case Puss in Boots takes on a whole new meaning.
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