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Palin, Please Go Away.



  • Just accept that language changes.
    In that case Puss in Boots takes on a whole new meaning.
    It's a podiatrist's fairy tale.
  • Just accept that language changes.
    This isn't about language changing, this is about someone else being WRONG ON THE INTERNET. Srs bsns.

    Also, it's "color." Why do you Brits have to go about cocking things up with extraneous letters?
  • Also, it's "color." Why do you Brits have to go about cocking things up with extraneous letters?
    See what I mean?
  • Also, it's "color." Why do you Brits have to go about cocking things up with extraneous letters?
    It's because they have trouble with reading. They need extra letters in order to sound out the words properly.
  • Also, it's "color." Why do you Brits have to go about cocking things up with extraneous letters?
    See what I mean?
    Merriam Webster-- History's greatest troll.
  • It's because they have trouble with reading. They need extra letters in order to sound out the words properly.
    Until you manage to come to grips with the fact that there is an "L" in "Solder" you've got no right to complain.
  • It's because they have trouble with reading. They need extra letters in order to sound out the words properly.
    Until you manage to come to grips with the fact that there is an "L" in "Solder" you've got no right to complain.
    There is, but there shouldn't be. It's like an appendix.
    Pun unintended.
  • If anyone wants to see what would happen if the tea party took control of the Republican party, take a look at Israel's Prime Minister Binyamin (“Bibi”) Netanyahu and his Lukid party.
  • If anyone wants to see what would happen if the tea party took control of the Republican party, take a look at Israel's Prime Minister Binyamin (“Bibi”) Netanyahu and his Lukid party.
    That's rediculous. There'd never be any of those theiving covetous jews in the Tea Party.
  • That's rediculous. There'd never be any of those theiving covetous jews in the Tea Party.
    This made me laugh. I'm having a relatively terrible day, so it really helped. Thanks. Also, happy Passover!
  • That's rediculous. There'd never be any of those theiving covetous jews in the Tea Party.
    This made me laugh. I'm having a relatively terrible day, so it really helped. Thanks. Also, happy Passover!
    Thanks! For those of you who don't know, Passover, or Pesach, is the Jewish holiday of making the Egyptians feel guilty.
  • edited March 2010
    That's rediculous. There'd never be any of those theiving covetous jews in the Tea Party.
    This made me laugh. I'm having a relatively terrible day, so it really helped. Thanks. Also, happy Passover!
    What's going on, apart from leftover tiredness? You can tell us in the Fail thread.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • Lets take a look at another female right-wing idiot:
    Bachmann also said that her controversial remarks of more than a year ago - in which she called Obama "anti-American" and suggested members of Congress be investigated for "anti-American activities" - have proven prophetic.

    "I said I had very serious concerns that Barack Obama had anti-American views," she said. "And now I look like Nostradamus."
  • edited March 2010
    Lets take a look at another female right-wing idiot:
    "And now I look like Nostradamus."
    i.e. Italian, bearded, and only taken seriously by crackpots.

    edit: Way to RTFA, Me. I'm just going to (-1, Redundant) myself.
    edit again: It's not your fault, George, I just caught that line myself after posting, then reading the article.
    Post edited by Frank on
  • edited March 2010
    In a way, she's right. Just like Nostradamus, she spouts a bunch of irrelevant bullshit and a whole bunch of superstitious, credulous people who lack the ability to think critically distort reality to make those inane blatherings seem to be true.
    EDIT: I only cited this because I thought it was fucking hilarious, I'm not RTFA'ing anyone.
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • Oh god...
    Uh what did you expect?
  • GeoGeo
    edited May 2010
    Oh god...
    Uh what did you expect?
    To be honest, I really didn't expect much...I was hoping for at least some amount of competence (I'm laughing out loud as I typed that).
    Post edited by Geo on
  • edited May 2010
    To be honest, I really didn't expect much...I was hoping for at least some amount of competence (I'm laughing out loud as I typed that).
    What do you mean? Sarah Palin is a huge bitch and one of the single dumbest Americans in the public eye right now, but the guy hacked her email account and published his findings. She deserves the same protections as the rest of us, even when she rakes in millions because she's a barely-literate jingoist fool who just so happens to be pretty well-endowed.

    EDIT: I don't agree with her comparing her email getting rifled to Watergate, I'm just saying that this probably was a competent decision.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • who just so happens to be pretty well-endowed.
    One of the best photoshops of Palin I've seen.
  • edited June 2010
    Taken from Sarah Palin's Twitter account:
    Extreme Greenies:see now why we push"drill,baby,drill"of known reserves&promising; finds in safe onshore places like ANWR? Now do you get it?
    Yes, she is basically blaming environmentalists for the BP oil spill. The stupid, it burns with the white hot intensity of a thousand suns.
    Post edited by Li_Akahi on
  • Taken from Sarah Palin's Twitter account:
    Extreme Greenies:see now why we push"drill,baby,drill"of known reserves&promising; finds in safe onshore places like ANWR? Now do you get it?
    Yes, she is basically blaming environmentalists for the BP oil spill. The stupid, it burns with the white hot intensity of a thousand suns.
    Wut. The Atlantis fields are safe drill fields. Equipment failure caused the disaster.

    So, apparently all the Teabaggers are up in arms because Joe McGinnis, who once wrote a piece slamming Sarah Palin and is now authoring a book about her, has moved to Wasilla to do research. This would not be so bad, except the only house the author could afford to rent happened to be right next door to the Palin's. Sarah Palin has begun accusing the man of wanting to spy on the family, claiming he could see into her daughter's window and see their pool and garden, so she basically posted all of this on facebook and added eight feet onto her fence, creating a 14ft wall to shield the house on one side. An unfortunate turn of events, no doubt, but according to the author (who was on Today this morning), it could not be helped. Meanwhile, he is constantly receiving hate mail and death threats from the far right. He stated that would the same thing have happened to him, he would have merely welcomed the reporter to the neighborhood. As any sane individual would.

    Sarah Palin is a revolting menace, a slipshod and frightening parody of modern humanity.
  • Taken from Sarah Palin's Twitter account:
    Extreme Greenies:see now why we push"drill,baby,drill"of known reserves&promising; finds in safe onshore places like ANWR? Now do you get it?
    Yes, she is basically blaming environmentalists for the BP oil spill. The stupid, it burns with the white hot intensity of a thousand suns.
    The logic is quite simple: If drilling were allowed on known reserves that are easy to get to oil companies would not have to go to dangerous areas to drill.

    So no, she is not blaming environmentalists for the spill directly. She is instead pointing out that because so many areas where oil is easy to get to are off limits companies have to go to riskier areas. Areas that when something goes wrong it goes REALLY wrong!

    Why not drill in places like Santa Barbara where the oil is just coming out of the ground on its own?
  • The logic is quite simple: If drilling were allowed on known reserves that are easy to get to oil companies would not have to go to dangerous areas to drill.
    Totally. And if she'd just let you fuck her, you wouldn't have to rape her.
  • The logic is quite simple: If drilling were allowed on known reserves that are easy to get to oil companies would not have to go to dangerous areas to drill.
    Totally. And if she'd just let you fuck her, you wouldn't have to rape her.
  • The logic is quite simple: If drilling were allowed on known reserves that are easy to get to oil companies would not have to go to dangerous areas to drill.
    Except that yeah, they would - because the "known" reserves aren't always all that known. In fact, the ANWR reserves are quite small, from what is estimated. The top number of the estimate wouldn't be enough oil to run the US for even two years. When they talk about drilling in ANWR being the solution to our oil independence, it is 100% pure propaganda.

    When they run out of oil in the "known" easy to get areas after a short time drilling, they will still have to move on to the "dangerous" areas. The people making policy know this. They have the data, and that is why they restrict drilling in sensitive areas like ANWR. The amount of oil estimated to be there is not worth the destruction of the habitat. (And yes, when you look at everything that would have to be put in to support the oil operation, it is significant enough to be called destruction.)

    I spent a semester researching oil drilling in ANWR from both sides. Drilling in ANWR is only a feasible way to improve US oil independence if many restrictions are placed on the drilling companies and alternative energies are developed at the same time so that the oil is used to fuel a transition. Until we are ready to transition from oil to alternative energy, it is stupid to drill there.
  • The logic is quite simple: If drilling were allowed on known reserves that are easy to get to oil companies would not have to go to dangerous areas to drill.
    Totally. And if she'd just let you fuck her, you wouldn't have to rape her.
    Bad analogy. Oil drilling is not illegal (yet) while rape is, among other reasons why it fails.

    As long as drilling in ANWR is cost effective it should be done (by cost effective I include ALL costs be they environmental, mechanical, labor or otherwise) and no, we can't drill our way to oil independence. That ship sailed a long time ago. We would have to cut back on our oil consumption while increasing production to do that.

    What is the status of nuclear energy in the US now? Wasn't Obama going to push for more nuke plants? How much nuclear fuel do we have in the US (as in how long before we run out)?
  • What is the status of nuclear energy in the US now? Wasn't Obama going to push for more nuke plants? How much nuclear fuel do we have in the US
    The main problems associated with nuclear energy are the cost to build each plant, the large amount of time it takes, and what to do with the waste created from the energy itself.
  • What is the status of nuclear energy in the US now? Wasn't Obama going to push for more nuke plants? How much nuclear fuel do we have in the US
    The main problems associated with nuclear energy are the cost to build each plant, the large amount of time it takes, and what to do with the waste created from the energy itself.
    Again, we come back to the fact that the actual volume of waste produced is tiny compared with the energy produced, and disposing of it isn't really a problem. We can do that. We drill giant holes to extract oil from the earth; we can drill holes just as deep to bury nuclear waste. The MAIN problem with nuclear power is overcoming public perception and NIMBYs. Then you can start dealing with cost and timelines.

    As for Obama pushing for nuclear power... well, look what happened right after he started pursuing his offshore drilling plan. Maybe he's trying to deal with the current crisis before moving into another unpopular energy arena. The has to be handled delicately; the oil spill could be used as a springboard to push for nuclear power, but it could also backfire because the spill could be held up as an example of Obama supporting something that had disastrous consequences.
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