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Palin, Please Go Away.



  • edited June 2010
    What is the status of nuclear energy in the US now? Wasn't Obama going to push for more nuke plants? How much nuclear fuel do we have in the US
    The main problems associated with nuclear energy are the cost to build each plant, the large amount of time it takes, and what to do with the waste created from the energy itself.
    Again, we come back to the fact that the actual volume of waste produced is tiny compared with the energy produced, and disposing of it isn't really a problem. We can do that. We drill giant holes to extract oil from the earth; we can drill holes just as deep to bury nuclear waste. The MAIN problem with nuclear power is overcoming public perception and NIMBYs. Then you can start dealing with cost and timelines.

    As for Obama pushing for nuclear power... well, look what happened right after he started pursuing his offshore drilling plan. Maybe he's trying to deal with the current crisis before moving into another unpopular energy arena. The has to be handled delicately; the oil spill could be used as a springboard to push for nuclear power, but it could also backfire because the spill could be held up as an example of Obama supporting something that had disastrous consequences.
    Republicans in January : Obama's doing too much at once! He has no focus!
    Republicans Now: Obama's not doing enough! He's too focused!
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • edited June 2010
    I liked Obama's response to this. Increase the CAFE ratings. He's treating the problem (our insatiable demand for oil) rather than the symptoms (the oil spill). 71% of our oil consumption goes to transportation. If you can cut that, you cut a significant portion of our oil needs.
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • As for Obama pushing for nuclear power... well, look what happened right after he started pursuing his offshore drilling plan. Maybe he's trying to deal with the current crisis before moving into another unpopular energy arena. The has to be handled delicately; the oil spill could be used as a springboard to push for nuclear power, but it could also backfire because the spill could be held up as an example of Obama supporting something that had disastrous consequences.
    Yeah, a nuclear accident would be much worse.

    I'm not pleased with the administration's response to the spill either. Are incompetent people in charge again like with Katrina? Did someone make a political calculation that an oil spill would be good for the "no oil" agenda or what???
  • Yeah, a nuclear accident would be much worse.
    Except that the risks are far different. A nuclear accident is many orders of magnitude less likely than what's happening in the gulf. Also, just FYI, about 20% of the US' electricity comes from nuclear energy. And when was the last time one was built, a couple decades?
  • Before people go blaming the government for not responding "correctly" to the oil spill, they should really do some research on what the actual law is. There are laws governing who has authority to step up, and how much the government can interfere (until the damage gets to a certain point). Bitching about the government not doing enough right now is kinda like saying you want the government out of your medicare. If you don't know anything about how it works, criticizing the system is kinda dumb.
  • Did someone make a political calculation that an oil spill would be good for the "no oil" agenda or what???
    The Illuminati did it. Or maybe a wizard. The same wizard who shot JFK.
  • Alabama Governor's Race

    I guess it can be considered a sign of progress that the moderate Republicans look to be in a runoff for the general election nomination...
  • Bristol Palin gets quarter of a million dollars for speaking for abstinence.

    At least they're wasting their money on her rather than lobbying. ;^)
  • At least they're wasting their money on her rather than lobbying. ;^)
    There's the silver lining I need.
  • How will her child feel when he is old enough to see that his mom's job is to preach "my kid was a mistake"?
  • At least they're wasting their money on her rather than lobbying. ;^)
    There's the silver lining I need.
    Just polishin' that turd for ye, m'am.
  • edited April 2011
    How will her child feel when he is old enough to see that his mom's job is to preach "my kid was a mistake"?
    I don't know, how about you ask the Mexican nanny(they're cheap don'ch'a know, 'specially the illegal ones, but you didn't hear it from me because I'ma against that sort of thing and JOBS JOBS JOBS) who will do the majority of the work raising it while she's busy out being famous for no fucking reason other than being a moron who had the luck of being shot out of a vagina attached one one of America's more famous morons.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • edited April 2011
    How will her child feel when he is old enough to see that his mom's job is to preach "my kid was a mistake"?
    I don't know, how about you ask the Mexican nanny(they're cheap don'ch'a know, 'specially the illegal ones, but you didn't hear it from me because I'ma against that sort of thing and JOBS JOBS JOBS) who will do the majority of the work raising it while she's busy out being famous for no fucking reason other than being a moron who had the luck of being shot out of a vagina attached one one of America's more famous morons.
    This kinda reminds me of my question about when does shame become worse than the money you make. Honestly, if I were one of the Palins, I'd go change my name and then try to live out the rest of my days as a hermit. Even if I was paid many, many monies, the monies wouldn't make up for the embarrassment of being an internet punchline. That's what makes me almost a little sad for people like Glenn Beck. Sure, he makes a lot of money, but he has to live with the fact that a large percentage of the populace thinks he's retarded.
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • Honestly, if I were one of the Palins, I'd go change my name and then try to live out the rest of my days as a hermit. Even if I was paid many, many monies, the monies wouldn't make up for the embarrassment of being an internet punchline. That's what makes me almost a little sad for people like Glenn Beck. Sure, he makes a lot of money, but he has to live with the fact that a large percentage of the populace thinks he's retarded.
    Step 1: Make money acting the fool.
    Step 2: Announce huge fool-acting event/rally.
    Step 3: Broadcast said event live after a lengthy media buildup.
    Step 4: Reveal that anyone who believed anything you said for the last several years is an idiot, and thank them for their money.
    Step 5: u mad?
  • Honestly, if I were one of the Palins, I'd go change my name and then try to live out the rest of my days as a hermit. Even if I was paid many, many monies, the monies wouldn't make up for the embarrassment of being an internet punchline. That's what makes me almost a little sad for people like Glenn Beck. Sure, he makes a lot of money, but he has to live with the fact that a large percentage of the populace thinks he's retarded.
    Step 1: Make money acting the fool.
    Step 2: Announce huge fool-acting event/rally.
    Step 3: Broadcast said event live after a lengthy media buildup.
    Step 4: Reveal that anyone who believed anything you said for the last several years is an idiot, and thank them for their money.
    Step 5: u mad?
  • Fraud?
    Can I be considered to have sold an idea? Is the sold idea less real when I reveal that my personal ideas don't match it?

    Not fraud.
  • Well, at your final revealing rally, people bought tickets expecting to hear X, but you gave them Y. That's like if you bought tickets for a metal concert, and you show up to find a baseball game.
  • edited April 2011
    Honestly, if I were one of the Palins, I'd go change my name and then try to live out the rest of my days as a hermit. Even if I was paid many, many monies, the monies wouldn't make up for the embarrassment of being an internet punchline. That's what makes me almost a little sad for people like Glenn Beck. Sure, he makes a lot of money, but he has to live with the fact that a large percentage of the populace thinks he's retarded.
    Step 1: Make money acting the fool.
    Step 2: Announce huge fool-acting event/rally.
    Step 3: Broadcast said event live after a lengthy media buildup.
    Step 4: Reveal that anyone who believed anything you said for the last several years is an idiot, and thank them for their money.
    Step 5: u mad?
    Maybe not fraud, but a nice way to make stalker/assassins out of your former acolytes. Now you'll have to be afraid for the rest of your life that one of your former ditto-heads is going to kill you. Hermitacy sounds better.
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • Maybe not fraud, but a nice way to make stalker/assassins out of your former acolytes. Now you'll have to be afraid for the rest of your life that one of your former ditto-heads is going to kill you.
    Ahh, but would anyone who cares about Glen Beck be able to afford plane tickets? Let alone get off their scooter long enough to break their hip attempting to crush me?

    Move to Costa Rica and live upstairs. ;^)
    Well, at your final revealing rally, people bought tickets expecting to hear X, but you gave them Y. That's like if you bought tickets for a metal concert, and you show up to find a baseball game.
    No one got refunds from Charlie Sheen's failed and abruptly ended show.
  • Maybe not fraud, but a nice way to make stalker/assassins out of your former acolytes. Now you'll have to be afraid for the rest of your life that one of your former ditto-heads is going to kill you.
    Ahh, but would anyone who cares about Glen Beck be able to afford plane tickets? Let alone get off their scooter long enough to break their hip attempting to crush me?

    Move to Costa Rica and live upstairs. ;^)
    Or it could be a hallmate of mine who A. Follows the idiot religiously, and B. Is currently studying mechanical engineering with a focus on weapons tech.
  • Or it could be a hallmate of mine who A. Follows the idiot religiously, and B. Is currently studying mechanical engineering with a focus on weapons tech.
    He'll be fat, old, and white before you know it. ;^)
  • Or it could be a hallmate of mine who A. Follows the idiot religiously, and B. Is currently studying mechanical engineering with a focus on weapons tech.
    He'll be fat, old, and white before you know it. ;^)
    Actually, you stand a much better chance of being all of those things before he will if he is, as I suspect, a college kid.

    Is this some sort of denial? You guys are not ageing backwards.
  • Is this some sort of denial? You guys are not ageing backwards.
    When I am old of body, I will not likely be old of mind. I won't begrudge the kids their feelies (rap music, rock music, etc...) I won't grow increasingly conservative as the world advances around me. I won't hold back the youth.

    I certainly won't be fat. ;^)
  • And you won't complain about how anime and anime cons were so much better when you were young, you wouldn't ever say that.
  • When I am old of body, I will not likely be old of mind. I won't begrudge the kids their feelies (rap music, rock music, etc...) I won't grow increasingly conservative as the world advances around me. I won't hold back the youth.
    Then I guess you'll be happily remind yourself of how you're wonderfully tolerant and not old of mind when the kids lump you in with all the other oldies while complaining about old people.
  • And you won't complain about how anime and anime cons were so much better when you were young, you wouldn't ever say that.
    Not better, different. Worse for me, but that's a different issue.

    I don't want them to be like they were ten years ago. I want them to be something new entirely. ;^)
  • Then I guess you'll be happily remind yourself of how you're wonderfully tolerant and not old of mind when the kids lump you in with all the other oldies while complaining about old people.
    We will join them in complaining about the other old people.
  • edited April 2011
    Then I guess you'll be happily remind yourself of how you're wonderfully tolerant and not old of mind when the kids lump you in with all the other oldies while complaining about old people.
    We will join them in complaining about the other old people.
    Why are you speaking in the future tense? Most of your opinions are pretty ossified. Oldness caught up with you a long time ago. As far as mental attitude goes, I'd say you're older than me already.
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • Okay, this ageism bothers me. The age is not the problem, the inability to accept change is the problem. This may be more prevalent in the current elderly demographic, but I know many older people who are perfectly cool.
    I don't want to get old and have the youth hate on me because they think I am causing all their problems.
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