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Palin, Please Go Away.



  • GeoGeo
    edited February 2010
    If this isn't picked up by the media and she isn't brazenly insulted, I'm going to cry.
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • edited February 2010
    I love the fact that when she throws out "Happy Birthday Ronald Reagan", the crow responds exactly like anime fans would if you yelled out "POKEMON!!!!"
    EDIT: I can feel the stupid and the vagueness oozing out of my lcd.
    EDIT2: Oh god, she just said "My friends" in the exact same tone McCain did. "If there's hope in Massachusetts, there's hope everywhere."
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • Picture
    If this isn't picked up by the media and she isn't brazenly insulted, I'm going to cry.
    I don't understand.
  • Picture
    If this isn't picked up by the media and she isn't brazenly insulted, I'm going to cry.
    I don't understand.
    Look at her hand.
  • Look at her hand.
    Who is she, some kind of high school cheerleader?
  • The stupid it hurts!
    I'm frightened by the people cheering for denying constitutional rights to people.
  • I'm frightened by the people cheering for denying constitutional rights to people.
    I know, I cry for the state of our country.
  • edited February 2010
    Wait, was that a call for a coup d'état?
    Okay, not really, but that talk about doing whatever is necessary to win the war and the call for a real commander-in-chief came pretty close...
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • Wait, was that a call for a coup d'état?
    Sounded like it.
  • I predict the resurgence of the Yippie party in response.
  • *shakes head* Yet there are people in the Republican party, which I am still a part of, wanting to embrace this group of people? Hello? Barry Goldwater is calling from 1964...
  • *shakes head* Yet there are people in the Republican party, which I am still a part of, wanting to embrace this group of people? Hello? Barry Goldwater is calling from 1964...
    Your only hope was that the crazies splintered off into a third parrty and some of the former moderate republicans switched back from being a democrat. Doubtful.
  • edited February 2010
    former moderate republicans switched back from being a democrat.
    I'll be more than happy to go back if the crazies leave!

    So Emily, do you still not hate Palin? :P
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • I don't know Palin, does the world still look to Alaska as a beacon of hope against their oppressive regimes?

    She says we don't need a leader to progress, and if we do then we're a bunch of sheep. I guess she and the people cheering won't be voting from here on.

    I love how Reagan is the new Jesus. Would he have even wanted anything to do with these people, let alone Palin?

    I think I've had enough stupid for the whole week now.
  • edited February 2010
    Hopefully this will split the Republican party and they'll lose the next election no matter what.
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • Picture of Palin with writing on her hand
    Just saw that on an advert for the news on one of the Spanish channels.
  • edited February 2010
    I'd say something more here, but shock at the hypocrisy, fury at the lies, and awe at the utter stupidity have all combined in me to form a bizarre rage coma.
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • I'd say something more here, but shock at the hypocrisy, fury at the lies, and awe at the utter stupidity have all combined in me to form a bizarre rage coma.
    It should be a quiet night at home, then. ^_~
  • So Emily, do you still not hate Palin? :P
    Kilarney made me change the title from "Palin, I hate you sooo much." He said I was being bigoted and partisan. But you know what? I really do hate Palin! I think she is annoying and the sewer of bad ideas and ignorance. I am charging the title again. Palin, I do not truly hate you, but I think you are very misguided and that frustrates me is too soft.
  • I like the new thread title. I couldn't agree more. My coworkers and I talk about her, and part of me starts to twitch every time I hear something new she says that just makes me want to choke a bitch.
  • So Emily, do you still not hate Palin? :P
    Kilarney made me change the title from "Palin, I hate you sooo much." He said I was being bigoted and partisan. But you know what? I really do hate Palin! I think she is annoying and the sewer of bad ideas and ignorance. I am charging the title again. Palin, I do not truly hate you, but I think you are very misguided and that frustrates me is too soft.
  • Sarah Palin is the prime example of everything I think is wrong with america. A narcissistic retard who has no knowledge of anything, has failed at practically everything meaningful she's ever done and had to rely on herself to do so, filled with contempt of everyone who knows better than she does, a walking contradiction, hypocrite, jesus freak, and to top it off, she's proud of it.
  • But you know what? I really do hate Palin! I think she is annoying and the sewer of bad ideas and ignorance.
    YES. Atta' girl.
    Ho shit, you said the "R" word. Unless you're Rush Limbaugh, you'd better hurry up and resign from whatever position it is that you hold.
  • I love how the meanest Emily can be is, "oooooo, I hate you!"
  • Palin
    retard who has no knowledge of anything
    A lesser man would joke there.
  • Psst guys, I used retard intentionally.
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