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Palin, Please Go Away.



  • Well, one thing is for sure. There has been some wicked in-fighting between her posse and McCain's: That's all coming out now. I think that it's not a stretch to imagine some of her former "allies" turning on her, but I'm still thinking that she is a rather dim bulb, all things considered.
    There might be some in-fighting, but I think a bigger part of it is the campaign looking for a scapegoat after losing the election. Not that using her as a scapegoat is entirely unfounded, but I don't think her advisers really hated her that much.
  • edited November 2008
    It's quite possible that we will see Sarah Palin as a Senator in a couple months. Because Ted Stevens has done so well in the election, he might maintain his seat. He will then probably resign it as part for a reduced sentence, which will force a run-off with Mark Begich. And who will be the other person running? Why only Alaska's favorite governor!
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • I'll put down the first bet towards that. I'll bet a 5 dollar bill folded into a shirt. Anyone betting against?
  • And I think it's time to change it up with some comedy on the issue.

    The Final Sarah Palin Vlog
  • Okay, the bathing in blood I knew, but I don't think anyone saw the moose coming.
  • So doesObama.
    To everybody that is for Obama:
    1. When you accuse George Bush of starting the war, do you not remember that we THE PEOPLE OF AMERICA voted for the war, and more then one half of all democratic presidents did too.
    Quoted for hilarity. Wartime ballot initiatives and voting presidents are imaginary and funny.
  • NEW YORK – MSNBC was the victim of a hoax when it reported that an adviser to John McCain had identified himself as the source of an embarrassing story about former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin, the network said Wednesday.

    David Shuster, an anchor for the cable news network, said on air Monday that Martin Eisenstadt, a McCain policy adviser, had come forth and identified himself as the source of a Fox News Channel story saying Palin had mistakenly believed Africa was a country instead of a continent.

    Eisenstadt identifies himself on a blog as a senior fellow at the Harding Institute for Freedom and Democracy. Yet neither he nor the institute exist; each is part of a hoax dreamed up by a filmmaker named Eitan Gorlin and his partner, Dan Mirvish, the New York Times reported Wednesday.
    MSNBC retracts false Palin story; others duped
    Who wants the first serving of crow?
  • Palin pardons a turkey, then gives interview with Turkey decapitation in the background:
  • Ohhh, Sarah. ((LAUGH TRACK))
  • Wow... maybe they should turn that little Bush cartoon on Comedy Central into little Palin.
  • Hey look, upfront revelation of ugly truths! She must be president material!

    Funny that she chose not to move, but I don't find anything inherently wrong with the setting. Vegetarians I could see, but I think it's kinda silly for people who eat turkey to be squeamish about watching what actually happens to it before they eat it. I like eating turkey. I think it would be wrong for me to condemn someone for not hiding the process of conversion from farm animal to dinner table.
  • Hear, hear. That's what's on the dinner table. If you can't look at with get killed, you shouldn't be eating it.
  • Hey look, upfront revelation of ugly truths! She must be president material!

    Funny that she chose not to move, but I don't find anything inherently wrong with the setting. Vegetarians I could see, but I think it's kinda silly for people who eat turkey to be squeamish about watching what actually happens to it before they eat it. I like eating turkey. I think it would be wrong for me to condemn someone for not hiding the process of conversion from farm animal to dinner table.
    At the risk of stating the obvious, I think the point is more that she was so oblivious to what was going on around her. You'd hope that someone who wants to be a leader would be more aware of her surroundings.
  • edited November 2008
    At the risk of stating the obvious, I think the point is more that she was so oblivious to what was going on around her. You'd hope that someone who wants to be a leader would be more aware of her surroundings.
    Why do you think she was oblivious? Maybe she just doesn't mind killing turkeys. There's nothing wrong with that.
    Post edited by csrjjsmp on
  • edited November 2008
    At the risk of stating the obvious, I think the point is more that she was so oblivious to what was going on around her. You'd hope that someone who wants to be a leader would be more aware of her surroundings.
    Why do you think she was oblivious? Maybe she just doesn't mind killing turkeys. There's nothing wrong with that.
    Maybe not, but anyone with any sense knows that there are many people who would be offended by such a thing, right or wrong. Also, many people aren't questioning the ethics of killing the birds so much as they are noting the irony of "pardoning" one bird and then allowing all the others to die.

    Most politicians that have some common sense would have noticed what was going on in the background, would have understood that being photographed in such a situation would offend a lot of people and make many others comment on the irony of the situation, and would have thus asked to move the cameras or asked the bird killing dude to take a break.
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • It just points out the stupidity of the "turkey pardoning." It is folksy fluff and a waste of network time.
  • It is folksy fluff and a waste of network time.
    But even President Bartlet pardoned a turkey, and he's full of folksy charm!
  • President Bartlet is awesome.
  • It is folksy fluff and a waste of network time.
    But evenPresident Bartletpardoned a turkey, and he'sfullof folksy charm!
    Hell, he pardoned two!
  • It is folksy fluff and a waste of network time.
    But evenPresident Bartletpardoned a turkey, and he'sfullof folksy charm!
    Hell, he pardonedtwo!
    I take the "Toby" stance on this sort of thing.
  • I don't like the woman, but I don't think that she was unaware of the situation. I think she didn't give a damn. Honestly, I would prefer my candidates not try to sugar-coat the way things really are. If they skirt issues that are real just because someone might be offended, that's irresponsible. I'm not saying that Turkey slaughter is a highly important issue that has a lot of weight...just that it shouldn't matter if it offends peoples' sensibilities. It happens. If it offends you that it happens, then you should work to do something about it. I'm not naive enough to think Palin did it on purpose as a symbolic gesture either, but what it really comes down to is people saying that some things should be hidden and some shouldn't. Why? And who makes that call?

    Two scenarios:

    1) Leader presents/doesn't hide an issue. People easily find out and dislike the way the issue is being handled. Enough people get active to change the way the issue is being handled to be int eh majority. Issue-handling changes.

    2) Leader side-steps/hides issue because it might offend someone. People who would be offended by issue have no clue it is happening. People lead blissfully ignorant lives. Nothing changes.

    Arguably, the people in Scenario 2 are possibly happier than those in Scenario 1. Is that better? People tend to be outraged when they find out something they WOULD have hated if they had known about it is going on out of sight. Is it okay that something you are offended by happens if you never find out about it?
  • I know this topic is dead, but this video is funny.
  • I think the funniest thing was when she shreiked "That guy's evil!" when shown a picture of Keith Olbermann.

  • The stupid it hurts!
  • I refuse to allow her idiocy to work me into a froth this early in the morning. I will only say two things:
    1) Gaylord? I know it's not politically correct, but....
    2) How can her supporters consider her still politically relevant after her resignation from office? Such devotion to boobs over substance only highlights the stubborn hypocrisy that caused me to leave the Republican Party.
  • edited February 2010
    1) Gaylord? I know it's not politically correct, but....
    The home arena of the Nashville Predators ice hockey team used to be called the "Gaylord Entertainment Center" *snicker*

    In other news: Palin caught reading of her hand.

    During the event she also called Obama a "guy with a teleprompter". The irony is so thick, you could only cut it with a fucking diamond.
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
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