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Fail of your Boo-Yah (and vica-versa)



  • I'm not at risk from the cold.
    Quoted for truth. This is a man who wore shorts year-round in Rochester while lesser men like myself simply perished on the quarter mile.
    Yup. However, I've since learned the virtue of pants and their wonderful ability to keep my balls toasty.
  • edited January 2010
    Boo-Yah: I am not a big fan of signed things. However, I found signed copy of Phoenix 2772 "animanga" (4 volumes eash is signed) by Osamu Tezuka .
    Fail: I got it and know I am asking for a two week payment plan. :S
    Post edited by Erwin on
  • Boo-Yah: Browsing on this computer is much faster now.
    Fail: The reason why is that it was Dad's old work laptop, and it was set up to connect through an Australian proxy server.
  • Fail: The reason why is that it was Dad's old work laptop, and it was set up to connect through an Australian proxy server.
    Ouch. :/ I forgot I was going through a Dutch proxy to access a Dutch site once, and I was wondering why the internet had gotten so shitty for like three hours.
  • I've suffered this for two weeks :D.
    The thing is I had no relevant point of comparison by which to decide that it was unusually slow, since I hadn't used this laptop before, nor even the Internet connection over here. I had assumed it was some combination of slow laptop and dodgy connection until I saw "Connecting to proxy" or something of the sort in a status bubble.
  • edited January 2010
    I love that feeling. One of the greatest moments of my work to date was showing an elderly couple what copy and paste was and seeing the look of epiphanous [?] joy on their faces.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Truly, they are enlightened.
  • Boo-yah: Kitchen Nightmares is back on the air and with Season 3!

    Fail: I watch that show for totally the WRONG REASONS. XD
  • Win: My brother likes DDR.

    Fail: Like pretty much everyone in my family, he has no sense of rhythm.
  • Win: Soon to have money for the computer, saving $40.
    Fail: The $40 is saved because the monitor and graphics card I wanted are "Currently Unavailable," and this box is going to mean that I won't be spending ANY money for all of February.
  • Bad: Manged to delete most of my music collection on my computer.
    Good: It worked as a spring cleaning, deleting lots of stuff I don't listen or like and my roommate helped me to get some stuff back and I also got bunch of new stuff from him.
  • Don't fucking drink raw milk.

    Yes, I'm in ur labz, keepin ur foodz frum killin yoo.

    Of course, "Final test results will be available in the coming week" is a little optimistic. No pressure or anything.
  • Yeah, I recovered some mugs last night that had sat for months with invisible milk residue at the bottom. I feel safe in saying that anyone who would drink raw milk or serve it to another human being should get smacked around a bit.

    Microbio FTW. Keeping food safe, writing new organisms, doing science.
  • Of course, "Final test results will be available in the coming week" is a little optimistic. No pressure or anything.
    Stop posting and get working bitch!
  • May I ask again why people are so stupid and consume raw foods? Maybe we should teach them to play russian roulette. It's quicker and less painful.
  • RymRym
    edited February 2010
    May I ask again why people are so stupid and consume raw foods?
    What about sashimi, proper steak, lettuce, and the like?

    Only certain foods are dangerous raw, depending on the circumstances. If you freshly and properly grind your own irradiated beef, it's likely safe(ish) to eat raw. Ground beef from the supermarket display? You'd best cook that. Chicken and pork? Let's put some fire to it. A proper filet? Less fire.

    It's a cost/benefit analysis. In the case of raw milk, the possible (probable) and likely costs far outweigh any perceived benefit.
    Post edited by Rym on
  • May I ask again why people are so stupid and consume raw foods?
    There's a sorta movement in America among yuppies to eat "organic" things. Because pesticides and hormones are bad for you, though I'm not sure where they get this information. Anyway, they extend that logic to pasteurization and get sick. It's really a self solving problem if you ask me.
  • Boo yah: Probably got an A on my Java midterm.

    Fail: I need this A, and an A on the final, because I did abhorrently on the first exam.
  • Only certain foods are dangerous raw, depending on the circumstances.
    Almost all food, when served raw, presents some degree of health risk, or at least a significantly elevated risk when compared to fully cooked foods.
    All fresh produce is actually quite hazardous. Just because everyone eats it doesn't mean it's not a bad idea.
    Improperly prepared sashimi will fucking kill you.

    Generally, young people with healthy, robust immune systems can tolerate these foods because they won't cause a serious illness. The very young, very old, or the immunocompromised need to be wary.
  • lettuce
    All fresh produce is actually quite hazardous. Just because everyone eats it doesn't mean it's not a bad idea.
    Ummmmm, is there anything I can do to make fresh produce not so dangerous?
  • Short of not eating it, or making it not fresh, probably not ^_~
  • Short of not eating it, or making it not fresh, probably not ^_~
    Finally, my habit of Subsisting on cheap ramen is justified.
  • Ummmmm, is there anything I can do to make fresh produce not so dangerous?
    Yes. Cook it.

    I'm serious.

    Otherwise, you're SOL. Your immune system should be sufficient to handle most of what gets thrown at you, but still, fresh produce is a high-risk vector.
  • edited February 2010
    I remember one of the reasons Anthony Bourdain said he'd never be a vegetarian involved a story in which a busboy in a restaurant near his got an amoeba from improperly handled lettuce.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Finished season 1 of Buffy.
  • Finished season 1 of Buffy.
    I love how this is in the Fail of your Boo-Yah thread. :)
  • edited February 2010
    Finished season 1 of Buffy.
    I love how this is in the Fail of your Boo-Yah thread. :)
    Yeah. Like you said it would be, it was pretty rough. That's not to say I didn't enjoy some of it, but there were definitely a few episodes that were really a chore.

    But it's over now!
    Post edited by Sail on
  • edited February 2010
    WIN: My netbook's ION chipset is powerful enough to handle Psychonauts, Half Life 1, and pump out full HD video with the greatest of ease.
    Fail: My netbook's ION chipset makes it incompatible with Chrome OS, Ubuntu, and any other linux. This sucks because I'm only using google services on this computer. The only reason I even have office on it is to use OneNote (the greatest note taking software ever).
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • edited February 2010
    If you tell me which OS you want specifically, I'll see what I can do. I'm pretty sure the latest version of Jolicloud has full support for ION.
    Edit: This picture was taken a month ago so it should be in by now.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • I really, really, really want Chromium OS, but ubuntu will do as well.
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