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Fail of your Boo-Yah (and vica-versa)



  • edited February 2010
    Boo-yah: I am leaving work early today to go meet up with my Mom and then fly to Tampa tomorrow.
    Fail: I am going to Tampa for my Grandmother's memorial service and likely see her home and town for the last time.
    Boo-yah: I was lucky enough to have Wilma Frain as a grandmother.
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • Boo-yah: I got delicious home made cinnamon rolls for breakfast.
    Fail: I had to dig through this to earn them:

  • Boo-yah: Going to the mountains tonight for some night snowboarding with a bunch of my friends and co-workers.
    Fail: Accidentally stripped one of the wheel bolts on the car I wanted to take up there when switching to studded tires. Using backup car instead, which I'm more used to, but about 10x older than the other car.
  • Boo-Yah: All set to order new PC parts from Newegg!
    Fail: Apparently, my shipping address has to be on file with my card issuer. It isn't, so I'm going to have to put off part ordering until tomorrow. Fuck.
  • My website is hacked, and being used to sell drugs. Which means I can't release my latest podcast episode on the feed.

    However, with a single post on twitter, and nothing on iTunes or the blog, my latest episode has had 446 dowloads in three days. And I only have 243 followers on twitter. I find this level of listener engagement quite remarkable.
  • Boo-Yah: All set to order new PC parts from Newegg!
    Fail: Apparently, my shipping address has to be on file with my card issuer. It isn't, so I'm going to have to put off part ordering until tomorrow. Fuck.
    Yeah, when I want to order something that's going to be even worse for me since I'm not even a U.S. citizen and this address is for a few months...
  • I aced my Atomic Theory test, 93%, best in my class and got me a solid level 7. BOOH YAH! Now I just need to survive the onslaught of Physics revision, Chemistry lab planning and English literary commentary on "The Heart of Darkness"

    So I guess this is kinda a fail.
  • Fail: the snow has started
    boo-ya: so has my night of drinking and gaming.
  • Boo-yah!: Just made the best ramen of my life! Drain off that broth, bit of Louisiana hot sauce and Parmesan, BOOM. Awesome.
    Fail: I am eating instant ramen.
  • Boo-yah: I'm making fried rice from scratch
    Fail: ummmm...wrong thread?
  • Boo-yah: I'm making fried rice from scratch
    Fail: ummmm...wrong thread?
    I once used a double griddle as a hibachi and did this. You could see the rice jump and crack as it fried.

    The results were otherworldly. I recommend supplementing your oil with a chunk of butter. It adds depth and richness.
  • If you're ever without something to put on rice. A knob of butter and a few dashes of soy sauce make it delicious and reduce it's healthy properties to safe levels.
  • Boo-yah: Went snowboarding for the first time in years last night and it was a freakin' blast!
    Fail: Body is sore and hurt all over from some pretty hard falls on the mostly icy mountain. Conditions were admittedly horrible for any kind of skiing/boarding.
  • If you're ever without something to put on rice. A knob of butter and a few dashes of soy sauce make it delicious and reduce it's healthy properties to safe levels.
    Hey, now. Saturated fat, salt, and glutamates aren't bad for you by nature. It's just when you play it American-style and load every thing five-by-five with them that your body starts screaming for mercy.

    You could clarify the butter and put ghee on rice to get rid of the fat in the cream. Ghee also might lower cholesterol...And you can make curry with it. Nom.
  • edited February 2010
    Wait, butter and soy sauce? I've never combined them before!

    A whole new culinary horizon lies before me. Tonight, I shall stride boldly into tomorrow.

    EDIT: See how that was a fail, then a boo-yah? HA HA I'M SO CLEVAR.
    Post edited by YoshoKatana on
  • I just cook with olive oil.
  • edited February 2010
    Fail: Snowed in.
    Boo-ya: This has been great for clearing out my stock of old frozen foods.

    Fail: at some point I really need to go out and put air in my tires. :(
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • edited February 2010
    Fail: I forgot Netflix is blocked at my work and was unable to update my Queue priority.

    Boo-ya: I recently discovered that there is a Netflix mobile page.

    Fail: I finally discovered that there is a Netflix mobile page.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • The wonderful, scrumptious thing is, is that I don't have strep or influenza. ISN'T THAT GREAT?!

    The bad thing is, I have been reduced to Pete Olsen-levels of bitching because I have bronchitis. DOESN'T THAT SUCK?!
  • Pete Olsen-levels of bitching
  • Pete Olsen-levels of bitching
    Shit is about to get real.
  • Pete Olsen-levels of bitching
    He said you are a whiny little bitch when you get sick. Are you going to argue?

    It's actually not true. Pete forgets to ask for things when he is sick, so I have to constantly remind him that he wants tea.
  • He said you are a whiny little bitch when you get sick. Are you going to argue?
    Not necessarily. I'm more interested in finding out where he's getting his information.
  • edited February 2010
    Pete Olsen-levels of bitching
    I concur, what?

    Fail: Tonight's dinner is Kraft Mac and Cheese.
    Boo-yah: Tonight's dinner is Kraft Mac and Cheese.
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • Fail: Tonight's dinner is Kraft Mac and Cheese.
    Boo-yah: Tonight's dinner is Kraft Mac and Cheese.
    Grill some hot dogs and cut 'em up in that shit. Tasty and terrible for you.
  • Fail: Tonight's dinner is Kraft Mac and Cheese.
    Boo-yah: Tonight's dinner is Kraft Mac and Cheese.
    Grill some hot dogs and cut 'em up in that shit. Tasty and terrible for you.
    One of my favorite childhood meals.
  • edited February 2010
    Fail: Tonight's dinner is Kraft Mac and Cheese.
    Boo-yah: Tonight's dinner is Kraft Mac and Cheese.
    Grill some hot dogs and cut 'em up in that shit. Tasty and terrible for you.
    Clearly you all missed my Ramen note. Mmmm mmmm, Maruchan with Kraft Parmesan and hot sauce. And just a dash of a possible carcinogen, for that "just deep fried" taste!

    Why are instant foods the worst for you?
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • He said you are a whiny little bitch when you get sick. Are you going to argue?
    Not necessarily. I'm more interested in finding out where he's getting his information.
    That thread where you specifically stated it?
  • Why are instant foods the worst for you?
    Because what makes them tasty is saturated fat and salt.
  • Fail: Tonight's dinner is Kraft Mac and Cheese.
    Boo-yah: Tonight's dinner isKraft Mac and Cheese.
    I have evolved into a Velveta shells and cheese eater.
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