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Fail of your Boo-Yah (and vica-versa)



  • He said you are a whiny little bitch when you get sick. Are you going to argue?
    Not necessarily. I'm more interested in finding out where he's getting his information.
    That thread where you specifically stated it?
    Ah. Yup. That'd do it.
  • Fail: Tonight's dinner is Kraft Mac and Cheese.
    Boo-yah: Tonight's dinner isKraft Mac and Cheese.
    I have evolved into a Velveta shells and cheese eater.
  • Fail: Tonight's dinner is Kraft Mac and Cheese.
    Boo-yah: Tonight's dinner isKraft Mac and Cheese.
    I have evolved into a Velveta shells and cheese eater.
    Here's a good joke: Men Cooking! Ahahaaaa!
  • Here's a good joke: Men Cooking! Ahahaaaa!
    Be quiet and bring me another beer.
  • Here's a good joke: Men Cooking! Ahahaaaa!
  • I love these forums. This is the only place on the internet that I'm aware of that we can have intelligent discussion and also have the pictures above. I'm so proud.

    Oh.... Sorry.
  • Here's a good joke: Men Cooking! Ahahaaaa!
    I'm supplies are low. :'(
  • edited February 2010
    I'm supplies are low. :'(
    This is why I constantly buy groceries. Our cupboards and pantry are fairly full of all kinds of food, as well as the fridge if there were ever an instance to where we're prevented or it's extremely inconvenient to go to the grocery store. Even though the nearest grocery store is half a mile away.

    Hope you get more food soon.

    Fail: Woke up to find a large puddle of water in my living room due to the fact that the water heater is leaking.
    Boo-ya: Nothing was really damaged except for the carpet. I get to stay home now because of it.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • This is why I constantly buy groceries. Our cupboards and pantry are fairly full of all kinds of food, as well as the fridge if there were ever an instance to where we're prevented or it's extremely inconvenient to go to the grocery store. Even though the nearest grocery store is half a mile away.

    Hope you get more food soon.
    I don't do this one one very good reason. I get bored of things. What I think it is a good idea one week, I have no interest in the next week. I bought that mac and cheese as a 4-pack months ago and I've only just now finished the last box.
  • edited February 2010
    I don't do this one one very good reason. I get bored of things. What I think it is a good idea one week, I have no interest in the next week. I bought that mac and cheese as a 4-pack months ago and I've only just now finished the last box.
    I will admit to this as well, but it's mostly when it comes to non-perishables. However, a month or two down the road, after completely forgetting about some food, I'll crave it, discover that I do have it. It's like a little surprise.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • edited February 2010
    Part of me did go, "ooooo! Mac and cheese!" ^_^

    EDIT: and to prove I'm not useless, my breakfast this morning is a tiny omelette and greek potatoes.
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • Fail: Tonight's dinner is Kraft Mac and Cheese.
    Boo-yah: Tonight's dinner isKraft Mac and Cheese.
    I have evolved into a Velveta shells and cheese eater.
    That isn't evolution. Velveeta is worse than Kraft.

    Also, making homemade mac and cheese is crazy easy. Learning basic casserole and crockpot meals is a good step toward actually learning how to cook.
  • I prefer the Rice-a-roni kind of thing.
  • There is something to be said for a meal from a box. Sometimes you're just feeling lazy.
  • There is something to be said for a meal from a box. Sometimes you're just feeling lazy.
    I actually crave Kraft Mac and Cheese from time to time. I like to add peas to it.
  • I like to add peas to it.
    Oh wow, I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.

    However, hot dogs and ketchup in Kraft Mac and Cheese is damn tasty.
  • I actually crave Kraft Mac and Cheese from time to time. I like to add peas to it. damn tasty.

    However, hot dogs and ketchup in Kraft Mac and Cheese - Oh wow, I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.
  • I like Naan Dogs - Hot dogs wrapped in Naan, with Spicy Potato and Peas Curry on top. It's like the Indian version of a chili-dog. A little squeeze of Japanese Mayo is optional.
  • I like Naan Dogs - Hot dogs wrapped in Naan, with Spicy Potato and Peas Curry on top. It's like the Indian version of a chili-dog. A little squeeze of Japanese Mayo is optional.
    That is close to real food. ^_^ We are talking box food.
  • edited February 2010
    Being a punk kid, one of the few meals I know how to make is Kraft mac and Cheese. I typically add peas, sliced carrots, and a can of tuna, which I think is far superior to either Kate's or Pete's recipes.
    Post edited by GreyHuge on
  • edited February 2010
    (Emi's Favorite Box Food.)
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • Aside from the traditional mac 'n cheese with hot dogs of my childhood, the only other thing I ever put with it is chicken nuggets, which I did mostly during college. The way I eat food now, doing such a thing causes my body to revolt. I can see adding tuna to it, but I wouldn't use the traditional recipe, I'd want a whiter cheese 'n macaroni to go with it.
  • Adding peas, carrots, and mushrooms to any boxed noodle meal is delicious in my book.
  • Adding peas, carrots, and mushrooms to any boxed noodle meal is delicious in my book.
    I would add stuff like this to my Tuna Helper things all the time before I actually learned how to cook.
  • I would add stuff like this to my Tuna Helper things all the time before I actually learned how to cook.
    That's exactly what I do when I want to cook something easy.
  • GeoGeo
    edited February 2010
    Aside from the traditional mac 'n cheese with hot dogs of my childhood, the only other thing I ever put with it is chicken nuggets, which I did mostly during college. The way I eat food now, doing such a thing causes my body to revolt. I can see adding tuna to it, but I wouldn't use the traditional recipe, I'd want a whiter cheese 'n macaroni to go with it.
    This is unacceptable Emily. Should I ever become a scientist and breed a kind of super-intellgient, warlike boony, I will make you and the company responsible for that this disgusting foodstuff the infidels of their race and a war will occur.
    Post edited by Geo on
  • Aside from the traditional mac 'n cheese with hot dogs of my childhood, the only other thing I ever put with it is chicken nuggets, which I did mostly during college. The way I eat food now, doing such a thing causes my body to revolt. I can see adding tuna to it, but I wouldn't use the traditional recipe, I'd want a whiter cheese 'n macaroni to go with it.
    This is unacceptable Emily. Should I ever become a scientist and breed a kind of super-intellgient, warlike boony, I will make you and the company responsible for that this disgusting foodstuff the infidels of their race and a war will occur.
    I never put chicken nuggets in mac n cheeze, and why would super bunnies destroy me for doing so?
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