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Fail of your Boo-Yah (and vica-versa)



  • This is unacceptable Emily.
    *slow clap* way to totally quote the wrong person. ~_^
  • This is unacceptable Emily.
    *slow clap* way to totally quote the wrong person. ~_^
    Yes. I was unaware that I had suddenly become a girl.
  • (Emi's Favorite Box Food.)
    Yes! Oh mans, I should get more Annie's. I think I have a box in my cupboard somewhere...
  • Boo-yah: My love of meter is going into the red. Like, my heart is fluttering at the moment and going crazy. I so love my girlfriend.

    Fail: I'm unsure how to address telling people that I'm in an online relationship. I'm in that state of mind where I'm wondering if I should or it matters, mostly because I feel like my roommates or some friends or family would criticize it. I'm not depressed or shy or anything, I'm just wondering if there's any advice on how to tell other people and what to expect.
  • Say you're in a long distance relationship. ~_^
  • Say you're in a long distance relationship. ~_^
    I've been wondering about that. (Ponderous Mode) I'm wondering if the connotation of "online relationship" is on a different level when compared to "long-distance relationship" in terms of negativity or seriousness.
  • edited February 2010
    I'm wondering if the connotation of "online relationship" is on a different level when compared to "long-distance relationship" in terms of negativity or seriousness.
    Regardless of what the specifics of your situation are -- to me, "long-distance relationship" implies that you've actually spent time physically together, while "online relationship" does not.
    Post edited by Funfetus on
  • Or you could use a non-summary term that actually explains your relationship, instead of a generalized term that is sure to elicit criticism.
  • Regardless of what the specifics of your situation are -- to me, "long-distance relationship" implies that you've actually spent time physically together, while "online relationship" does not.
  • Boo-yah: My love of meter is going into the red. Like, my heart is fluttering at the moment and going crazy. I so love my girlfriend.
    I don't understand how this works. I am not at all trivializing your relationship, and I recognize its validity and am quite happy for you. It's just one of those moments where I pause and have to think about the fact that we live in a world where you can be head-over-heels for someone without having ever held their hand. And then, my mind starts reeling.

    Good on you, though.
  • That was awesome. Here's my favorite Online Relationship story, in the form of a Story Slam (a particularly awesome type of slam):

  • edited February 2010
    Hey, that's the guy that kills kangaroos!

    I love The Moth.
    Post edited by Funfetus on
  • edited February 2010
    I love The Moth.
    BB turned me on to it. It's way awesome.

    Chicago has the Windy City StorySlam. I've been thinking about trying it for a while now. Chicago, apparently, also has The Moth.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited February 2010
    Hey, that's the guy that kills kangaroos!
    Well, not really, He just worked with a roo shooter. But still.
    Edit - Also, her ability to swear creatively, welcome to Australia, young man!

    Win! - I have a, ahem, locally sourced and fresh rabbit in my freezer.

    Fail - I'd forgotten about this for a while.

    Win! - This thread/Gomi's boxed food reminded me, and I shall cook it soon.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Well, not really, He just worked with a roo shooter. But still.
    How common is that profession, exactly?
  • How common is that profession, exactly?
    Well, it's about as common, maybe a little less, than droving. There is a hell of a lot of roo meat consumed in australia, and you can't exactly battery farm them, so you tend to end up with both corporate-hired and self-employed roo shooters quite a bit - though it is harder than it sounds.
  • Both of those videos, awesome!
  • Well, it's about as common, maybe a little less, than droving.
    I just looked this up. I'm familiar with nomadic herding--it's all over Spain. But that's something else.

    Australia is awesome.
  • That video is pretty accurate. I met my GF through different circumstances (someone else introduced me to her on a forum), and we talked through IM, but most of that is very the same. The emotion intensifies and you sometimes get that sense of longing and no communication, similar if you felt that same way to a woman who lives near you. My only advice is that with online chatting, you are really tip-toeing between that line of friend and boyfriend because you don't really get what's happening on the other side. Everyone has a different experience so you hear sides from just about everywhere.

    And I've read that 1/8th of all relationships now form online. So I guess it's not that uncommon. :P

    On another note, new fail and boo-yah. Megadeth's Album "Rust in Peace" is so fun on Rock Band...the fail? DEAR GOD MY HAND IS CRAMPIIIIIIIINNNNNGGGGGGGGG.
  • And I've read that 1/8th of all relationships now form online. So I guess it's not that uncommon. :P
    I met a girl on Facebook through a friend I've had forever. We've been talking a couple times a week since around Christmas. She finds me amusing, we share a love of anime, biology, and really crazy-deadly things. Also, we both have powerful wanderlust.

    I have no idea what she thinks. I have no idea what I think. The internet is a crazy place.
  • Boo-yah: My love of meter is going into the red. Like, my heart is fluttering at the moment and going crazy. I so love my girlfriend.

    Fail: I'm unsure how to address telling people that I'm in an online relationship. I'm in that state of mind where I'm wondering if I should or it matters, mostly because I feel like my roommates or some friends or family would criticize it. I'm not depressed or shy or anything, I'm just wondering if there's any advice on how to tell other people and what to expect.
    I once had an online relationship. It turned out the girl didn't actually exist. When I worked out it was all a really sick practical joke I was surprisingly not that upset. I've never told anyone the whole story though, as it's quite embarrassing. Maybe I will some day.

    There is no Boo-yah to go with this fail, by the way. It was pretty much all fail.
  • it was all a really sick practical joke
    That's warped. Like, full-on gaslighting warped.
  • it was all a really sick practical joke
    That's warped. Like, full-on gaslighting warped.
    Seriously. I do'nt know what "gaslighting warped" is, but it sounds about right. I can't imagine how embarassing that would be, too. Fuck.

    Anyway, I actually met my first girlfriend online, but it was back in the BBS days, so she actually lived in the next town over. It wasn't an "online relationship", we just first met online.
  • It should have been "full-on gaslighting" in quotes. Gaslighting is where you make little changes in a person's life to steadily convince them that they're going insane. Like, say, saving up a bunch of dead lightbulbs, and then replacing a lightbulb with one so they go to replace it, and immediately afterwards repeating the process, so eventually they don't know if they've ever really replaced the bulb to begin with.
  • Last night, I stayed up listening to lots of metal, drinking lots of beer, and doing lots of talking with a friend of mine, from 8:30 PM till 3:00 AM. Good times.

    Today, I am useless. I just want to go home and crawl back into bed.
  • Boo-yah: First bundle of computer parts arrived. Everything except for one part is now here.
    Fail: Got a email from Newegg. That one part? The fucking case. It'll arrive Monday, but I have exams Wednesday and Thursday, so I'll probably spend this entire week grinding through texts just to free up a bit of time to assemble my machine.

    Fuck Newegg for not shipping the case with the rest of my order.
  • edited February 2010
    Boo-yah: My wigs for a few of my summer costumes came in today, and they're very pretty!
    Fail: One of them (the one for my Gwendolyn from Odin Sphere costume) is not the style I asked for. I asked for an Ashley 850 in 60 and got an Alicia in 60. The Alicia is gorgeous, don't get me wrong, but it's not really long enough to do what I wanted to do with it. I have an Ashley 850 in another color, so I knew that one would work out! It's honestly sort of sad, because if I were planning to do Gwendolyn's ballgown, the Alicia would be perfect... but I have to put it in a bun for the Valkyrie version. Amphigory has disappointed me.
    Post edited by Anrild on
  • edited February 2010
    Fuck Newegg for not shipping the case with the rest of my order.
    I've had that exact thing happen with Newegg. Well, I don't remember if it was the case, or what, but either way, I got most of what I needed to build a computer. Total blue balls.
    Post edited by Funfetus on
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