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Fail of your Boo-Yah (and vica-versa)



  • @Viga -- I suggest an addendum to your fail-of-your-boo-yah: "Admitted it on a public forum." Although that might just be pure boo-yah.

    Mine: Been watching the Ken Burns World War II documentary, and I'm realizing that whenever I watch anything about World War II, I'm on the verge of tears (and yes, occasionally going over) pretty much the whole damn time.
  • Boo-yah: I got another 60 day extension for my job after it ended last Friday.
    Fail: I won't have my two weeks of vacation anymore :(
  • Booh-yah: ECU won't be opening until 10 due to "possibly hazardous road conditions," so I won't have my Biology test today.
    Fail: The test will probably be rescheduled to Friday when I will have gone and seen a midnight showing of Alice in Wonderland.
  • Booh-yah: ECU won't be opening until 10 due to "possibly hazardous road conditions," so I won't have my Biology test today.
    Fail: The test will probably be rescheduled to Friday when I will have gone and seen a midnight showing of Alice in Wonderland.
    Take a preventative nap Thursday afternoon?
  • Take a preventative nap Thursday afternoon?
    Or don't be an idiot and see the damn movie on a Friday matinee after your test.
  • Meh, I've taken plenty of tests when very low on sleep and I don't think it has hurt me much.
    Still, it seems lack of sleep impacts different people differently.
  • Meh, I've taken plenty of tests when very low on sleep and I don't think it has hurt me much.
    Still, it seems lack of sleep impacts different people differently.
    The last time I did this was for Watchmen, and because of the length of the film and the fact that I had a 8 AM class made it so that sleeping would be pointless. Alice in Wonderland is much shorter and my class is at 9, so I can get some sleep that night.
    Or don't be an idiot and see the damn movie on a Friday matinee after your test.
    Where's the fun in that?
  • Where's the fun in that?
    It's in the feeling of satisfaction that comes with a decent grade.
  • The Korean was something like: "Boo-yah - Free internet access computers in Seoul airport. Fail - I can't work out how to switch the keyboard from Korean to English."

    A bit of an update:

    Fail - had no internet for 10 days while cruising on the QM2.
    Boo-yah - Did loads of work, and caught up with loads of old podcasts that have been sitting on my iPhone for months, read a lot, etc. Now I downloaded 10 days worth of podcasts to get me through me flight home.
    Fail - The first of my flights home from NZ will take 26 hours 50 minutes.
  • It's in the feeling of satisfaction that comes with a decent grade.
    I'm actually going to be able to get enough sleep to do perfectly fine, so the point is sort of moot.
  • Where's the fun in that?
    It's in the feeling of satisfaction that comes with a decent grade.
    Bah. Sleep isn't necessary for a decent grade anyway.
  • Bah. Sleep isn't necessary for a decent grade anyway.
    That's probably valid.
  • Going to work tomorrow :D , then I have to get my third Hep B vaccine shot :(
  • I'm pretty sure that I have gray-shade Ugly Truth.
  • I'm pretty sure that I have gray-shade Ugly Truth.
    I'm having trouble leveling mine up, on account of the fact that your mom presents such a low obs.
  • Win: Rock Band Network started with Jonathan Coulton, MC Frontalot and Flogging fucking Molly!
    Fail: It's only available in the U.S. (for now) :(
  • Fail: I'm going to have to be stuck in the house for almost the entirety of my Spring break because we are having our kitchen re-done.
    Booh-Yah: Final Fantasy XIII comes out on Tuesday and my mom gave me some money.
    Fail: At the end of the week, my pseudo-step brother is having his Bar Mitzvah, which means a very long and boring ceremony.
    Booh-Yah: I get to look dapper in my suit that I never get to wear.
    Fail: Pokemon Soul Silver comes out the day I go back to school.
    Booh-yah: Pokemon Soul Silver comes out the day I go back to school.

    This is turning out to be a good week.
  • Final Fantasy XIII comes out on Tuesday and my mom gave me some money.
    I've seen a brief review from someone whose opinion I trust on the issue - It only starts getting good after the first thirty hours, so prepare for a bit of a slog, at the start.
  • edited March 2010
    I've seen a brief review from someone whose opinion I trust on the issue - It only starts getting good after the first thirty hours, so prepare for a bit of a slog, at the start.
    I've just heard that there aren't any side quests until 30 hours into the game. Either way, I'm going to get it. I have played enough JRPG's in my time to be able to push through any boring, grindy parts, which is really sad to say. Besides, the new battle system sounds really exciting and interesting.
    Post edited by Li_Akahi on
  • I've just heard that there aren't any side quests until 30 hours into the game. Either way, I'm going to get it. I have played enough JRPG's in my time to be able to push through any boring, grindy parts, which is really sad to say. Besides, the new battle system sounds really exciting and interesting.
    If she posts a more in-depth review before you get the game, I'll pass it on.
    Though, consider she's probably played that thirty hours over about two, maybe three days - this is what she does for a living. It might be less of a problem when you spread it out some, as I assume you'd have to do with job/school.
  • Though, consider she's probably played that thirty hours over about two, maybe three days - this is what she does for a living. It might be less of a problem when you spread it out some, as I assume you'd have to do with job/school.
    As I said, I'm home on Spring break and I have to stay in the house to make sure that the contractors don't steal anything. I'm not going to be doing anything but playing video games all day. Of course, I also just picked up New Super Mario Bros. Wii, so that should break up the Final Fantasy time.
  • This isn't so much a boo-yah as much as it is a fail, but it makes me more satisfied with my decision. My company just announced today that they'll be laying off a bunch of people on my project, so it's very likely I would've been cut regardless. So, fail that more people are going to be shifted against their will, but I'm glad I went for something else before that happened.
  • Booh Yah: Newegg processed my RMAs. I can get some new RAM for this box of parts that has been sitting pretty for half a month.
    FAIL: In the (still unlikely in my mind) event that the motherboard is at fault, I seem to have lost the CPU socket cap which I was so careful about putting somewhere safe. Now Newegg might RMA the board for an exchange, but ASUS definitely won't.
  • Boo-Yah: Made EPIC Dinner tonight. Consisted of Pork Chops, Onion Gravy, Rice, and Spinach w/Shallot & Lemon Juice.
    Fail: Cellphone became retarded and won't upload good quality pictures of facebook. So my pictures of dinner are lost in the wind and can't put in the other food related thread. And now I have to go through an annoying process to upload pictures on facebook.
  • edited March 2010
    Boo - yah!: My no gluten no lactose diet made me feel tons better and the problem is gone.
    fail: Now I have to slowly intro one of the other to see which is the culprit. PLUS, I CAN'T EAT ANYTHING IT SEEMS! I gotta check labels and ask at restuarants and a lot of things are a no go. *cries*
    super fail?: I accidently ate a cookie the Prof. was giving in class. *worried*
    Post edited by Viga on
    Coupling it with lactose makes it harder. Can you eat lactose if you take Lactaid? Pete and I can give you some tips about food, but for now, cooking things from fresh or unprocessed ingredients is your best bet.
  • edited March 2010
    Coupling it with lactose makes it harder.
    Yup. You've got some options, though. Lactaid milk is available, and it's pretty good for baking. Be warned that it tastes significantly sweeter than normal milk, as the lactose has already been digested into simpler (and subsequently sweeter-tasting) sugars. This will affect the flavor of anything made with Lactaid milk.

    Most cheeses are very low in lactose. Brie and other soft-ripened young cheeses will have a much higher lactose content, so avoid those. Cheddar, mozzarella (including string cheese), parmigiana, provolone, swiss, and other such cheeses are (usually) sufficiently low in lactose that it shouldn't bother you.

    Ice cream is pretty much out unless you take Lactaid or find lactose-free ice cream.

    EDIT: Viga, IIRC, you're in Baltimore, right? These guys look like a good option for GF baked goods.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
    Can you eat lactose if you take Lactaid? Pete and I can give you some tips about food, but for now, cooking things from fresh or unprocessed ingredients is your best bet.
    Lactiad doesn't seem to work with me. Maybe I'm just not using enough? Maybe I need, like 3 or 4 or something. If you have any tips please send them my way! Either through whisper or Facebook!

    Most cheeses are very low in lactose. Brie and other soft-ripened young cheeses will have a much higher lactose content, so avoid those. Cheddar, mozzarella (including string cheese), parmigiana, provolone, swiss, and other such cheeses are (usually) sufficiently low in lactose that it shouldn't bother you.

    Ice cream is pretty much out unless you take Lactaid or find lactose-free ice cream.

    EDIT: Viga, IIRC, you're in Baltimore, right?These guyslook like a good option for GF baked goods.
    I can eat swiss!

    Thanks for the link, but I'm a D.C. gal. I'm definitely checking it out next time I hit Baltimore for a show.
  • edited March 2010
    Oh, I'm sure D.C. has options too. I just thought you were in Balt.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • Fail: I don't start my new job until March 22, giving me not a lot of time to save monies before PAX East.
    Boo yah: I'm still working at my low-paying old job, so I can still afford to go if I'm frugal. I'm making a hearty winter soup and baking some bread. That'll last me for a while.
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