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Fail of your Boo-Yah (and vica-versa)



  • edited March 2010
    Boo ya! Monkey Island 2: Special Edition is coming out this summer, and the newly released screenshots look pretty good (save for Elaine's character redesign). Really looking forward to it, especially to hear how all the voice acting turns out!
    Fail! The atrocious re-do of Steve Purcell's original cover for the game. At least the re-do of the cover for MI1 clearly had its own style; that was cool. This just looks like someone badly airbrushed and re-coloured the original. DX

    Original cover (click for larger image):

    Special Edition cover (click for larger image):
    Post edited by Eryn on
  • Boo-Yah!: Adam and I went to pick up our newly put together bikes from the bike shop.
    Fail: Though the order slip clearly stated a man's bike (step over) and a woman's bike (step through), there were two women's bikes. We took one home and had to leave the other at the shop.
    Boo-Yah!: Though we didn't order the bikes through the bike shop, the shop owner said that if we had any problem with the online vendor we got it from, that he would work with Fuji or the vendor directly to correct the problem.
    (Boo-Yah!: For Adam's Birthday, I got a bike!)
  • I went bike shopping today. I'm a male and I WANT a step through bike, but nobody in the four shops I looked in seemed to understand that.
  • Fail: got called to do last minute testing at 9:00 pm at night.
    Boo-yah: well, at least I'm employed. :P
  • edited March 2010
    I went bike shopping today. I'm a male and I WANT a step through bike, but nobody in the four shops I looked in seemed to understand that.
    What are you, gay? You might as well go start trying on bras. Just say you're looking for a gift for your sister.
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • Ice cream is pretty much out unless you take Lactaid or find lactose-free ice cream.
    OH MY GOD avoid the Lactaid ice cream unless you can tolerate horribly-cloying sweetness. Just take Lactaid and eat regular ice cream.
  • I went bike shopping today. I'm a male and I WANT a step through bike, but nobody in the four shops I looked in seemed to understand that.
    Out of curiosity, why would a man want a step-through? I'm not trying to mock you or anything, I've just never seen a guy riding one.
  • OH MY GOD avoid the Lactaid ice cream unless you can tolerate horribly-cloying sweetness. Just take Lactaid and eat regular ice cream.
    I figured the Lactaid ice cream would be sweet.
  • I went bike shopping today. I'm a male and I WANT a step through bike, but nobody in the four shops I looked in seemed to understand that.
    Out of curiosity, why would a man want a step-through? I'm not trying to mock you or anything, I've just never seen a guy riding one.
    Because I can't be bothered to lift my leg to get on and off the bike.
  • Because I can't be bothered to lift my leg to get on and off the bike.
    I always use that opportunity to jump into my bike from a running start.
  • edited March 2010
    Because I can't be bothered to lift my leg to get on and off the bike.
    That's some powerful lazy.
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • Because I can't be bothered to lift my leg to get on and off the bike.
    That's some powerful lazy.
    What benefit does the cross bar give me, except for crunching my nuts in an accident?
  • RymRym
    edited March 2010
    except for crunching my nuts in an accident?
    The odds of an accident involving that bar and your nuts are incredibly low. You're much more likely to handlebar flip or sideslide.
    What benefit does the cross bar give me
    That bar provides solid front-back frame support. Going over rough terrain or jumping (or any other condition where the front of the bike takes heavy momentary force load) practically require a straight bar there: other designs could allow the frame to basically fold over itself, ruining the bike and presenting a far greater danger to your balls than the bar.
    Post edited by Rym on
  • Good job I only use my city bikes in the city, where there is very little need to ride over rough ground or jump. Of course I know about the strength issue, but that isn't a benefit except in extreme cases. Day by day, what other benefits are there with a cross bar?
  • That bar provides solid front-back frame support. Going over rough terrain or jumping (or any other condition where the front of the bike takes heavy momentary force load) practically require a straight bar there: other designs could allow the frame to basically fold over itself, ruining the bike and presenting a far greater danger to your balls than the bar.
    Triangles are great. ^_^

    But seriously, you can't lift your leg over the seat? That's really fucking lazy and you should be ashamed.
  • I can, and if you see the photo of my new bike you see it isn't a step-through. But my old bike and my travel bike both are step-through, and my laziness is well served.
  • Win: I have a bag of clementines.
    Fail: The inevitable down-side of this being that at a point in the very near future, I will have no more clementines.
  • Fail: Getting my wisdom teeth out tomorrow.
    Boo-yah: I have enough games to keep me busy for a few days.
  • Fail: Getting my wisdom teeth out tomorrow.
    Boo-yah: I have enough games to keep me busy for a few days.
    Drinking ice tea helped me a lot just don't drink it through a straw. The suction can ripe off the scab and cause a condition called Dry Socket.
  • Fail: Getting my wisdom teeth out tomorrow.
    Boo-yah: I have enough games to keep me busy for a few days.
    Drinking ice tea helped me a lot just don't drink it through a straw. The suction can ripe off the scab and cause a condition calledDry Socket.
    That happened to my brother. Unfortunately, I don't like tea. Thanks, though.
  • GeoGeo
    edited March 2010
    Oh man! Getting your wisdom teeth sucks ass, none of them impacted I hope. That's what happened to two of mine and it was hell, and I needed ibuprofen constantly. One word of advice: DON'T SPIT!! If you spit, the gums which are building themselves up will be destroyed since they aren't that strong yet.
    Post edited by Geo on
  • They're all impacted, yeah. The doctor's are putting me on massive meds though. Anesthesia and steroids for the surgery, and pain meds afterwards. It'll hurt, definitely...But the meds are supposed to help a lot, as I've heard from a lot of people.
  • They're all impacted, yeah. The doctor's are putting me on massive meds though. Anesthesia and steroids for the surgery, and pain meds afterwards. It'll hurt, definitely...But the meds are supposed to help a lot, as I've heard from a lot of people.
    Jesus Christ...I thought I had it bad. will be a vegetable from all pumped drugs?
  • edited March 2010
    New Super Street Fighter IV character is a Turkish oil wrestler. Fail or Boo-Yah? I can't decide!
    Post edited by Funfetus on
  • Win: Marathoning Shin Mazinger Shougeki Z - Hen :D
    Fail: I do not want it to end :(
  • They're all impacted, yeah. The doctor's are putting me on massive meds though. Anesthesia and steroids for the surgery, and pain meds afterwards. It'll hurt, definitely...But the meds are supposed to help a lot, as I've heard from a lot of people.
    Jesus Christ...I thought I had it bad. will be a vegetable from all pumped drugs?
    Maybe, we'll see. My cousin was on a ton of meds, and was apparently fine by the night after the surgery. However, my other cousin, his older brother, didn't have as many meds, and was wiped out for several days.
  • Jesus Christ...I thought I had it bad. will be a vegetable from all pumped drugs?
    All of mine were impacted and I didn't need any pain medications after the surgery. Different strokes for different folks, I guess.
  • They're all impacted, yeah. The doctor's are putting me on massive meds though. Anesthesia and steroids for the surgery, and pain meds afterwards. It'll hurt, definitely...But the meds are supposed to help a lot, as I've heard from a lot of people.
    Ouch! Good luck with that. And be sure to have plenty of gauze, just in case.
  • Boo yah! Back in my city and going to hangout today! The fail is that DC doesn't have all the cool recycled clothing shops like Madison does. Seriously, if you see a Ragstock or Re Theads, go in!
  • Madison
    is now known for its second hand clothing stores?
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