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Fail of your Boo-Yah (and vica-versa)



  • Went to watch "How to Train your Dragon" In 3D this time. It was triple the awesome :D
  • Triple Fail: Today was the day that Bowman's hard drive decided to nuke out on me.
    Triple Booh-Yah: In the morning, I arbitrarily decided to back all my music, documents, projects, etc onto a collection of CD-R/CD-RWs just in case something really bad happened.

    I am devastated at the death of Bowman, but I am feeling a mixture of awe and happiness that all my stuff is safely stored away.
  • Boo Yah: Read Pluto I and went out with friends tonight. Great times were had.
    Fail: Got owned by an online organic chemistry quiz taken early in the day, whose material I was positive I grasped. I was even able to teach this stuff to classmates with my TA's confirmation that I was correct. I have no idea what happened. ARGH.
  • I'm drawing a page, and I accidentally deleted my backgrounds in three panels -- city scenes, lots of buildings and cars. Didn't realize I'd done it because I was zoomed in on another panel, and by the time I realized it, I'd already overwritten my backup. That's at least two hours of work down the drain. I thought I was gonna cry.

    Then I had a hunch that maybe Dropbox saves old versions of files. Turns out that yes, it saves every version of every file you have, for 30 days -- and that's the free account! Crisis averted! w00t!

  • Then I had a hunch that maybe Dropbox saves old versions of files.
    Nice! I back up my laptop using Time Machine on a daily basis. I'd use a service like Dropbox but because I travel so much I just don't have the internet access to make it work. One day it'll be impossible to lose any data, ever, and everyone will be able to relax.
  • edited April 2010
    Nice! I back up my laptop using Time Machine on a daily basis. I'd use a service like Dropbox but because I travel so much I just don't have the internet access to make it work. One day it'll be impossible to lose any data, ever, and everyone will be able to relax.
    If you do use it, can I refer you? I get bonus space if you do!
    Post edited by ElJoe0 on
  • Nice! I back up my laptop using Time Machine on a daily basis. I'd use a service like Dropbox but because I travel so much I just don't have the internet access to make it work. One day it'll be impossible to lose any data, ever, and everyone will be able to relax.
    If you do use it, can I refer you, I get bonus space if you do!
    Is that a question?
  • edited April 2010
    Boo-Yah: Got a call from my placement agency telling me there is an art teacher position that opened up and they need someone pronto.

    Fail: It's because the previous art teacher has died.
    Double-Fail: Of Leukemia.
    Triple-Fail: Anyone who has ever spoken to me knows I often say that "The only way to get an art job is if someone retires or dies."

    Oy vey.

    EDIT: Boo-Yah: Interview is tomorrow at 10:30
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • As they say, be careful what you wish for. :P
  • At least you're not Kilarney, he'd be going on about how his predictions were confirmed.
  • edited April 2010
    Fail: I forgot my ex-girlfriend's birthday yesterday.
    Boo-yah: I forgot my ex-girlfriend's birthday yesterday.
    Post edited by Luke Burrage on
  • edited April 2010
    Fail: I forgot my ex-girlfriend's birthday yesterday.
    Boo-yah: I forgot my ex-girlfriend's birthday yesterday.
    Hahaha. Best FoYB-Y ever.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Fail: I forgot my ex-girlfriend's birthday yesterday.
    Boo-yah: I forgot my ex-girlfriend's birthday yesterday.
    Hahaha. Best FoYB-Y ever.
    Yeah, she got a bit pissy on the phone when I called her late on Wednesday to find out if she knew where some audio cable was. When you know anyone for over 5 years and they call on your birthday, I can understand getting a bit upset if they don't at least wish you happy birthday. It was fine though, because I actually had bought her a present, and gave it to her on Thursday.
  • Fail: My friend who was going to do our room reservations for Otakon did not know what he was doing.
    Boo-yah: I reserved us a good room.
  • Fail: My friend who was going to do our room reservations for Otakon did not know what he was doing.
    Boo-yah: I reserved us a good room.
    Where are you staying?
  • We're at a Holiday Inn Express at the Stadiums about a mile away from the Convention Center. My friend was looking at shady motels like 9 miles away. :|
  • Your friend sounds cheap.
  • He just wanted to allocate more of his funds to buying anime crap then an alright hotel.
  • I thought I'd lost my earring, but found out it fell down my shirt and was hiding amongst one my mammary.
  • edited April 2010
    Boo-yah: Given a new LCD monitor.
    Weird: It's 1280x1024 (Almost a square.), quite the weirdest resolution I've worked with.
    Forget widescreen and step up to the future with tallscreen!
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Forget widescreen and step up to the future with tallscreen!
    Widescreens displaying in portrait (effectively making them tallscreens) are the screens of choice for radiology.
  • Weird: It's 1280x1024 (Almost a square.), quite the weirdest resolution I've worked with.
    I've seen weirder. At least 1280x1024 is a standard with a name (WXGA). You can still find wallpapers for it on most websites. A friend's laptop is 1366x768.
  • It's SXGA, actually. Definitely quite common on screens though.
  • I got really hungry, so I went out for some Korean food. I grabbed the combo, because it was cheap. Oh lord. SO MUCH KOREAN FOOD. At least a pound of galbi beef and short ribs, a huge serving of rice, an equally large serving of jab chae, and a bowl of fish soup with wakame.

    Fail: So...much...Korean food...
    Fail: So...much...Korean food...
    There is no fail there. Even if it's too much. Now you have me craving Korean food. That is my fail! GRRRR! T_T
  • Yay! Half my school is stuck in Europe due toIceland. So I get the day off school on Monday :P! Plus the whole of London was covered in really weird dust that looked all sparkly.
    Fail: probably won't be flying home at all, and instead flying directly to my next gig.
    Boo-yah: I'm stuck in Istanbul, and am going to spend the weekend hanging out with friends.
  • Boo-yah: Just found out that there's a sequel to Attack the Gas Station.
    Fail: It came out on January 21st in Korea hasn't been released on DVD anywhere yet.
    Fail #2: It's probably bad.
  • Boo-yah: Just found out that there's asequeltoAttack the Gas Station.
    Fail: It came out on January 21st in Korea hasn't been released on DVD anywhere yet.
    Fail #2: It's probably bad.
    There are parts in the trailer that are identical to things that happened first movie.
  • A friend's laptop is 1366x768.
    My screen is 1366x768 on both my big laptop and my netbook. 16:9 wallpapers aren't that hard to find.
  • Boo-yah: Just found out that there's asequeltoAttack the Gas Station.
    Fail: It came out on January 21st in Korea hasn't been released on DVD anywhere yet.
    Fail #2: It's probably bad.
    Boo-yah: I "found" it...
    Fail: No subtitles. ANYWHERE.
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