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Fail of your Boo-Yah (and vica-versa)



  • There are parts in the trailer that are identical to things that happened first movie.
    Then it's not canon.

    Watch Save the Green Planet! instead.

  • Oh mans. Save the Green Planet is the awesomeness of awesomeness. The ending is fantastic.
  • edited April 2010
    A friend's laptop is 1366x768.
    My screen is 1366x768 on both my big laptop and my netbook. 16:9 wallpapers aren't that hard to find.
    Mind you, 1366*768 isn't quite 16:9, but rather 683:384.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • It is, within reason. Stop being a nerd.
  • Fail: Amtrak to DC to NYC cheapest one way: $74
    Neutral: Driving myself rountrip cost $74
    Boo-Yah: Boltbus, $34 round trip.
  • Boo-Yah: Picked up Chromehounds for the 360 for $3. A mech game that touted a huge consistent multiplayer continent with shifting battle fronts as players succeeded and failed in their missions against each other.
    Fail: All servers were deactivated in January, permanently. >_<
  • Apparently, the girl who sits across the aisle from me in English class has been staring at me for weeks and everyone has noticed except for me.
  • edited April 2010
    Apparently, the girl who sits across the aisle from me in English class has been staring at me for weeks and everyone has noticed except for me.
    Just pull a Sonic and ask her out, all out of the blue!
    Post edited by ElJoe0 on
  • everyone has noticed except for me.
    Don't feel too bad about this one. If she's any good at staring, she'll do it when you're not paying attention.
  • everyone has noticed except for me.
    Don't feel too bad about this one. If she's any good at staring, she'll do it when you're not paying attention.
    I don't feel bad about it, it's just that the way I happened upon this information was other people having to tell me. Including the teacher, who at the beginning of class today demanded I "Pay attention to this girl!" and pointed at her. She turned bright red and I was completely confused. Some guy caught me after class and explained it to me.
  • edited April 2010
    Apparently, the girl who sits across the aisle from me in English class has been staring at me for weeks and everyone has noticed except for me.
    So why are you telling us about it and not asking her out right now? Take her sailing to a deserted island and have a picnic.
    it's just that the way I happened upon this information was other people having to tell me
    It happens to everyone. Outside perspectives are incredibly helpful.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • I sadly do not this problem. >_>
  • I sadly do not this problem. >_>
    Neither do I ;_;

    I was going to suggest teasing her a bit, acting as if you knew all along, but your teacher blew that up.
  • I sadly do not this problem. >_>
    What happened to the bowling girl?
  • What happened to the bowling girl?
    Never showed up.
  • Follow your teacher's advice, dude.

    Boo-Yah: Property prof let us out of class 20 minutes early to go to the Earth Day party.
    FAIL: As soon as we got outside, it started to rain. Not hard, but just enough to make them pack everything up. It rained for 30 minutes (the rest of the party), and then the sun came out at the exact time the party was supposed to end.
    Boo-Yah: 3 professors enacted The Lorax inside, complete with my Fellowship supervisor wearing a bear suit.
  • 3 professors enacted The Lorax inside, complete with my Fellowship supervisor wearing a bear suit.
    That is wonderful.
  • 3 professors enacted The Lorax inside, complete with my Fellowship supervisor wearing a bear suit.
    That is wonderful.
    It was. 2 of them were Deans.
  • I don't know if this is a fail or a booh-yah, so I'm putting it here. I just slept for around 15 hours.
  • Boo-Yah: 3 professors enacted The Lorax inside, complete with my Fellowship supervisor wearing a bear suit.
  • Boo-Yah: I won a 10$ gift card yesterday...
    Fail: to Wal-Mart.

    Boo-Yah: I lost 8 pounds...
    Fail: from being sick for the last week. OK. The increase in cardio exercise probably has something to do with this too, but loosing my appetite and living off Goldfish for 3 days has something to do with it as well.
    Boo-Yah: A new sushi and seafood only buffet opened in Albany, Nekko's Ultimate Sushi and Seafood Buffet; and I'm not leaving till I get my 8lbs back.
  • Booyah: Got me a Scott Pilgrim poster, t-shirt and sketch book.
    One or more of the items you've requested cannot be shipped to your country due to export/import restrictions.
    Well I have this to say to whoever will not let me import a SKETCH BOOK!
  • edited April 2010
    I started up a free trial at, as a coworker did some digging and found some cool information in just a few hours. I've always been interested in tracing back the Norwegian side of my family as far as I can go, so I figured I'd give it a shot.

    Having a very immediate Norwegian heritage is cool, but I've run into a snag: all of the records before my grandfather entered the country are in Norwegian.

    EDIT: Also, fuck Scandinavian naming conventions.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • edited April 2010
    Win: I still have RIT debit money on my card, and bought some delicious bread from the new RIT bakery today.
    Fail: ...after spending two hours waiting for a phone call from some BS consultant who never got back to me, and I had to get to the bank before it closed.
    Win: I didn't get any speeding tickets, and got to the bank on time.
    Post edited by YoshoKatana on
  • Speaking of money, ^_~
  • Also, fuck Scandinavian naming conventions.
    Hey man, back in the day when people rarely left their home village, those naming conventions were AWESOME!
  • Speaking of money, ^_~
    Getting my security deposit back this week = awesomeness for both of us ^_~
  • My Fit is back! Yay!

    The fail is that I've gotten so used to driving the POS that is the HHR, that I have to re-learn my Fit.

    Extra fail is awarded to American cars and their intense shittiness.
  • American cars and their intense shittiness.
    You need one with a V8, a V8 makes an American car awesome.
  • You need one with a V8, a V8 makes an American car awesome.
    Listen, I already drive a 4-banger too fast. I can't imagine what I would be like if I got my hands on some real power.
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