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Fail of your Boo-Yah (and vica-versa)



  • I'm not sure. I think that was when I posted a podcast twice.
  • Boo-yah: 4.5 hour nap.
    Fail: 4.5 hour nap.
  • I call it sleeping after more than 2 hours.
  • I call it sleeping after more than 2 hours.
    Yeah. I'm pretty sure the end of the school year is throwing me into total circadian breakdown.
  • Fail: couldn't find my copy of 'the world ends with you' yesterday causing me to have a semi psychotic fit.

    Boo-yah: found it today and psychosis is gone!
  • Fail: I came home from college to discover that my parents had decided to get rid of my old computer/desk chair without my consent.

    Boo-yah: I had just recently been given a desk chair that was better overall anyway.
  • Fail: I have no idea where the last week went.
    Win: I guess I've been being really productive, though.
  • Boo-Yah: My kitchen is mopped

    Fail: I can't slide from side to side anymore. :(
  • Fail: I have a humongous pile of comics that I still haven't read.

    Boo-yah: I have a humongous pile of comics to read <3
  • Boo-yah: For about 3 months, I will have my entire apartment by myself. No messes from roommates, arguing, drama from parties, dirty dishes or worries of going over electrical limit. Will be able to watch or do whatever I want.

    Fail: Lack of conversations or talking. And when you live alone, you get a lot more paranoid. Thank goodness this complex isn't a ghost town compared to Winter Break.
  • And when you live alone, you get a lot more paranoid.
    You start to stock up on beer and guns.
  • And when you live alone, you get a lot more paranoid.
    You start to stock up on beer and guns.
    I live with my brother, and I've seen him buy at least 1000 rounds a week for a month. His explanation for buying ammo in such bulk: "Prices only go up and bullets doesn't go bad."

    He's not paranoid. He's just a country boy.
  • But bullets can go bad.
  • But bullets can go bad.
    If kept in a dry conditions, you could still fire bullets from WWII. The government has the policy to test them after 10 year. That's a pretty long shelf life.

    Older but still relavent artical related to arms dealing.
  • But bullets can go bad.
  • But bullets can go bad.
    True that. Hang fire is nasty - I've seen a bloke on the range get a hang fire from old ammo, and thought it was just a dud round, so he cycled the action manually, and suddenly, BANG, round that's loose on the floor goes off in a random direction, thankfully not hurting anyone, but browning a few trousers.
  • Fortunately loose rounds are relatively harmless, at least compared to their potential when in a barrel.
  • Fortunately loose rounds are relatively harmless, at least compared to their potential when in a barrel.
    True, but you still don't want one going off in a random direction on the floor in a range that has people in it.
  • Fail: The first day of furlough is official.

    Extra Fail: The furlough will continue every week until a budget is passed.

    Super Extra Fail: In the past, New York has had to delay the start of the school year because they had yet to pass a budget.

    Double Extra Secret Fail: I'm going to be in Atlanta at a training workshop on the first official day of furlough. Technically, I shouldn't be at that workshop that day, but I'm flying out on Sunday. I have no idea whether or not they'll actually fund my travel on a furlough day. They don't know either.

    BOO-YAH: I have gin.
  • BOO-YAH: I have gin.
    And a steak and cheese sandwich.
  • edited May 2010
    Fail: Adam fell asleep at 9:00 p.m. like a little, old man.
    Win: I have a camera!
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • I have no more gin. :(
  • I have no more gin. :(
    Are you drunk?
  • edited May 2010
    I have no more gin. :(
    Are you drunk?
    Not nearly enough. I was very low on good gin.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • I have no more gin. :(
    Are you drunk?
    Not nearly enough. I was very low on good gin.
    What qualifies as good gin for you?
  • What qualifies as good gin for you?
  • How could I not fall alseep? Look at that puppy! Couch + sleeping puppy = irresistible sleep generator.
  • Boodles?
    Also, Hendrick's.
  • edited May 2010
    Boo-Yah: I remembered how much I loved Sonic Adventure 2. Those games always had awesome soundtracks. Corny like the Power Rangers stuff, but awesome nonetheless. :D

    Fail: Realizing that after Sonic Adventure 2, everything crumbled in that franchise. Plus, the creation of Rouge The Bat basically said "Oh yeah, this stuff is for furries."
    Post edited by Nukerjsr on
  • edited May 2010
    Plus, the creation of Rouge The Bat basically said "Oh yeah, this stuff is for furries."
    No, Princess Sally did that long before Rogue.

    EDIT: I fail for knowing that.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
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