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Fail of your Boo-Yah (and vica-versa)



  • You need one with a V8, a V8 makes an American car awesome.
    Listen, I already drive a 4-banger too fast. I can't imagine what I would be like if I got my hands on some real power.
    I do!
  • Fail: My dad's car is on the fritz, he may need to get a new one and our overall monetary situation is, like basically everyone's, sort of bleak.
    Booyah: If he gets a new car, it means I'll get his (admittedly temperamental) Honda accord. This is definitely an improvement over the 1974 GMC rustbucket truck I've been working on repairing so I can maybe drive it.
  • GeoGeo
    edited April 2010
    Fail: My dad's car is on the fritz, he may need to get a new one and our overall monetary situation is, like basically everyone's, sort of bleak.
    Booyah: If he gets a new car, it means I'll get his (admittedly temperamental) Honda accord. This is definitely an improvement over the 1974 GMC rustbucket truck I've been working on repairing so I can maybe drive it.
    How can you speak so lightly of that truck. It was your truck that you would never let anyone touch. At least...that's the amount zealousness it was described with last time we talked about it.
    Post edited by Geo on
  • I do!
    What the fuck happened to that car? Did Optimus Prime step on it?
  • Apparently, the girl who sits across the aisle from me in English class has been staring at me for weeks and everyone has noticed except for me.
    Just pull a Sonic and ask her out, all out of the blue!
    Do it, man, she obviously diggs you!

    Also, "pull a Sonic"?
  • edited April 2010
    Also, "pull a Sonic"?
    On Geekchat your where telling us about how you asked that girl out randomly and just gave her your calling card. That was like liquid Boo Yah.
    Post edited by ElJoe0 on
  • Also, "pull a Sonic"?
    On Geekchat your where telling us about how you asked that girl out randomly and just gave her your calling card. That was like liquid Boo Yah.
  • edited April 2010
    Fail: My dad's car is on the fritz, he may need to get a new one and our overall monetary situation is, like basically everyone's, sort of bleak.
    Booyah: If he gets a new car, it means I'll get his (admittedly temperamental) Honda accord. This is definitely an improvement over the 1974 GMC rustbucket truck I've been working on repairing so I can maybe drive it.
    How can you speak so lightly of that truck. It wasyourtruck that you would never let anyone touch. At least...that's the amount zealousness it was described with last time we talked about it.
    I love my truck, and it is a wonderful inheritance from my grandfather and no doubt I would like to get it in good/reliable running condition at some point, but there's a lot of work to be done to get it there. Basically, the Honda is in much better immediate driving conditioning, and being a poor college student with very little mechanical experience, I'm going to stick with what's simplest.
    Post edited by Anrild on
  • Boo yah - I just paid for my new laptop order.
    Fail - It was pretty quite very expensive. I hope it lasts me three years at least.
  • Boo yah - I just paid for my new laptop order.
    Fail - It wasprettyquitevery expensive. I hope it lasts me three years at least.
    What did you end up getting?
  • New MacBook Pro, I'd guess.
  • New MacBook Pro, I'd guess.
    Yup. 15 inch, with lots of extras.
  • Yeah, quite an expensive laptop indeed, that one. You can get similar specs for much cheaper in other laptops, but those wouldn't be Macs ;)
  • I went for the SSD hard drive. That really pushed the price up, but I really want as much read write speed as possible.
  • You can get similar specs for much cheaper in other laptops, but those wouldn't be Macs ;)
    Hackintosh FTW.
  • edited May 2010
    Probably cheaper to buy something else and swap out the HDD for an SSD yourself, though. I'm probably going to do just that for the laptop I bought recently, and likely an Intel SSD because they're pretty much the best from what I've read, except for the new SandForce controller drives which are rather expensive.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • I just looked around for a non-Apple laptop. At the same specs, I could probably save about 400 euro. But, to be honest, I don't mind paying the "idiot tax" and getting a Mac. This way I can run both OSX and Windows 7 on one machine, and the battery life is way better than any non-Macbook.
  • edited May 2010
    Some current and upcoming laptops are getting competitive with the MacBook's battery life, actually, most notably the Acer TimelineX series.
    Nonetheless, although it's nice that they have significantly better graphics cards on offer, those Acers will fail on the screen compared to the MacBooks.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • edited May 2010
    ...and the battery life is way better than any non-Macbook.
    True, but then you have to turn around and pay $120 on top of labor if something goes wrong (out of warranty). I've had to replace three batteries in a row before their time because they stop working. I'll be getting my fourth either Monday or Tuesday. I'm lucky to have a MacBook Pro with a removable battery, so no labor. If and when I get another Mac, it won't be a laptop. I would suggest getting AppleCare.
    Post edited by Diagoras on
  • edited May 2010
    Fail - I've only just come home not long ago, I've got a screaming hangover that feels like my parachute didn't open two jumps in a row, I'm battered, bruised, covered in only vaguely identifiable marks, and the only parts of me that don't hurt right now are Left bollock, right bollock, and their ever present friend.

    Booh-yah - While this MIGHT be seen as a negative thing, goddamn if I didn't earn it. Now I'm going to go collapse into a slightly shuddering heap for as long as humanly possible.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Fail: I just spend the last two and a half hours writing the first five bars of a rap song, and now it's 3:30 in the morning.

    Boo-Yah: They're some pretty kickass bars. I'll be recording this one ASAP.
  • Fail - I've only just come home not long ago, I've got a screaming hangover that feels like my parachute didn't open two jumps in a row, I'm battered, bruised, covered in only vaguely identifiable marks, and the only parts of me that don't hurt right now are Left bollock, right bollock, and their ever present friend.

    Booh-yah - While this MIGHT be seen as a negative thing, goddamn if I didn't earn it. Now I'm going to go collapse into a slightly shuddering heap for as long as humanly possible.
    God damn, what do you do when you go drinking? Aren't you in a really small town or something, where everyone knows everyone?
  • God damn, what do you do when you go drinking? Aren't you in a really small town or something, where everyone knows everyone?
  • edited May 2010
    God damn, what do you do when you go drinking? Aren't you in a really small town or something, where everyone knows everyone?
    Yes, but this wasn't near or at the house, this was in the city. We had a meeting about the UK election coverage on my radio station, and I was drinking the whole time, because that's the only way I can deal with student government bullshit and remain vaguely sensible.
    So, this was noted, thought to be a good idea, and "Churba drinking at radio meeting" turned into "Everyone drinking at radio meeting" turned into "Radio meeting moved to pub" turned into "oshit pub closing house party at Bam's place".
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Boo-yah: Just had an incredibly awesome weekend with a good chunk of my best friends at this year's Bloomsday. Lots of walking, lots of drinking, lots of laughs.

    Fail: I know this shouldn't bother me anymore, but I can't help being a little frustrated knowing that of the 15 people in our group, I'm the only single person. It also didn't help that the girl I travelled and shared a room with is someone who I really like, but she is unavailable.

    Back to boo-yah: Got the race results this morning, and found out that once again I got last or close to last in every category. Another job well done ^.^
  • Fail: My order from P2S for L4D2 and Dragon Age didn't go through because the sellers ran out.
    Boo-Yah: For some reason, P2S refunded me double the points, so I signed in today to find a whopping 11000+ points in my account and was able to re-order the games from other sellers. I have a feeling someone may have accidentally double-clicked the "refund" button since the refunds were a second apart, or maybe they thought each item was 5000+ points (which the total for both was). Either way, win for me!

    I'm just going to keep quiet for a few days. If the points aren't deducted back to normal, I foresee more free stuff in my future...
  • Fail: Unexpected MTA timetable changes kept me in the city an hour longer than expected, since I couldn't afford the peak ticket.
    Boo-Yah: Went to Midtown Comics to kill some time, asked if they had any Scott Pilgrim posters, on a whim. Turns out they were down to their last Scott Pilgrim theatrical poster, and they gave it to me for free. Fuck year!
  • Boo-Yah: went to get sushi with my stepdad whom I finally get along with.

    Fail: Windows 7 installation

    End result, I am now full of rage and delicious sushi.
  • I made this graph of two years worth of the total monthly download numbers for my SFBRP podcast:


    Win: It seems it's becoming more and more popular. Of course, the more podcasts I release, the more there are for people to download.
    Fail: I seem to have lost the download statistics for May 2009. Thankfully it's not particularly important.
  • What happened in July 2009?
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