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Fail of your Boo-Yah (and vica-versa)



  • No, Princess Sally did that long before Rogue.
    I don't know, Sally may not have worn clothes, but Rogue had boobs. Giant freaking bat boobs.
  • edited May 2010
    I'd have to agree that Sally was more of just a female character (One smart enough to use a gun, as I remember.) as opposed to Rogue's weird sexuality.

    Though oddly, of all the times when someone decides to use a gun as opposed to physical attacks, their enemies are actually made of metal.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • I think that, while Nostalgia Critic focuses on that other, garbage Sonic show that no one watched, he does take time to mention the one Pete mentioned here.
    I actually watched/liked that show, although I agree that Sally may have been a face that launched a thousand furries.
  • Plus, the creation of Rouge The Bat basically said "Oh yeah, this stuff is for furries."
    No, Princess Sally did that long before Rogue.

    EDIT: I fail for knowing that.
    I don't care what anyone says. She was hot and awesome. I totally had a diary with her picture on it. That was the badassest diary ever.
  • edited May 2010
    Wow, Sonic Adventure 2 came out in 2001.. it's been 9 years and somehow Sonic Team is still in business.

    The Rouge thing is mostly just co-incidence that it happened just before the fall, but inserting a character like that is sending your fans a curve ball.
    That said, Shadow.. why didn't we just get that roboticised squirrel dude?
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • That said, Shadow.. why didn't we just get that roboticised squirrel dude?
    Shadow was completely unneeded. We already had an evil Sonic in Metal Sonic AND WE WERE BETTER FOR IT!
  • There's a song called "Sonic doesn't need a story" which you can find here.

    The lyrics:

    June 23rd 1991
    Let loose, I knew you were born to run
    Six zones, one boss, it was all I needed
    Dashing, ring collecting, unimpeded

    But now you’re everything from half a werewolf to a race car driver
    You’ve lost some weight and your eyes are greener than I recall
    And as I understand there was a game where you became King Arthur
    Bring back the days when playing Sonic was still cool

    Keep your princesses cos
    Sonic doesn’t need a story
    He runs fast and gets rings and loop-de-loops his way into your heart
    Sega, learn from your mistakes
    Now it’s time to sit down and leave out the cutscenes cos we don’t care anymore

    We accepted Tails and Knuckles too
    Flickies took some time but they were cute
    Chaotix started to push my patience
    Amy Rose was an abomination

    His name could be Robotnik, but it could be Eggman, what’s it matter
    As long as he still has that flying egg machine
    Don’t let me play as him or tell me more about his dead grandfather
    Just swing his marble ball and chain across the screen

    Keep your Olympic games cos
    Sonic doesn’t need a story
    He runs fast and gets rings and loop-de-loops his way into your heart
    Sega, learn from your mistakes
    Now it’s time to sit down and leave out the cutscenes cos we don’t care anymore

    Don’t want Silver
    Don’t want Dark Gaia
    Don’t want Rouge the bat
    Don’t want Blaze the cat
    Don’t want Shadow
    Don’t want Shadow
    Don’t want Shadow
    Don’t want Shadow

    Hover skates are not the same as running at the speed of sound
    Hover skates are not the same as running at the speed of sound
  • No, Princess Sally did that long before Rogue.
    I don't know, Sally may not have worn clothes, but Rogue had boobs. Giant freaking bat boobs.
    Princess Sally and Amy were girls, but not downright fanservice compared to Rouge. I mean, giant bat cleavage? Romance with canon character? Purely sexual outfit? Feminine and annoying Jazz soundtrack? (I fail like Peter too, knowing too much. >_>)

    I'm still gonna sit and enjoy my soundtrack. And Shadow was cool in Sonic Adventure 2.
  • Have you taken a peek at the Sonic wikki? I had no idea, NO IDEA how much of the Sonic-verse I was unaware of. It's a little frightening, but apparently the Archie publishing house created a massive cast of characters and was the basis (not based-on, as I previously thought) for the good animated TV series.
  • edited May 2010
    Boo-yah - Apparently, I got mentioned on the No Agenda show(though doubtlessly blasted at the time - I'll listen to it later) and it resulted in achieving what I was aiming for when I edited their article on wikipedia to conform to quality standards, for the most part.

    Fail - That does explain the small few attacks and such things I got that seemed to be oddly connected to the show. Good work, fuckwits.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • edited May 2010
    Boo-yah - I got a bunch of manga for the first time in months. A pile consisting of Yotsuba&!, Kurosagi Corpse Delivery Service, Bakuman and Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei. Plus a lot of free time since I don't have to go to the university for the rest of the week (no class on Wednesday or Friday and Thursday is a holiday).

    Fail - I got a paper due in about a week and a half and an exam in about two weeks and a half :/
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • edited May 2010
    but apparently the Archie publishing house created a massive cast of characters and was the basis (not based-on, as I previously thought) for the good animated TV series.
    Yes, the characters from both the cartoon and comics are not part of the official Sega canon. That is why you will never see Sally in any of the games.

    [Edit] I just put on my SA2 soundtrack too, Tails' theme is so cute :3
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Fail: Work has been stressing me out a lot lately to the point where I am almost to an anxiety attack.

    Boo-yah: My coworker introduced me to miang kam, made by his wife. It is a Thai appetizer that was pure heaven in my mouth and put me in a better mood.

    Fail: I want more and am craving Thai food like no other.
  • edited May 2010
    The furloughs have been blocked for now.

    This is a simultaneous fail and boo-yah. While it means that, for now, I won't see a reduction in pay (boo-yah), it represents (just like the furlough itself) everything that is so fundamentally fucked up in our governing process. This means that this whole situation is going to be a long, nasty, protracted fight to the bitter end, and no good will come of that, ever.

    Nobody is working in the public's interest at this point, except for the actual civil servants; to top it off, we can't do an effective job in such intensely uncertain working conditions, and our morale is at an all-time low - which is impressive given the generally abysmal morale in civil service as it is - so no good work is getting done.

    And I'm out of good gin. At least I can afford the good stuff for now. I just want this horseshit to be over so I can get back to doing my fucking job.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • Man, if I had a furlough I would be kinda happy, because one day a week I could work on my secret Indie Projects. Monday could be Beer-Make Day.
  • Man, if I had a furlough I would be kinda happy, because one day a week I could work on my secret Indie Projects. Monday could be Beer-Make Day.
    Well, sure, except that whole 20% pay cut thing. That's not so good.
  • edited May 2010

    I really want to love everything about this video, but Jay-Z's voice bothers me. In fact, now I look, most of Jay-Z's music videos could go in this thread, and a few of them are just awesome.
    Post edited by Walker on
  • edited May 2010
    And I'm out of good gin. At least I can afford the good stuff for now. I just want this horseshit to be over so I can get back to doing my fucking job.
    Cheer up Pete; I will dress you up in funny Viking clothes when you get here and make you feel important!

    Boo-yah: have taken 75% of my exams and made a whole bunch of Viking/Celtic garb during exam week.
    Fail: pulled a muscle in my neck while sleeping, and now both taking exams and driving are painful, and I have to be careful not to move too fast when I'm sewing. At least for exams I can just cock my head to the side to alleviate the pain, but staying that way for 3-4 hours sucks.
    Post edited by Nuri on
  • Just as some background information, since 6th grade (I'm a junior in college now) I haven't had any central vision in my left eye. It's a problem that rarely affects anyone but people in their 70's or 80's and is caused by bleeding behind the retina that causes scar tissue to form. Now on to he main event:

    Booh-yah: Surgery on my eye would be able to remove the scar tissue and stem cells could be used to replace the damaged area effectively giving me my central vision back.
    Fail: Stem cell research isn't far enough along to be usable at this time, so my vision will continue to be screwed up for another 5 to 10 years.
  • Man, if I had a furlough I would be kinda happy, because one day a week I could work on my secret Indie Projects. Monday could be Beer-Make Day.
    I'm been trying to sell him on the up side of the situation for the entire week, he is unconvinced.
  • Man, if I had a furlough I would be kinda happy, because one day a week I could work on my secret Indie Projects. Monday could be Beer-Make Day.
    I'm been trying to sell him on the up side of the situation for the entire week, he is unconvinced.
    Two pretty popular physics professors here used some furlough days to turn the weekend of April 20th into a trip to Vancouver together with the permission of their wives. The students immediately lionized them for using their furlough in such a way, especially given that one has a daughter.
  • Boo-yah: Finished work on our first beta release, and can take some time to work on other aspects of the project.

    Fail: Beta is going to take a little longer to go public than we hoped.
  • edited May 2010
    Yes, the characters from both the cartoon and comics are not part of the official Sega canon. That is why you will never see Sally in any of the games.
    Princess Sally was actually in Sonic Spinball, as was Bunny and Rotor.

    Okay, I guess I should weigh in.

    Look, Shadow does not replace Metal Sonic. They are two distinct characters with very different motivations and goals. You may not like Shadow, but he is a valid character and a good anti-thesis to Sonic's personality. Is he worth getting his own game? Yeah, he was. He wasn't all about "rolling around at the speed of sound", he was a broken character and he was oh-so-very dark.

    As for Rouge, Yes, she is furry eye candy. She has large boobs and they bounce. However, she is a character on team dark. The evil team. And lets not forget, evil is often sexy. Also, there was a need for her role in the game. Shadow balanced against Sonic, Eggman to tails; Knuckles needed a counter part where one didn't exist. They made Rouge an equal to Knuckles.

    There is nothing wrong with the Sonic Franchise having a story. Sonic Adventure 2 is one of my favorite sonic games. However, not all games were equal. This is my opinion of each game:

    Sonic Adventure: Alright Sega, it's your first sonic game for the dreamcast. Your first mistake was creating Amy. I think you could have really done without that abomination. Oh, and while big the cat was a okay character, YOUR FISHING GAMES SUCK GOOD GOD WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?! E-102 Gamma was cool, I wish he could have survived into Sonic Adventure 2.

    Sonic Adventure 2: Well done sega. Graphics are great (equal to most ps2 games), story is good, and Shadow was a good addition to the canon. Rouge and Knuckles are a good match and I liked how you humanized Dr. Robotnik. He isn't a monster after all; Evil, sure, but he has his reasons. However, Amy? Again? She can go die in a fire.

    Sonic Heros: I wasn't crazy about the game mechanic, but you did an okay job with the implementation. However, the difficulty curve was off: It got too steep after the 4th or 5th zone. Nice inclusion of team Chaotix, and, once again, Amy can die in a fire.

    Shadow the Hedgehog: Bold move, Sega, bold BOLD move. When you said Shadow was going to have a gun and vehicles, 1/3rd of us were outraged, 1/3rd of us went WTF, and the last 1/3rd didn't know what to think. You proved us wrong by making it work real well. Shadow's back story was developed quite nicely and he became more real as a character. Though you really threw us for a loop bringing him back. I mean, he burned up through the atmosphere after he saved the ark. Bringing him back like you did was a real lampshade.

    Sonic The Hedgehog: One of few sonic games I haven't played. I read the story on wikipedia and watched every cutscene on youtube, and I think it looks solid. I would really love to try the gameplay first hand, but that'll have to wait until I get an Xbox.

    Sonic Unleashed: What the hell were you guys thinking? You had this great 2d/3d Classic Sonic style game and then you make him into a Werehog? Can you please, please, just sell me the daytime portions of the game, and keep your werehog out of my Sonic?

    Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Thank you. Thank you so much. I knew you guys would remember why we loved Sonic in the first place.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • Last night I had two awesome dreams. One was about the back story of someone who later broke into a high security vault and stole information. The other started as a blatant ripoff of Half Life, but with the aliens of Natural Selection, and then kept taking more and more turns into the bizarre and weird.

    I was woken by someone ringing my doorbell, which always puts me into a "Shit, shit, shit, find something to wear before answering the door!" mode (though only when getting out of bed.

    And after that it wasn't my laptop delivery, but something I ordered off Amazon.
  • edited May 2010
    @Sonic: The main problem with Rouge is that she's sexy in a universe which, up until that point, gives no context for relationships between characters, then just throws Rouge in there and then doesn't go anywhere.
    It'd be like watching your average shounen jump anime and then they throw in a girl with huge.. oh, wait..
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • It'd be like watching your average shounen jump anime and then they throw in a girl with huge..
  • It'd be like watching your average shounen jump anime and then they throw in a girl with huge..
    ...tracts of land?
  • edited May 2010
    It'd be like watching your average shounen jump anime and then they throw in a girl with huge..
    ...tracts of land?
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • edited May 2010
    Yes.. guns..
    Post edited by Omnutia on
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