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Fail of your Boo-Yah (and vica-versa)



  • Fail: They were there screening the kids for drugs. D :
    Wait, what? Don't you have the right to refuse a search?
    The school has the right to refuse the search, because it is their property. If someone brings something onto their property (i.e. in a locker or dorm room), then the school has a right to search its own facilities or property.
  • The school has the right to refuse the search, because it is their property. If someone brings something onto their property (i.e. in a locker or dorm room), then the school has a right to search its own facilities or property.
    Ah, I assumed that the K9 units were checking the kids, rather than the lockers.
  • Boo-Yah - Suggested the JREF as charity to do a fundraiser for, and it's reasonably likely to happen with the LA promoter who was seeking suggestions.

    Fail - Some of the regulars to the place it was suggested are bound to be somewhat leery of it, since they're hardcore Woo Belivers. How hard-core? Well, at least two of them make their living doing Psychic readings, tarot, etc, etc.
  • edited June 2010
    Fail - Some of the regulars to the place it was suggested are bound to be somewhat leery of it, since they're hardcore Woo Belivers. How hard-core? Well, at least two of them make their living doing Psychic readings, tarot, etc, etc.
    Well, at least they're using flouride toothpaste.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • edited June 2010
    Well, at least they're using flouride toothpaste.
    At least they don't think that the Illuminati and the lizard people are fighting for control of the one world government.

    Edit - I'm not making a joke, I know someone who LITERALLY BELIEVES THIS.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • edited June 2010
    Well, at least they're using flouride toothpaste.
    At least they don't think that the Illuminati and the lizard people are fighting for control of the one world government.

    Edit - I'm not making a joke, I know someone who LITERALLY BELIEVES THIS.
    Dude, you're foolish to not believe that. The evidence is all around you. Why do you think it's legal to own an iguana but not a Komodo Dragon? They need to facilitate scout infiltration of the human species, man! The dragons are the second wave! Soldiers and plague vectors that will move in after the iggy menace softens us up. OPEN YOUR EYES.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Trying to reply to a days old argument on the forum when your tired and your eyes hurt. Fail :(
  • Fail: They were there screening the kids for drugs. D :
    Wait, what? Don't you have the right to refuse a search?
    The school has the right to refuse the search, because it is their property. If someone brings something onto their property (i.e. in a locker or dorm room), then the school has a right to search its own facilities or property.
    To clear things up, the kids were being sniffed because the day previous someone had brought in uppers, given or sold them to another student, who in turn used them and eventually took a swing at one of the CRC (think 'on campus security') people (which ended in epic failure for said swinger)as a result.
  • To clear things up, the kids were being sniffed because the day previous someone had brought in uppers, given or sold them to another student, who in turn used them and eventually took a swing at one of the CRC (think 'on campus security') people (which ended in epic failure for said swinger)as a result.
    That is somewhat funny, somewhat fail.
  • Fail: I recorded a podcast today...and as I was about to listen to it, I was freaking out like "OMG, I'm Gonna sound so retarded." @_@ Like, it was really affecting me.

    Boo-Yah: Came out awesome. In fact, the podcast came out so nicely, that it works as a confidence booster.
  • From my coworker:

    FAIL: Her husband broke his foot playing kick balls with their kids last night.

    Boo-Yah: She doesn't have to carpool to work with him and show up an hour early.
  • FAIL: Her husband broke his foot playing kick balls with their kids last night.
    That sounds like a horrible game.
  • edited June 2010
    Fail: Poverty!
    Booyah: Switched over to chrome (as my main browser), since Firefox was eating lots of ram. Now all the extensions I use are available for chrome, and I am happy.
    Post edited by YoshoKatana on
  • edited June 2010
    RAM usage doesn't really concern me - I have 4GB on this computer and that's what it's for - but I like Chrome's speed.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • edited June 2010
    Windows 7, with nothing running, uses 1.3GB. Maybe I've just been spoiled by Ubuntu using 700MB with everything open.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Windows 7, with nothing running, uses 1.3GB.
    My netbook uses 520MB.
  • How much has it got cached to disk?
  • How much has it got cached to disk?
    *shrugs* Whatever it needs to. It's so seamless that I don't notice or care. My desktop, which is 64-bit rather than 32, only uses 800 MB. I think you have a little bit more than nothing running on your windows 7 install.
  • edited June 2010
    Ok, just rebooted my Windows PC, 1.13GB in RAM with 0.70GB cached. Steam, Skype, Dropbox & Pidgin are all that's running in the background.
    Interestingly: Skype's taking 50MB of ram while Steam is only 15MB.

    Ubuntu, Clean boot: 178MB in RAM, 0MB in swap. However this is a cleaner install, I'll add IM and dropbox for a better test.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Here's a question, why do you care? Is your computer slow? Do you not have enough memory?
  • edited June 2010
    Ok, just rebooted my Windows PC, 1.13GB in RAM with 0.70GB cached. Steam, Skype, Dropbox & Pidgin are all that's running in the background.
    Interestingly: Skype's taking 50MB of ram while Steam is only 15MB.
    What the hell are you doing with your windows PC? I'm running Skype, Dropbox, Firefox, Pidgin, Scrobbler, AVG, iTunes, My soundcard's effects program, and Pamela call recorder, and I'm still clocking in at 820 MB, a bit over a quarter of which is Firefox, which is eating about 290 MB.

    Edit - This is after having done nothing more than hibernate my computer for about two weeks, though I do kill firefox every night, so that it's not ballooned into a ram-killing monster in the morning.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • I have a feeling Windows just loads more into memory the more RAM you have (I'm not sure how it counts Disk to RAM cache.). If anyone else has 4GB running on 64-bit, can they tell us what they're getting on boot up.
  • I have a feeling Windows just loads more into memory the more RAM you have (I'm not sure how it counts Disk to RAM cache.)
    Yes, you're right. Because empty RAM is wasted RAM. Microsoft is not as daft as you think.
  • I have a feeling Windows just loads more into memory the more RAM you have (I'm not sure how it counts Disk to RAM cache.).
    I believe this was supposed to be one of the big features of Windows 7. I remember my brother telling me (that's the only source I have for this) that it observes your habits, and will pre-load programs that you use often, around the time that you usually use them.
  • Hmm.

    Fail: Rochester has no jobs.
    Booyah: I'm moving to NYC very soon.

    Though I wish I was moving there on my own volition, rather than being forced by the economy. Oh well, at least the City is magnificent, and my Siberian Exile will come to an end.
  • Fail: While straining some noodles (post boiling) I made for dinner this evening I found that there were BEETLES IN IT.
    Boo-Yah: I noticed that there were BEETLES IN OUR NOODLES and didn't serve them.
  • Fail: While straining some noodles (post boiling) I made for dinner this evening I found that there were BEETLES IN IT.
    Boo-Yah: I noticed that there were BEETLES IN OUR NOODLES and didn't serve them.
    Fried beetles are kinda tasty, actually.
  • Boo-Yah: I got my digital caliper in the mail!
    Fail: I'm excited about a measurement tool that's accurate to .01 mm, I am truly a nerd.
  • Boo-Yah: I got my digital caliper in the mail!
    Fail: I'm excited about a measurement tool that's accurate to .01 mm, I am truly a nerd.
    Don't worry, you're in good company.
  • I like balances. WAY more than I should. I mean, just look at though goddamn moisture analyzers. Fuck.
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