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Fail of your Boo-Yah (and vica-versa)



  • edited June 2010
    This "Spain" sounds like a magical place of gumdrops and unicorns.
    Post edited by Ruffas on
  • This "Spain" sounds like a magical place of gumdrops and unicorns.
    Aside from the high unemployment and the crappy healthcare outside of cities, I might agree.
  • edited June 2010
    I wonder if Australia post-Labor will be like Spain post-Franco: topless girls everywhere, porn sold at convenience stores next to candy (and broadcast on TV), and an ultraviolent video game for every child?
    We already have the first three(though, probably less topless people than Spain, but still, an above average level) but the last one, we're working on still.

    Also - Seven Sunrise is now kinda torn - they go from a whinge-fest that their preferred politician(because he used to appear on their show constantly), to congratulating gilliard, to making out like she's horrible and will wreck everything, to the whining again.

    EDIT - I flicked back through the channels to see how they were going, and they called his speech to the Caucus "Beautiful, Moving, Poignant and Sad" - Jesus christ, will someone please slap the EX-Prime minister's cock out of their mouth for a second so we can get some actual reporting on the issue, rather than a pointless school-girl popularity contest where they're the losers? Fuck me sideways.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Fail: Had horrible chest pain today

    Boo-Yah: Seems the mild chest pain that the doctors didn't know what it was has been heart burn for years. Not sure why I didn't think of this sooner, my dad has acid reflux, it makes sense I would. This is boo-yah because now I can very easily treat and deal with it. I haz a happy. ^_^
  • What is this I don't even?
  • EDIT - I flicked back through the channels to see how they were going, and they called his speech to the Caucus "Beautiful, Moving, Poignant and Sad" - Jesus christ, will someone please slap the EX-Prime minister's cock out of their mouth for a second so we can get some actual reporting on the issue, rather than a pointless school-girl popularity contest where they're the losers? Fuck me sideways.
    Jesus christ, Churba! The man was backstabbed by people he works with every day, some of whom he probably considered friends, yet he doesn't throw a tantrum, he simply accepts that he's lost the fight and bows out gracefully. A classy move.

    And by repeating the statements of people who were inside the caucus room, the media are reporting on the issue. Just because it's not what you want to hear doesn't make it incorrect or biased.
  • edited June 2010
    Jesus christ, Churba! The man was backstabbed by people he works with every day, some of whom he probably considered friends, yet he doesn't throw a tantrum, he simply accepts that he's lost the fight and bows out gracefully. A classy move.
    No, I got respect for him personally - He did get utterly boned, and I'm sympathetic to him on that front. I don't like him, or how he ran the joint, but credit where credit's due, he got bent over and screwed like a cheap whore, then he took it better than expected, and didn't use his power after it was decided, but before Gilliard was sworn in, to utterly screw her over. He made a good - though at points a little eyebrow raising, when he claimed a few fails as successes and things he was proud of - speech to the public. I applaud him for taking the smart route when the writing was on the wall - though, it's been coming for a while, and some pundits(for example, Brian "Spoonman" Carlton) have been predicting constantly this since before he was even elected. Even the Rudd-friendly outlets have reported on this, and I saw it coming just by watching the news from half a world away. If he didn't see this coming, then I'm baffled how the hell he made it anywhere in politics in the first place.

    Though, the angrier, nastier part of me does wish I could deliver a modified version of the same speech he gave to me when I raised a concern with him about atheism and the schooling system back when he was just the member for griffith - his speech was essentially a waffling version of "You are not a Christian of any stripe, and don't believe in god, so you deserve just what you get. You brought it on yourself."

    My annoyance is purely at Sunrise - The'd been barracking him all morning, speaking for the public with no right to, and generally acting as if the populace was about to riot because of this, that the liberals were - and I quote - "Sitting in the coalition planning room, rubbing their little hands with glee, thinking about what they can dig up on Julia Gilliard about the left policies she's supported in the past"(David Kosch). They were going mental playing Rudd's cheerleader, and As soon as the news came out, they went into a mad tailspin, and didn't know what they were doing - They were, simultaneously, congratulating gilliard, saying the public hated her and so did everyone else, saying that Rudd was the best thing ever for the party, that it had been coming for a long time. They didn't know if they were coming or going.
    And by repeating the statements of people who were inside the caucus room, the media are reporting on the issue. Just because it's not what you want to hear doesn't make it incorrect or biased.
    They were not reporting any statement from the Caucus with that - it was purely their own assessment. The actual comments were much more measured, and rather less like breathless worship. Seriously - If you think sunrise is a program with any sort of decent reporting, you're mad. They're like a happy, positive version of Today Tonight, with an occasional small concert. They wouldn't even read any messages that were not explicitly in support of Rudd, or explicitly damning the process through which this happened. They wouldn't speak to anyone on the street who wasn't supporting Rudd - I got a message from a mate of mine who walks through the plaza on her way to work, and they asked her off camera what she thought, and she said "It has to be hard on him, and It must be terrible for him that it happened this way, he has my total sympathy.
    But I'm glad he's gone, politically speaking, because he really wasn't a very good prime minister in the end." And they immediately moved to her co-worker, who she walks to work with most mornings, and asked them, she came out in support of Rudd, and was immediately pulled for an on-camera pedestrian interview.

    They're bullshitting their way through this coverage, and pretending to be a real media outlet, while doing little more than tooting their man's horn and trying to drum up support for him, while either trying to sabotage or support Gilliard, They're not quite sure yet. That's what pisses me off.

    Edit - By the way - Just because it's not what I wanted to hear? Try again, mate - I don't want gilliard in the job, either. Come meet the new boss, same as the old boss, just even more pro union this time. Her level of religious fervor is yet to be seen, though, she might be less, or she might be equal. The former is preferred and somewhat more optimal, but really, the latter wouldn't be a surprise. Before you start accusing me of being a "Big L liberal" again, I'm not fans of them, either, because they're just as bad, but in a different way. Remember, just because I don't barrack for your team doesn't mean I'm in support of anyone else in particular, overall. The political parties of Australia are not "Labor" and "Every other, lesser politician who doesn't have the sense to be in the Labor Party."
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Fail: Best Buy had neither Nausicaa or Cagliostro in store for me to pick up yesterday so I can show them in my class today.
    Boo-Yah: They did have Mononoke, which I will be showing, and the Evangelion Platinum pack with the director's cuts was a steal at $38.
  • Fail: Best Buy had neither Nausicaa or Cagliostro in store for me to pick up yesterday so I can show them in my class today.
    Boo-Yah: They did have Mononoke, which I will be showing, and the Evangelion Platinum pack with the director's cuts was a steal at $38.
    What are you doing in your class that necessitates Miyazaki movies and why weren't my teachers that cool?
  • edited June 2010
    They did have Mononoke
    Ummmmm, are you sure Adam? Aren't these young kids? Isn't Mononoke a bit violent, especially in uncut form? I have horrible visions in my head of little boys going home and telling their moms that Mr. MacRoss showed them a movie where a guy shot off another guy's head with an arrow.
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • edited June 2010
    Ummmmm, are you sure Adam? Aren't these young kids? Isn't Mononoke a bit violent, especially in uncut form? I have horrible visions in my head of little boys going home and telling their moms that Mr. MacRoss showed them a movie where a guy shot of another guy's head with an arrow.
    I was wondering this myself. (depending on the age Laputa would have been a better movie)
    Post edited by Cremlian on
  • edited June 2010
    They did have Mononoke
    Ummmmm, are you sure Adam? Aren't these young kids? Isn't Mononoke a bit violent, especially in uncut form? I have horrible visions in my head of little boys going home and telling their moms that Mr. MacRoss showed them a movie where a guy shot off another guy's head with an arrow.
    He has been working at a high school, not an elementary school anymore. :P
    He showed his elementary shcoolers Totoro, Laputa, etc. These are kids in 8th-12th grade and most of them have lived through crap that we can't imagine (one kid's father killed him mother and himself, other kids have been shot, etc.), so I think they can handle some (relativley mild) anime violence.
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • He has been working at a high school, not an elementary school anymore. :P
    Oh, I thought he was working in an elementary school still. Nevermind, carry on.
  • He has been working at a high school, not an elementary school anymore. :P
    Oh, I thought he was working in an elementary school still. Nevermind, carry on.
    I'm not crazy George. :P
    @Ruffas It's the last day of school. We're just killing time today since everything is finished and grades are in.
  • I'm not crazy George. :P
    Dude, I once showed Baccano to my mom and I hadn't watched it in a while. Within two minutes of starting it, "Oh, OH, shit I forgot how violent this was."
  • That makes sense then. We did a lot of that once AP exams were over, but it was more of a play boardgames and watch The Price is Right kind of thing though.
  • Boo yah: Had an interview with the UN. Made some more connections. Hanging out in the city is fun &c.
    Fail: Didn't get an offer yet, but hopefully I'll get a second interview. The city is too expensive to laze about in all day.
  • Boo-Yah: I had a really cool thing to share in this thread.
    Fail: But I've forgotten what it was.
  • Boo-Yah: My Indian professor made super awesome spicy curry for the last day of class.
    Fail: As much as I like it, my digestive tract was not made to handle it.
  • edited June 2010
    Boo-yah: Today it was 100 degrees Fahrenheit, a bit humid, and sunny.

    Fail: There is a constant stench of sweat and cooking goat feces.
    Post edited by Walker on
  • Boo-Yah: Cute girl told me my goatee is hot.

    Fail: I hadn't actually tried to grow a goatee. I just hadn't shaved in a week and it's just where my facial hair grows thickest. I was instructed to shave everything else. So now I have to spend time actually grooming my facial hair.
  • edited June 2010
    Cute girls are excellent sources of grooming advice. Now do it!

    EDIT: My Boo-Yah of a Fail:

    Fail: It's getting really difficult to keep track of all of the legal requirements - both federal and state - that I'll have to abide in order to operate a brewery...

    Boo-Yah: Because they keep changing the law to make it easier.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • I did, but I'm gonna have to do it every couple days. It's never ending.
  • I did, but I'm gonna have to do it every couple days. It's never ending.
    Five words: beard trimmer with length guards. I picked up a trimmer with an adjustable guard fairly cheap and run it over my goatee once a week to keep it about 1/4" long (YMMV depending on how often you have to shave). The only downside to maintaining a goatee is that when you use the trimmer you have to wipe/sweep up all the hair clippings whereas if you keep yourself clean-shaven all the trimmings get washed down the drain when you're done. But if Cute Girl says it's hot, then rock the goatee for a while!
  • The Cleancut, while designed for the region down under, is an excellent close-shave electric trimmer. I started using it for my armpits because my razor is too wide to get into the concave bits easily without cutting me. It's quick, easy, and the hair trimmings are caught inside the razor so you can just unscrew the top and dump it in the trash when you are done. I've had the same one since college and it's still working great.
  • The Cleancut,
    I am dubious of it's ability to shave my neck hair. My neck is a mine field, nothing shaves it.
  • The Cleancut,
    I am dubious of it's ability to shave my neck hair. My neck is a mine field, nothing shaves it.
    A DOVO cutthroat with Feather blades will shave your neck. They are the Hattori Hanzo blades of shaving. They will cut a wind into twin breezes.
  • A DOVO cutthroat with Feather blades will shave your neck. They are the Hattori Hanzo blades of shaving. They will cut a wind into twin breezes.
    A safety razor with Merkur blades will suffice 99% as well, and with 99% less chance of injury.
  • Fail: I am ill today :'(
    Double Fail: The rest of my school is also ill (damn stomach bug!)
    Minor Boo-Yah: All of my assinments have been pushed back a week becuase of this.
  • Boo-yah: I found a super cute, adorable, fluffy, really young, and supposedly very rare kitten at my local animal shelter. I originally decided to not have a pet in my new apartment, but its been nagging at me more and more recently, since I've always had a cat at some point my entire life. Randomly finding this kitten is further fueling this desire.

    Fail: Pet deposit is pretty expensive at $500.

    Extra possibly super bad fail: Apartment website says that pets under 1 year aren't allowed. I am hoping I can convince them to let me have a kitten, since they don't poop on the floor like puppies, etc. If I do convince them, I have to really decide if I want to spend the money, convince Andrew, and then hope the kitten isn't already adopted by the time all of that is over. ;-;
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