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Fail of your Boo-Yah (and vica-versa)



  • Just go naked with the fans on in your apt. Always works. ^_~
  • FAIL: Got tasked with hunting down a solution for my company to implement so that we can walk non-tech-savvy customers through blanking out the passwords on a Windows box they locked themselves out of when they forget their password instead of sending out one of our field techs and billing them for it.

    SUB-FAIL: Managerial-types didn't think my observation that "if they're too stupid to remember the password they set on Friday when they get back into their office on Monday then they don't need to be using a computer" was very funny.

    BOO-YAH!: Found a fairly robust Linux-based live CD solution that we ought to be able to walk even the most dense person through using so long as they shut up, sit down, and follow exact instructions.

    REBOUND FAIL: Since I was the one that found the solution, I got stuck doing the documentation. Remind me again why we have a Q/A and Documentation department?
  • edited July 2010
    Boo-Yah: I'm 21 now.
    Fail: I'm in Australia, so it doesn't matter so much.
    Boo-Yah: I finally have Internet access at home again.
    Fail: I had to wait a week or so for reconnection, plus there's an associated fee and a 12 month contract period (we were out of the period when we left...). The worst part is that we were paying for Internet while we were away to avoid all this trouble, but because it's ADSL(2+) and the phone had to be reconnected it was all for nought.
    Boo-Yah: I had a nice Wagyu Rump for dinner (just with my family).
    Fail/Boo-Yah: I'm kinda drunk.
    Boo-Yah: I'll probably have a get-together with friends in the near future.
    Fail: I haven't really planned anything; being overseas and not having Internet for a while was problematic.
    Boo-Yah: I've realised it doesn't really matter when it actually happens, as long as it does.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • Boo-Yah: It comes with a free Frogurt.
    Fail: The Frogurt is also cursed.
  • Boo-Yah: It comes with a free Frogurt.
    Fail: The Frogurt is also cursed.
    Boo-Yah: That's good!
    Fail: That's bad...
  • Boo-yah!: I just got my facewings for my Gwendolyn costume to work as headphones!
    Fail: The speakers are kind of uneven in sound and placement... so it doesn't work amazingly well.
    Fail or booyah, depending on how you look at it: Yes, I totally just did that, and am excited about this.
  • Boo-Yah: New tires! At a (mostly) reasonable price!

    Fail: I need an alignment.
  • Boo-Yah: New tires! At a (mostly) reasonable price!

    Fail: I need an alignment.
    But your car will thank you with more grip and better handling.
  • @Anrild
    That is freaking awesome, I think. It could definitely make waiting in long lines where you're not with someone more bearable. I read about a Zero (from Mega Man) cosplayer who put a bluetooth in his helmet so he could receive phone calls without taking the helmet off. Pretty sick.
  • edited July 2010
    Boo-Yah: Looking at this and this, it seems it's possible to achieve an unlimited download quota (or, rather, limited only by bandwidth * time) with TPG by continuously switching from the 130GB plan to the 180GB one. I believe this would still only work out to $50, because you are refunded for the amount of time left unused of the old plan when switching to a new plan, although I've read that each day is counted twice. Even if this is the case, it would only be an extra $2 or so for every time you change plan.

    Fail: TPG, for not coming up with this. It used to be that I could switch between two plans infinitely at different price points, but TPG introduced a fee for a "downgrade" (i.e. from any plan to a lower-priced plan). However, they made a mistake in introducing two same-priced plans at the same time, because their terms state that this counts as an upgrade in both directions. This wasn't a problem before, when such an upgrade would involve going from an obsolete plan to a newer one (a one-way process).
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • Fail: Bike got stolen from in front of my work, while locked up, a few weeks ago.
    Boo-yah: I have a biking family so I now have and older, better for commuting, bike that I should be able to fix up with only standard-ish repairs.
    Fail: It's quite old. I pumped up the tires to pressure, and while I was greasing up the bearing shaft for the pedals the front tire exploded about 6 inches from my head.
  • edited July 2010
    Boo-Yah: New tires! At a (mostly) reasonable price!
    Fail: I need an alignment.
    Choose your sarcastic response:
    A. "How about neutral good or chaotic evil?"
    2. "I thought you didn't go to chiropractors."
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • edited July 2010
    A and 2, Adam? Are you making fun of me?

    Boo-yah: Had a great work out with a friend last night.
    Fail: My lungs hurt.

    Extra-bonus fail: I just outed myself as an inconsistent "lister."
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • Fail: My glasses just broke. In half. While I was cleaning them. What the hell?
    Booh-Yah: MONOCLE SMILE!
    I was planning to get new glasses soon anyway, and Lenscrafters should be able to help me get my current glasses into a wearable state until then. Getting to the mall will be problematic, though.
  • This is why your wussy thin framed glasses will never be a match for........

    My glasses have never broken in the last five years, the nearest thing to them breaking has been needing to tighten the screws on the arms. Thick rimmed all the way! (I think this is the first time fashion and practicality have ever converged )
  • This is why your wussy thin framed glasses will never be a match for.......
    I had Flexon frames, your argument is invalid.
  • I had Flexon frames, your argument is invalid.
    Except that it isn't because your glasses are broken.
  • I had Flexon frames, your argument is invalid.
    Except that it isn't because your glasses are broken.
    Yes, but my glasses were old and very beat up. I have stepped on them before and not had any problems besides some scratching on the bottom of the frame.
  • Enough with comparing your eye-wear peni!

    Setup: I got a gig performing my show on cruise ship in German.

    Fail: I was told the day before my show I had to perform it in both English and German. I had no idea how to do this.

    Boo-Yah: The first show tonight was awesome. Half English, half German, and I had a lot of fun. It's the first time I've performed bi-lingually, and some how the two halves of my brain worked well together.

    Fail: In my second show, the German side of my brain farted, and I really struggled to connect with the audience. I felt like a complete idiot.

    Boo-Yah: Thankfully I'm a good juggler and physical comedian, so can still pass off what I consider a mediocre performance as a good one.

    Fail: All the other entertainers came to the other show, and the classic line is to always say the show they didn't see was the better one. This time it was soooo true.

    Boo-Yah: No more stressing about doing this fucking German show, and I can get back to normal life.
  • Randomly, this reminded me - since I came back, I reconnected with an old friend, to discover that she also works cruise ships - though, she's a dancer. I can't recall if she does a solo show, but I'm reasonably sure it is, as all of her gymnastic ability would be going to waste were she just a chorus-line girl.
  • edited July 2010
    Boo-Yah: I got Kate hooked on Dragon Age and this achievement.
    Fail: I am now unable to play Dragon Age because Kate has been playing it. :\
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • Boo-Yah: I got Kate hooked on Dragon Age and this achievement.
    Fail: I am now unable to play Dragon Age because Kate has been playing it. :\
    Solution: Buy another copy so you can both play it at the same time (unless you're playing the FAIL version on the 360...)
  • Solution: Buy another copy so you can both play it at the same time (unless you're playing the FAIL version on the 360...)
    Why is the 360 fail?
  • Why is the 360 fail?
    Because they don't have 2 360's :P
  • Boo-Yah: I got Kate hooked on Dragon Age and this achievement.
    Fail: I am now unable to play Dragon Age because Kate has been playing it. :\
    Solution: Buy another copy so you can both play it at the same time (unless you're playing the FAIL version on the 360...)
    The PC version would be inaccessible for a Kate. This is partially because my PC isn't good enough to play the game and she is not a PC gamer, so the controls would be frustrating for her. Also, I happen to like the Xbox version as the Xbox is my primary gaming thing.
  • Churba, I've never seen a single dancer do a solo show. Some are one half of duo shows, with either ballroom dancing or more acrobatic adagio duo type things. Those couples are normally Russian though.

    Every Australian dancer I've ever met on cruise ships is part of the production cast, so in chorus-line as you say. Ask her if she works on the small Princess ships, and if she does, say hi from me, as I might know her.
  • edited July 2010
    Why is the 360 fail?
    Re-jiggered console controls. I'm not saying the 360 version is totally bad, nor is it my intent to turn this into a console-versus-PC war. I'd rather have someone playing a good game on any system than playing a bad game on a PC, but in this case the PC's controls for it are just so much better. It plays more like an actual BioWare/Black Isle RPG (a la Baldur's Gate & Icewind Dale) than an action/rpg and the ability to zoom out to a bird's-eye view, spin the camera around, pause, and issue tactical commands to your party is so much more satisfying.

    Plus, this:
    Because they don't have 2 360's
    But hey, like I said, if you're enjoying it on the 360 then more power to you. It's a game that anyone who loves fantasy RPGs should sink their teeth into.
    Post edited by Techparadox on
  • Churba, I've never seen a single dancer do a solo show. Some are one half of duo shows, with either ballroom dancing or more acrobatic adagio duo type things. Those couples are normally Russian though.
    I didn't inquire too deeply, I bumped into her somewhat at random. But, I have her details, and she wants to go to coffee, so, I'll find out.
    Every Australian dancer I've ever met on cruise ships is part of the production cast, so in chorus-line as you say. Ask her if she works on the small Princess ships, and if she does, say hi from me, as I might know her.
    No worries, will do.
  • edited July 2010
    Why is the 360 fail?
    Re-jiggered console controls. I'm not saying the 360 version is totally bad, nor is it my intent to turn this into a console-versus-PC war. I'd rather have someone playing a good game on any system than playing a bad game on a PC, but in this case the PC's controls for it are just so much better. It plays more like an actual BioWare/Black Isle RPG (a la Baldur's Gate & Icewind Dale) than an action/rpg and the ability to zoom out to a bird's-eye view, spin the camera around, pause, and issue tactical commands to your party is so much more satisfying.
    I hated all of that pause, give command, rejigger the camera, shit.

    Boo-Yah: Cortisone injection in my spine.
    Fail: I turned about eight shades paler during the injections because I'm a big pussy who can't stand needles.
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • I hated all of that pause, give command, rejigger the camera, shit.
    Different strokes for different folks. *shrug*
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