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Fail of your Boo-Yah (and vica-versa)



  • The Cleancut, while designed for the region down under
    Huh, I should get one of these. I'm in the Region down under, and I've not shaved in a week.
    A DOVO cutthroat with Feather blades will shave your neck. They are the Hattori Hanzo blades of shaving. They will cut a wind into twin breezes.
    I own two - A black handle artemis, and a Sweeny todd Replica(which is suprisingly high quality, I'd shave with it were it not in a box, in a shipping container, on a dock in england.)
    A safety razor with Merkur blades will suffice 99% as well, and with 99% less chance of injury.
    Exactlw what I use, along with a nice Badger brush and Rosewood Shave soap.
  • Poison ivy everywhere.
  • Poison ivyeverywhere.
    Where's the boo yah?
  • Poison ivyeverywhere.
    Where's the boo yah?
  • edited June 2010
    Wrong thread. I suppose the boo-yah how much fun I had running through the woods at night with no shirt or shoes on, though I'll probably never do it during the summertime again.
    Post edited by Walker on
  • Boo-yah: I found a super cute, adorable, fluffy, really young, and supposedly very rare kitten at my local animal shelter. I originally decided to not have a pet in my new apartment, but its been nagging at me more and more recently, since I've always had a cat at some point my entire life. Randomly finding this kitten is further fueling this desire.

    Fail: Pet deposit is pretty expensive at $500.

    Extra possibly super bad fail: Apartment website says that pets under 1 year aren't allowed. I am hoping I can convince them to let me have a kitten, since they don't poop on the floor like puppies, etc. If I do convince them, I have to really decide if I want to spend the money, convince Andrew, and then hope the kitten isn't already adopted by the time all of that is over. ;-;
    Get the kitty! I really hope you do.

    It wasn't as random, but we always go to Pet Smart to get cat food and we saw Rorschach in the adoption area. They were cleaning the enclosures so the cat so they kittens where able to walk around the floor behind a small fence. We went to say hi to the kittens and Rorschach was the first one to greet us. He was all excited and affectionate to us. We really didn't need a third cat, but the attendant let us pick him up. We saw his awesome pattern on the back and he was so comfortable being held.

    We were sold. We then had to travel 30 minutes away to the actual animal shelter to fill out adoption papers. There have been NO regrets. I can go on and on about him, but I won't. I'll just say he's probably one of the coolest cats I've ever encountered. He loves to go on car rides and sits like a human in my lap.

    But I really hope you are able to somehow get the cat. I know it's a bit risky, but just adopt and not tell the landlord. I don't highly recommend it, but for most part landlords do not really pay attention to all their tenants unless they draw attention on themselves.
  • Boo-yah: My cousin has gotten married. She was fun to be around when I grew up, and I am happy for her. However...
    Fail 1: I have to go to the reception where there are few people I know.
    Fail 2: This side of the family often picks a fight with mine every time we show up. (At least I'm not involved in these, but it's still damn annoying.)
    Fail 3: It reminds me that I have few rights.

    Minor boo-yah: I can leave early.
  • Get the kitty! I really hope you do.

    It wasn't as random, but we always go to Pet Smart to get cat food and we saw Rorschach in the adoption area. They were cleaning the enclosures so the cat so they kittens where able to walk around the floor behind a small fence. We went to say hi to the kittens and Rorschach was the first one to greet us. He was all excited and affectionate to us. We really didn't need a third cat, but the attendant let us pick him up. We saw his awesome pattern on the back and he was so comfortable being held.

    We were sold. We then had to travel 30 minutes away to the actual animal shelter to fill out adoption papers. There have been NO regrets. I can go on and on about him, but I won't. I'll just say he's probably one of the coolest cats I've ever encountered. He loves to go on car rides and sits like a human in my lap.

    But I really hope you are able to somehow get the cat. I know it's a bit risky, but just adopt and not tell the landlord. I don't highly recommend it, but for most part landlords do not really pay attention to all their tenants unless they draw attention on themselves.
    Yay! I would like to meet him someday :D

    Fail: I went to the humane society to look around and get info, and the kitten I was interested in was just adopted. I'm not surprised, since he was very cute and special.

    Booyah: I talked to one of the apartment manager people and she said it was ok to have kittens. We don't even have to pay the deposit right away, I can get the kitten first and then pay when I get around to it (of course I'll be proper and do it right away :-P)

    Extra booyah: I think we settled on an awesome name: Starbuck! :D Now I just have to actually pick out and get a kitten...

    Minor fail: I have to wait until after July 4th weekend, since I don't want to leave it by itself for 4 days and be traumatized. I want kitteh now ;-;
  • Yay! That is awesome Lyddi! Too bad the kitteh was adopted but that means another kitten can have a chance for a loving home! Kittens for all!
  • Boo-yodel: Made it to the doctor's today. Feel like I'm finally on my way to kicking the depression long-term.

    Fail: Was sure at the time that there's something I'd forgotten. Just remembered I wanted to ask if he could help me get the family eating earlier.
  • edited June 2010
    Boo-yah: After living in a house without air conditioning in the summer for two months, I finally have air conditioning IN MY ROOM.
    Fail: I was so used to the heat that it hadn't been bothering me. So now the air conditioning, even on the balmy-ist setting, feels extremely cold.
    Post edited by Anrild on
  • Boo-yah: After living in a house without air conditioning in the summer for two months, I finally have air conditioning IN MY ROOM.
    Fail: I was so used to the heat that it hadn't been bothering me. So now the air conditioning, even on the balmy-ist setting, feels extremely cold.
    That would make sense, if it weren't for the fact that "used to the heat" meant "still sweating while just sitting around and always feeling gross and dehydrated". I'd rather readjust to cooler temperatures than sweat all day every day, thanks.
  • Fail: It is now officially a 12h+ shift at work today.
    Boo-Yah: It's 12 hours of pay.
  • Boo-yah: Had a blast celebrating my birthday on Saturday.

    Fail: My cousin helped me drink myself into oblivion, and ended up blacking out and puking in a cab on the way home.

    Double fail: Lost my glasses in the process. This is really bad because I literally can't do anything beyond read books without them. And I didn't have any backups.

    Redemption: Just got new ones, plus new prescription sunglasses for the price of one.

    Very costly weekend, but that's just the way life goes sometimes. Won't be drinking for a while in any case.
  • Puppy love. Stomach in my throat, butterflies in my stomach, and a mushy iTunes playlist. Feeling like I did when I was twelve years old, staring at the pretty Asian girl in my Tae Kwon Do class, too terrified to say much, and feeling like an idiot every time I worked up the courage to speak. Not only that but she lives in Ohio, has other guys to worry about, and I hardly know her. Overall I'm feeling a bit silly at the moment. Some of that is probably the Prednisone talking, though, it makes me a bit jumpy.
  • Stomach in my throat, butterflies in my stomach, and a mushy iTunes playlist.
    I know this far too well.
  • I've been there, as I'm sure most people here have. Granted, she wasn't far away, but just as unattainable. It sucks, but is awesome to feel in its own way. Find whatever it takes for you to start moving on, unless you want to stay there. Trust me, I waited a year to give myself the opportunity to move past a girl, and it was a year of my life wasted pining like an idiot. Have the guts to go for what you want, or to force yourself to move on through whatever pain happens as a result.
  • Stomach in my throat, butterflies in my stomach, and a mushy iTunes playlist.
    I know this far too well.
    Yeah, I've got that lately. Lots of BMSR and Matt and Kim. Not mushy, but...wistful.
  • Have the guts to go for what you want, or to force yourself to move on through whatever pain happens as a result.
    I've been here before, so I'm not too worried about moving on again. Like I said, it feels silly, and the nervous feeling combined with corticosteroids is becoming a bit overwhelming.
    Yeah, I've got that lately. Lots of BMSR and Matt and Kim. Not mushy, but...wistful.

    'Nuff said.
  • edited June 2010
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Let's start a mixtape thread!
  • Let's start a mixtape thread!
    Yeah man. Instead of posting YouTubes though, we should upload the mixes to Mediafire.
  • Or 8tracks. Your call.
  • I had quite a stressful day yesterday, and by 10pm I was super tired. And I still had about 3 hours work to do because I'm leaving on a new trip this morning and won't be home for another 5 weeks. As I packed my case I listened to a load of Jonathan Coulton tracks, and cried multiple times. As this happened, I mentioned it to a girly friend of mine when chatting on facebook. The ironic thing is that one of JC's songs is Soft Rocked By Me and is about (in part) a man showing his sensitivity by crying.

    Thankfully a stressful day for me is not bad compared to the lives of the majority of humanity, but sometimes a good cry while listening to a song about a vampire is what I need.
  • Boo-yah - I've been told multiple times in the past few days that I'm extraordinarily intelligent.

    Fail - I've been told, every single time in conjuction with the above, that this is why I'm unhappy, and that it's the reason people don't like me that much - further, if I want to be happy or if I want people to like me, I should act like I'm far less intelligent.

    Further fail - two of those times, part of the reason they said this was because I used the words "abhorrent" and "Paucity" in conversation, and another time, because I referred to Shakespeare.

    Final fail - every single time this occurred with a different person, I said something about "Flowers for Algernon" reactions ranged from "See, that's exactly what I'm talking about" to "Err, Who is Algernon, and why are you buying him flowers?"
  • further, if I want to be happy or if I want people to like me, I should act like I'm far less intelligent.
    Or, y'know, find other intelligent people and hang out with them, leaving the mindless drudges to wonder where that guy who talked funny went.
  • Or, y'know, find other intelligent people and hang out with them, leaving the mindless drudges to wonder where that guy who talked funny went.
    Quite. It sounds as though you keep the company of simpletons. The Crew ditches people who can't keep up with surprising speed and ferocity. ^_~
  • Quite. It sounds as though you keep the company of simpletons. The Crew ditches people who can't keep up with surprising speed and ferocity. ^_~
    We do? We usually keep the slow ones around for zombies and the like I thought.
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