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Fail of your Boo-Yah (and vica-versa)



  • Boo-yah: I finished reading "Blacksad". It was pretty sweet.
    Fail: No more "Blacksad" in english.
    Boo-yah: Next issue will be coming out in September!
    Fail: It is in french :(
    Boo-yah: I always wanted to learn french :D
  • Boo-yah: Found my USB Stick!
    Fail: In the washing machine...

    Boo-yah: Thai Food is amazing. Plum sauce is incredible.
    Fail: Why didn't I go to this restaurant sooner?
    Boo-yah: Got my brother into it, so more meals at local Thai place. ^_^
  • Boo-yah: Found my USB Stick!
    Fail: In the washing machine...
    Let it dry out, it'll be fine.
  • Boo-Yah: Zombieland is on Netflix Streaming!
    Fail: Only watched the first five minutes of it. We were eating while we started watching the movie. The gore was too much and made me lose my appetite. :( We'll have to watch it when we're not eating.
  • edited July 2010
    Fail: I turned about eight shades paler during the injections because I'm a big pussy who can't stand needles.
    Isn't the needle for a spinal injection massive?

    Nuker: Flash drives will be fine after a spin in the washer. Just take it apart, if you can, and stuff it in an airtight bag full of rice then leave it in a warm cupboard for a week.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Fail: I turned about eight shades paler during the injections because I'm a big pussy who can't stand needles.
    Isn't the needle for a spinal injection massive?
    Long yes, thick no. They have to inject the medicine between the dorsal bump of the spine and the disc. It's very uncomfortable and strange to have foreign material/fluid in a spot in your body that isn't used to touching anything at all ever. The up side is that the doctors were telling me the shots work around 90% of the time for fixing herniated discs. The down side is that if it doesn't work (it takes a few days to tell) it may lead to a second injection in a few weeks, and if it continues to not-work it could mean back surgery.
  • Nuker: Flash drives will be fine after a spin in the washer. Just take it apart, if you can, and stuff it in an airtight bag full of rice then leave it in a warm cupboard for a week.
    That worked for my phone after it fell into a tea pot. Now it has the lovely scent of earl gray wherever I go!
  • edited July 2010
    Also: I use a Super Talent Pico A drive, which aside from being super tiny, is a single solid lump, and thus, waterproof, just wipe off and use.
    Problem is that it's smaller than the top section of my thumb, meaning I have to put it on a keyring so I don't loose it.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Isn't the needle for a spinal injection massive?
    You're thinking of the needle they use for a Lumbar Puncture, AKA,

    Which is much thicker, since it's usually for extracting cerebrospinal fluid , rather than injecting things.
  • edited July 2010
    Indeed, lumbar puncture needles are srs bsns. Note the size compared with the vertebrae.
    A opposed to what I got, an epidural injection, is long but not as thick as your face. This picture actually makes them look thicker than what I saw them use.
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • Boo-Yah: I found the sunglasses I thought I had lost yesterday...
    FAIL: ...when I stepped on them getting into the car this morning.

    Oh well, I was looking for an excuse to buy a new pair anyway.
  • Woot: Came up with a beautifully simple punchline to put on a t-shirt "Geology Rocks".
    Fail: Has already been done.
    Woot: Has not yet been done well.
  • Fail: power went out in the night
    Boo-Yah: I have UPS's.
  • Booyah: A friend of mine just gave me a new electronic speed controller for my drifting car.
    Fail: For some reason it lags a good 1-2 seconds after push the trigger into reverse. That's bad because I use reverse for some of the cool tricks I do with my car. So that means I'll have to spend another 45 minutes re-installing the stock speed controller.
  • Boo-yah: I took last Friday off to go to a wedding of a long time friend and had a good time.
    Fail: Because I missed work, I missed an opportunity to go to San Francisco for week for some conference. I never attended an out-of-state conference for my work, and it will probably be the only opportunity for me to go until our jobs get reassigned to Las Vegas in 2013. :(
  • our jobs get reassigned to Las Vegas in 2013. :(
    So you're moving to Vegas? Sweet.
  • So you're moving to Vegas? Sweet.
    Hey. Roadtrip to vegas. You hire the Giant red land-shark convertable, I'll bring the suitcase full of drugs.
  • edited July 2010
    So you're moving to Vegas? Sweet.
    No. My department for my region along with other similar departments at other VA facilities is being consolidated into one huge department located in Las Vegas.

    I will still have a job because I'm a vested government employee, however I'm looking into other departments and other opportunities. There will still be a small number of jobs available at the same location I'm working at, but I will have to compete for it.

    I'm not worried. It's just change. It happens. I'm still getting paid.

    Plus, I wouldn't ever want to live in Vegas. Too fucking hot.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • So you're moving to Vegas? Sweet.
    Hey. Roadtrip to vegas. You hire the Giant red land-shark convertable, I'll bring the suitcase full of drugs.
    And money for Hos. We'll need money for Hos.

    Bah, what am I sayin. You and me got enough charisma to be like the pied pipers.
  • Fail: My roommate thought buying a pan-pipe would be a good idea.
    Boo-Yah: I'm moving to a place of lodging that is superior in every way within two weeks.
  • edited July 2010
    So you're moving to Vegas? Sweet.
    Hey. Roadtrip to vegas. You hire the Giant red land-shark convertable, I'll bring the suitcase full of drugs.
    Where can we get a Vincent Black Shadow? The new model is something like two thousand cubic inches, developing two hundred brake-horsepower at four thousand revolutions per minute on a magnesium frame with two styrofoam seats and a total curb weight of exactly two hundred pounds.The new model is something like two thousand cubic inches, developing two hundred brake-horsepower at four thousand revolutions per minute on a magnesium frame with two styrofoam seats and a total curb weight of exactly two hundred pounds. The fucker's not much for turning, but it's pure hell on the straightaway. It'll outrun the F-111 until takeoff.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited July 2010
    Fail - I live in an asian area. I was up the shopping center, And I was going to go in and play some games in the arcade. Walked in, and a little group of of young Asian dudes start carrying on, surrounded me some, rough semicircle, and started saying shit like "We don't want you here, white boy" and "Why you in our arcade, Cracker?" Tried to play a quick game of initial D, they keep harassing me. I play another game, they keep harassing me. I walk out, the follow me, keep carrying on. They pretty much follow me and harass me till I lead them just out of the area where there are cameras, spin around, and pop the leader right on the jaw, and put him on the ground and immediately plant the toe of my boot in his mate's nuts, and then knee him in the collarbone, knocking him to the floor. Tell the last two they're not as tough as they think they are, and I've got no beef with them, I just wanna play some games in peace. They fuck off and leave me alone, and I'll leave them alone, no worries. There may be repercussions, but I doubt it - They're just some punk kids, biting off more than they can chew - but that doesn't mean I like fighting.

    Boo-Yah! - I have a proper arcade within walking distance, and they're comparatively cheap for the conversion rate to tokens. Plus, they have some pretty sweet games.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Fail - I live in an asian area. I was up the shopping center, And I was going to go in and play some games in the arcade. Walked in, and a little group of of young Asian dudes start carrying on, surrounded me some, rough semicircle, and started saying shit like "We don't want you here, white boy" and "Why you in our arcade, Cracker?" Tried to play a quick game of initial D, they keep harassing me. I play another game, they keep harassing me. I walk out, the follow me, keep carrying on. They pretty much follow me and harass me till I lead them just out of the area where there are cameras, spin around, and pop the leader right on the jaw, and put him on the ground and immediately plant the toe of my boot in his mate's nuts, and then knee him in the collarbone, knocking him to the floor. Tell the last two they're not as tough as they think they are, and I've got no beef with them, I just wanna play some games in peace. They fuck off and leave me alone, and I'll leave them alone, no worries.

    Boo-Yah! - I have a proper arcade within walking distance, and they're comparatively cheap for the conversion rate to tokens. Plus, they have some pretty sweet games.
    Is this just a normal day for you?
  • Fail - I live in an asian area. I was up the shopping center, And I was going to go in and play some games in the arcade. Walked in, and a little group of of young Asian dudes start carrying on, surrounded me some, rough semicircle, and started saying shit like "We don't want you here, white boy" and "Why you in our arcade, Cracker?" Tried to play a quick game of initial D, they keep harassing me. I play another game, they keep harassing me. I walk out, the follow me, keep carrying on. They pretty much follow me and harass me till I lead them just out of the area where there are cameras, spin around, and pop the leader right on the jaw, and put him on the ground and immediately plant the toe of my boot in his mate's nuts, and then knee him in the collarbone, knocking him to the floor. Tell the last two they're not as tough as they think they are, and I've got no beef with them, I just wanna play some games in peace. They fuck off and leave me alone, and I'll leave them alone, no worries. There may be repercussions, but I doubt it - They're just some punk kids, biting off more than they can chew - but that doesn't mean I like fighting.
    And little old me thought Asian kids where harmless. Oh wait, they are...... I had a similar experience except it involved metal-heads.
  • Is this just a normal day for you?
    No. I wish it was an even more unusual day - just punk kids, trying to cause trouble, and bit off more than they can chew.
    And little old me thought Asian kids where harmless. Oh wait, they are...... I had a similar experience except it involved metal-heads.
    They were reasonably harmless, but if they'd have all jumped me as soon as I hit the guy, or as soon as I turned, I'd have had significantly more trouble - I might be good, but there was still four teenagers there, and I'm only one dude. The only thing that won the day was the element of surprise, because they weren't prepared for one guy to go for them, since there was four of them.
  • Is this just a normal day for you?
    No. I wish it was an even more unusual day - just punk kids, trying to cause trouble, and bit off more than they can chew.
    And little old me thought Asian kids where harmless. Oh wait, they are...... I had a similar experience except it involved metal-heads.
    They were reasonably harmless, but if they'd have all jumped me as soon as I hit the guy, or as soon as I turned, I'd have had significantly more trouble - I might be good, but there was still four teenagers there, and I'm only one dude. The only thing that won the day was the element of surprise, because they weren't prepared for one guy to go for them, since there was four of them.
    This reminds me of the time three or four punk kids, complete with too-low-hanging pants tried with a laughable level of failure to start something with the FRC during one year at the Jersey shore. Ironically, it also involved an arcade and an Initial D machine. They were literally laughed at and left stewing in their own impotent tweenage juices.
  • @Churba, while the kids may have deserved it in some sense, you're guilty of assault. Punk kid thugs can be annoying, but it's never an excuse to physically assault them.
  • This reminds me of the time three or four punk kids, complete with too-low-hanging pants tried with a laughable level of failure to start something with the FRC during one year at the Jersey shore.
    They were so small! I could have picked one of them up by his head and tossed him off the boardwalk with little difficulty. Like small yapper dogs they were.
    Ironically, it also involved an arcade and an Initial D machine
    Initial D Arcade attracts some of the worst elements of what's left of arcade culture in the US. Punching games are the next step down.
  • edited July 2010
    @Churba, while the kids may have deserved it in some sense, you're guilty of assault. Punk kid thugs can be annoying, but it's never an excuse to physically assault them.
    Absolutely. I struck first, and they managed to throw a single punch between them, which missed. Likelihood of any sort of real trouble is low to medium, if they manage to get lawyers involved, the chances are lower of serious repercussions - No camera coverage in that area, no witnesses. A gut feeling is no excuse to start shit, even though my gut feeling was leaning towards that the further I got from any sort of help, the more likely it was that something was going to go down - Four of them, they'd already been crowding me out and trying to intimidate me some, and by that point, we were over half a klick from the centre. I'm not psychic, I can't say they would have jumped me for sure, but from intuition, I'd say it was a very likely scenario, and the direction I was heading, help was not forthcoming if it did start to go down, and without the element of surprise, I probably would have been boned. I'm good, but not four-on-one good.

    I found, speaking with my housemates over dinner, that there have been some...tensions, lately, around my area, and that there has been a bit of a rise in muggings. Absolute confirmation bias, however, since that situation had just occurred, and it's absolutely possible that this was unrelated, just some dickhead kids to get a rise outta someone.

    I'm not happy about it - I don't like getting violent outside of a sparring mat at all, and the way I went about it was pretty nasty, and most certainly underhanded. However, considering that I did not use unreasonable force(I exceeded them in size, but not by a hell of a lot, these kids would have been about 17 or so) and did no permanent or even severe damage(broke no bones or teeth, no cuts, no nothing, just bruised them a little - hell, the first kid was knocked on his ass by the surprise more than the punch) and that I had reason to believe that I was in danger at that time, the likelihood of serious legal trouble is lower than expected. I'm concerned for them, I hope they're okay, but I'm not checking so much.
    They were so small! I could have picked one of them up by his head and tossed him off the boardwalk with little difficulty. Like small yapper dogs they were.
    They were smaller than me, but not by that much.
    Initial D Arcade attracts some of the worst elements of what's left of arcade culture in the US. Punching games are the next step down.
    The only time I've ever seen Initial D arcade not be a magnet for wankers is in the middle of the city, in a 24 hour arcade there, because it's right in the middle of a main street, on a heavily patrolled part of town, right near headquarters.

    TL:DR - Did they deserve it? Possibly. Am I in the wrong? Very likely. Did I have a an excuse or a reason? Absolutely not, but quite possibly, respectively. But if that's the trouble I've earn for myself, then I'll cop it sweet. To do otherwise would be cowardly - I fuck up, I take responsibility for it, that simple.

    EDIT - And I know this wins me zero respect points, but nobody was home before, and I had to say something, just to get it off my damn mind.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Fail: One of the kids threw a tantrum and trashed (sorta) my room and eventually took a swing at me.
    Boo-Yah: I got her arrogant little ass tossed out of my class permanently and into Phys Ed in our non air-conditioned gym.
    Boo-Yah: While throwing her little fit and throwing chairs, another student got fed up, literally lifted her off the ground, and tackled her into the hallway to get her to stop.
    Fail: That student is also getting in trouble.
    Boo-Yah: He tossed her because she was being disrespectful to me and my room, and he was ready to face consequences.
    Fail: The little bitch took a swing at me after I helped separate them in the hall, and I mustn't hit children.
    Boo-Yah?: I'm faster than a fourteen year old girl.
    Boo-Yah: I got to watch our security take her scrawny ass down.
    Fail: She terrified two new students who were basically being introduced to the school, which angered me the most.
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