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Fail of your Boo-Yah (and vica-versa)



  • edited July 2010
    It is to attend a funeral.
    Boo-yah: The funeral comes with a free frogurt.
    Fail: The frogurt is cursed
    Boo-yah: The curse is piratey in nature, and henceforth awesome.
    Fail: The pirate nature in question is that of internet pirates. You are cursed to download only amateur porn with horrible share ratios for all eternity.
    Boo-Yah: It's actually really good amateur porn.
    Fail: ...starring your mom.
    EDIT: WHAT? NO WAY, scooped by 42 seconds? BAH!
    Post edited by Funfetus on
  • Boo-Yah: First mental health appointment tomorrow.
    Fail: I was only told approximately where it is.
  • Boo-yah! - I made the local newspaper during the festival coverage!
    Fail - The picture they chose doesn't show my a good light.

  • edited July 2010
    Boo-yah! - I made the local newspaper during the festival coverage!
    Fail - The picture they chose doesn't show my a good light.
    Are you balancing that club on your nose or your forehead?
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Booh-yah: Found a bag that is perfect for me, for only $32.
    Fail: Getting it before a trip I'm taking would mean having to pay fucking $20 for next-day shipping.
  • Boo-yah: I found my old pokemon cards and I have enough to make several decks.
    Fail: I went to the site to refresh on the rules... What the fuck are stadium and supporter cards? Also, the copyright on my cards say 1999...
  • I wasn't going to say anything because I know it was meant in good humor, but making a pyramid joke about someone having to attend a funeral is a tad insensitive.
  • So connecting a funeral to amateur porn starring someone's mother is less insensitive than a pyramid joke? I didn't realise.
  • edited August 2010
    So connecting a funeral to amateur porn starring someone's mother is less insensitive than a pyramid joke? I didn't realise.
    Gallows humor is understandable, but to keep the joke going and going and going - it is like beating... well, you know.

    EDIT: This is Kate, I didn't realize that Adam didn't log himself off of my computer yet again.
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • So connecting a funeral to amateur porn starring someone's mother is less insensitive than a pyramid joke? I didn't realise.
    Gallows humor is understandable, but to keep the joke going and going and going - it is like beating... well, you know.

    EDIT: This is Kate, I didn't realize that Adam didn't log himself off of my computer yet again.
    You guys need different firefox profiles or something.
  • So connecting a funeral to amateur porn starring someone's mother is less insensitive than a pyramid joke? I didn't realise.
    Gallows humor is understandable, but to keep the joke going and going and going - it is like beating... well, you know.

    EDIT: This is Kate, I didn't realize that Adam didn't log himself off of my computer yet again.
    You guys need different firefox profiles or something.
    I just need to be not-lazy and sign out of her laptop when I'm done.

    Fail: Once again, one of the little sapphire pins fell out of the wristband of my most favorite Steinhausen watch.
    Fail the Second: They no longer make my model of watch.
    Boo-Yah: Replacement pins are $5 a pair and universal in their watches.
    Fail: The website has a narrator that sounds like he wants to have carnal knowledge of the watches.
  • edited August 2010
    Statement - Cannot participate in this geekchat.

    Reasons - Eat a hot bowl of dicks, Optus. The connection you charge over a hundred bucks for per month is slow as shit, you shape the speed for torrent-like traffic down to a crawl, you shape my general traffic way down and then try to sell me a faster connection, the connection goes down more often than a tenderloin crack whore, your download cap is minuscule. I can't even text chat on skype properly, unless I like watching my messages appear two minutes after I send them. Seriously, whoever the fuck runs this shitpot fucking operation, please lube up and prepare yourself, because I'm going to rape you with a drunken, rabid bear covered in spiders. And I don't mean I will simply let the bear rape you, I mean I will quite literally use this spider-encrusted bear as an instrument with which I shall apply a liberal serving of rape to you.
    Fail because of the tech issues, boo-yah because I actually lol'd when reading this.
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • Fail because of the tech issues, boo-yah because I actually lol'd when reading this.
    I second this, because I just lol'ed re-reading it, and I'm the one who bloody well wrote it.
  • edited August 2010
    Fail because of the tech issues, boo-yah because I actually lol'd when reading this.
    I second this, because I just lol'ed re-reading it, and I'm the one who bloody well wrote it.
    On a related note, I just re read some of my old writings from 2005-2006 and I laughed...then burned them OH MY GOD. I swear, it's like I didn't know what a comma was. And the storytelling! Augh! So cliche'!


    Aaaand on the "booyah" side: I have a chance to see how far I've come in the past five years. Huzzah!
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • edited August 2010
    Went to this anime meet up thing run by a local comic shop to meet people, and it was certainly nice to meet new people but:
    When you've got a bunch of excitable kids and teenagers (About half the attendees.), check what you're showing because, heaven forbid, Manga entertainment sends you a copy of (See if you can guess.) The Sky Crawlers.
    There was also a girl in her early teens or youger, who did pretty well in the cosplay line-up but said her costume was from "A fighting game, I think." and it was Saber from Fate/Stay Night. Which took me a while to recognize.

    Other than that, met some fun people and the event went pretty well. One guy who was an ex-pro costumer (Historical kinda thing.) who'd brought his grand-daughter and was wearing full Victorian getup. There were, what I thought was, some Totoro doll prizes, but turned out to be entries in the art contest a kid had crocheted himself (Which blew me away.) and won a prize. I also liked that first prize in the art contest went to this very complicated background piece which didn't have any characters in it.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Boo-Yah: In hawaii and went on a two tank dive yesterday morning, got to see a sea turtle swimming around, went to 100' and saw some leftover things from old film productions and went through an old collapsed lava dome.

    Fail: I was running a little late, and putting sunblock on slipped my mind, now I'm sunburnt.
  • Booyah: I cleaned out my ears and had large globs of wax come out, making my hearing so much better.

    Fail: The tv emits a fucking annoying high pitch whine now and I can barely stand it.
  • Fail: My father was apparently mugged today when he was at the Salvation Army looking for a dresser. He was in his car and some stranger came up to the window and knocked. My dad unrolled the window and said, "Can I help you?"

    The stranger demanded his wallet.

    My father replies in the way my father does with a loud, "HELL NO!"

    The stranger then shows my father what appears to be a gun underneath some clothing

    My father then says, "Oh shit!" then gives the wallet to my mugger.

    Boo-yah: The mugger then takes out the cash in the wallet and tosses it back into my dad's car so my father didn't lose any of his IDs or important wallety items.

    Fail: My dad lost $140, however it's pretty much chump change to my parents.

    Boo-yah: When my mom told me this story, we couldn't help but laugh because I can totally see my father telling the guy "HELL NO!" in his "fuck you mother fucker" demeanor. Even though my father can easily be taken down physically, he still doesn't take shit from anyone. This will probably be used in one of the many jokes my family talks about in the future for how crazy my father is.
  • Boo-yah: The mugger then takes out the cash in the wallet and tosses it back into my dad's car so my father didn't lose any of his IDs or important wallety items.
    Having had to replace all this shit, this is epicly awesome for your dad.
  • Having had to replace all this shit, this is epicly awesome for your dad.
    No kidding. You would know from recent experience. :P

    But yeah, if he did take the whole wallet, I would more than likely have to help my father get all that stuff replace, and it would honestly be a lot of effort and taking time off of work to do all that.
  • Fail: I ran out of bacon.

    Booh-Yah: I had more bacon in the freezer in the basement. YAY BACON!
  • Fail: Checked out the $500 room and it's smaller than my current bedroom and has a smaller closet. There's also no where to put any of the stuff I have in my living room. There is no way I can live like that.

    Boo-Yah: Craigslisting has a revealed a private basement about a mile from where I currently live. While a lot more money than the $500 room, it's still several hundred less than where I currently live. Checking it out tomorrow.
  • Fail: Some sites are reporting that Scott Pilgrim Vs The World flopped on Friday
    Boo-Yah: This means I will have to watch it for a third time tomorrow then :P
  • Some sites are reporting that Scott Pilgrim Vs The World flopped on Friday
    To be fair, it is a VERY niche movie. I never expected it to do well in it's theatrical run, but it will definitely become a cult classic. Also, a lot of people do not like Michael Cera in the slightest.
  • Gonna try and make a 2pm matinee today.
  • Fail: Last night, while bottling 44 North, I stopped paying attention and lost 3/4 of a gallon onto my kitchen floor.

    Boo-Yah: I still have 8.5 gallons of the stuff.

    Further Boo-Yah: I also have 3 full cases of This is a Beer.
  • Fail: I'm packing...
    Double fail: ...Books, which are irritating as shit to pack, especially when pricey manga and trades are involved...
    Boo-yah: ...But, there is bourbon.
  • edited August 2010
    Boo Yeah:Anime News Nina continues to be far too real.

    Fail: And Anime News Network continues to be assholes about giving you this message.
    Post edited by progSHELL on
  • Boo Yeah:Anime News Nina continues to be far too real.

    Fail: And Anime News Network continues to be assholes about giving you this message.
    Can't you just post the link to the article?
  • edited August 2010
    Moved the image over to Imgur.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
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