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Fail of your Boo-Yah (and vica-versa)



  • edited July 2010
    Fail: I've slowly become less and less social over the past two months (including on this forum), because being out of work severely depresses me.

    Win: I got the cool web development gig I wanted in Midtown Manhattan, and start Monday!

    Fail: Things will be a little dicey for the first two weeks or so, because I'm moving to NYC with effectively zero monies. After I get paid and rent a room, it'll be the hotness, though.

    Win: So excited to leave the country (Saugerties, NY. Near Woodstock. And farmland), and be back in a real city.
    Post edited by YoshoKatana on
  • edited July 2010
    Boo-Yah?: I'm faster than a fourteen year old girl.
    I would say it's more just a function of being married, you're more used to dodging punches than she is. And of course Kate, Being a proper southern woman, doesn't telegraph her punches nearly as much.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • edited July 2010
    Boo-Yah: While throwing her little fit and throwing chairs, another student got fed up, literally lifted her off the ground, and tackled her into the hallway to get her to stop.
    Fail: That student is also getting in trouble.
    That really fucking bothers me.
    Boo-Yah?: I'm faster than a fourteen year old girl.
    Haha, this is true for me as well. I have a couple of cousins who get rather physical with each other, and I've had to separate them in the past.
    To my (almost) five year old brother, though, I am effectively a ninja.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • edited July 2010
    Boo-Yah: Just got back from Warped tour, had an awesome time, slip-n-slid, headbutted my freshman roommate, got my skank on until...
    Fail: While waiting for Andrew W.K. I had to leave early since the girl I went with got a hell of a migraine (couldn't see straight), but this meant...
    Boo-Yah: I got to drive back in a car that's not as old as I am. I'd forgotten how much driving is. Also, her sight has returned, massive head pain gone, so all is well.
    Fail: Except I lost my phone in a pit during Streetlight Manifesto and by the time their set was over it had been savaged by feets and is quite dead.
    Post edited by Ruffas on
  • Boo-yah: PS3 controller + PS2 emulation.
    FAIL: my social life is as good as over.
  • edited July 2010
    Booh-yah: Fantastic time with friends.
    Fail: Had too much to drink, went to a sushi bar with three friends who are usually scattered around the nation during the school year. Woke up and realized I spent 55 fucking dollars.
    Booh-yah: Worth it because I was in such good company, and the sushi was so, so good. Our waiter looked visibly surprised at our taste (among other things, uni and an oyster-based roll were ordered), and remarked that we "know the good stuff." Indeed.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Boo-Yah: Yesterday was my 4 year anniversary with Jeremy. I bought him a waffle maker and had really delicious waffles with fresh blueberries and raspberries.
    Fail: We planned on going out to Northwest Trek to look at animals then go out for a nice dinner, but it didn't happen.
    Boo-Yah: We ended up just staying in the living room all day watching Dexter and movies. For dinner we just warmed up Hormel chili and ate it in sourdough bread bowls. I have been having a craving for that too, so it hit the spot.
    Fail: We had chili. Fucking beans.
    Boo-Yah: Even though we really didn't do anything special, I really enjoyed just relaxing and cuddling all day not having to worry about going out or anything.
  • Boo-Yah: Hydro Thunder on the XBox.
    Fail: I don't own an XBox.

    If you have any inclination towards arcade style racing games, BUY THAT SHIT NOW!
  • edited July 2010
    Boo-Yah: Video converter with the following just came out:
    • Cuda Support
    • Queuing
    • Full format reading support
    Fail: And we complain about how much videogames cost.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Fail: I was falling sleep at a very interesting meeting today.
    Boo-Yah: My set of "The Fist of the North Star" will arrive tomorrow :O
  • Fail:And we complain about how much videogames cost.
    When your video games cost anywhere in the range of 90 to 200 bucks on release, then we'll talk.
  • They're getting there: COD2 costs £60 (AU$102) and that's on Steam.
  • They're getting there: COD2 costs £60 (AU$102) and that's on Steam.
    I mean, in your currency. Sixty quid is still just sixty quid to you, no matter if it's AU$102, or the gross national product of Albania.
  • edited July 2010
    It may be 7 in the morning but what the blavis is that meant to mean?
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • It may be 7 in the morning but what the blavis is that meant to mean?
    As in, Yes, after the currency conversion, games are approaching the same price there and here - but you're not paying in our currency, you're paying in your own, and therefore, It's only Sixty, not one-hundred twenty.
  • Wait, do you mean £120? (AU$205) That's what a Wii costs second hand.
  • They're getting there: COD2 costs £60 (AU$102) and that's on Steam.
    I mean, in your currency. Sixty quid is still just sixty quid to you, no matter if it's AU$102, or the gross national product of Albania.
    That's silly. Although what you would really want to do is compare based on how much money people have available to spend on such luxuries, international exchange rates still mean that sixty quid is worth around a hundred bucks.
  • edited July 2010
    That's silly. Although what you would really want to do is compare based on how much money people have available to spend on such luxuries, international exchange rates still mean that sixty quid is worth around a hundred bucks.
    True, true. However, I feel it should also be noted that in the US, you pay far less, and despite the very good exchange rate with the American dollar(rough mental math - for about every five bucks, add one dollar, and you've very roughly got australian dollars) but the amount extra we pay doesn't account for any reasonable cost, even factoring taxes.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Indeed, Australians have always been shafted when it comes to many forms of media. It's no wonder that piracy rates are very high here.
  • edited July 2010
    Indeed, Australians have always been shafted when it comes to many forms of media. It's no wonder that piracy rates are very high here.
    What Australia is like -
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Fail: sooo drunk and hung over.
    Win: This festival is fucking awesome.
  • edited July 2010
    Boo-yah: Starcraft 2.
    Fail: eSATA DVD drive picks now to become undetectable on my computer. FUCK.
    Boo-yah: Starcraft Client means that I can just activate it and download...
    Fail: ...But it'll take 6 hours.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Boo-yah: I will be in NYC from Thursday through Saturday morning.
    Fail: It is to attend a funeral.
  • Boo-Yah: got Starcraft for cheap!
    Fail: It will finish downloading right after I get to work.
  • It is to attend a funeral.
    Boo-yah: The funeral comes with a free frogurt.
  • It is to attend a funeral.
    Boo-yah: The funeral comes with a free frogurt.
    Fail: The frogurt is cursed
  • It is to attend a funeral.
    Boo-yah: The funeral comes with a free frogurt.
    Fail: The frogurt is cursed
    Boo-yah: The curse is piratey in nature, and henceforth awesome.
  • It is to attend a funeral.
    Boo-yah: The funeral comes with a free frogurt.
    Fail: The frogurt is cursed
    Boo-yah: The curse is piratey in nature, and henceforth awesome.
    Fail: The pirate nature in question is that of internet pirates. You are cursed to download only amateur porn with horrible share ratios for all eternity.
  • It is to attend a funeral.
    Boo-yah: The funeral comes with a free frogurt.
    Fail: The frogurt is cursed
    Boo-yah: The curse is piratey in nature, and henceforth awesome.
    Fail: The pirate nature in question is that of internet pirates. You are cursed to download only amateur porn with horrible share ratios for all eternity.
    Boo-Yah: It's actually really good amateur porn.
  • It is to attend a funeral.
    Boo-yah: The funeral comes with a free frogurt.
    Fail: The frogurt is cursed
    Boo-yah: The curse is piratey in nature, and henceforth awesome.
    Fail: The pirate nature in question is that of internet pirates. You are cursed to download only amateur porn with horrible share ratios for all eternity.
    Boo-Yah: It's actually really good amateur porn.
    Fail: It stars your mother.
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