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Fail of your Boo-Yah (and vica-versa)



  • Fail: The paint on my ae86 shell wont come off. I wanted to repaint it for pax. If it doesn't come off, I'll have to buy another shell or *gasp* use the Levin shell I've got.

    Booyah: A coworker is bringing some paint thinner with him tomorrow to see if that will remove the paint. Hopefully it wont ruin the shell. If it works, All I need to do is paint it.

    Fail: I DO NOT look forward to remasking that car. It's a very intricate paint job.

    Boo Yah: It'll look bitchin for PAX. Much like how bitchin it looked for AX last year!

    Fail: I will DEFINITELY need a new set of tires after PAX.
  • Booyah: I beat the computer in starcraft2!

    Fail: it was on very easy. :(
  • Booyah: I beat the computer in starcraft2!

    Fail: it was on very easy. :(
  • They really should have put "Insane" as "Azns Only". =P
  • I dunno, there's probably some white guy kung fu Starcraft players.
  • Fail: Went to the Golden State Open judo tournament. Was sick all week leading up to it. Got my ass kicked. Lost 4 out of 5 matches, bloodied two fingernails and got a black eye.

    Boo-Yah: The name of one of the competitors, called over the intercom: "Roger Arse".
  • Boo-yah: I have defeated every hurdle Solaris has thrown at me.

    Fail: Now I must do battle with Oracle themselves.
  • Boo-Yah: The name of one of the competitors, called over the intercom: "Roger Arse".
    It was all absolutely worth it.
  • edited August 2010
    The best part is that at first I thought that someone had given a fake name, but then I remembered that you need your US Judo Federation membership card to register to compete. That's his real name.
    Post edited by Funfetus on
  • Fail: I lost my temper at work.

    Boo-Yah: Worth it, as the guy in question that was trying to hit on the married nurse was wearing a Manchester City shirt. I told him "You either stop what you're doing or I'll ask you to leave." Him: "Yeah, and what if I decide I don't want to leave?" Me: (Leaning in) "Then I'll kick your ass so hard, you'll swear Theo Walcott just scored a goal for Arsenal F.C."
  • Boo-yah: I have defeated every hurdle Solaris has thrown at me.

    Fail: Now I must do battle with Oracle themselves.
    No! George Don't! It's not worth it!
  • Fail: I lost my temper at work.

    Boo-Yah: Worth it, as the guy in question that was trying to hit on the married nurse was wearing a Manchester City shirt. I told him "You either stop what you're doing or I'll ask you to leave." Him: "Yeah, and what if I decide I don't want to leave?" Me: (Leaning in) "Then I'll kick your ass so hard, you'll swear Theo Walcott just scored a goal for Arsenal F.C."
    Awesome!! I hope you didn't get into any trouble with your employer.
  • No! George Don't! It's not worth it!
    I must! Some has to stop their tyranny! If I don't make it back, tell my story.
  • No! George Don't! It's not worth it!
    I must! Some has to stop their tyranny! If I don't make it back, tell my story.
    We will remember you well.
  • Boo-yah: Invited to submit a resume to a SAP consulting company

    Fail: The idea of changing jobs scares me shitless. @_@
  • Boo-Yah : I just applied for a job as an editor for Kotaku australia.

    Fail : Most likely I won't get the job.
  • Fail : Most likely I won't get the job.
    Nice optimism you got there.
  • edited August 2010
    Nice optimism you got there.
    Well, it's just realistic. I've not done any work as an editor before, nor does most of my job skills relate to it. I've no certified training in journalism, and the closest I've come to journalism is my old radio show, which is a horse of an entirely different colour. Because it's not even a horse. My only chance would be community support, of which I'd be lucky to gather up half a dozen people, between every online community that I'm a part of.

    Edit - However, this is how a good half of my adventures or weird jobs start - I semi-accidentally get into a job or situation, and then just do the best I can to be awesome at it.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Fail: In my urge to paint my Levin shell all black, I ran out of paint to paint my trueno shell's black parts. Also, one of my car's tires came off the rim and, upon inspection, was very worn down. Two years of drifting will do that.

    WIN: I get to buy a new set of tires just in time for PAX! Two new painted shells and a new set of tires: Can't Lose!
  • Booyah: leaving at 4 to go to Albany.

    Fail: Despite leaving early, today is going to drag on forever in typical Friday-style fashion.
  • Booyah: leaving at 4 to go to Albany.

    Fail: Despite leaving early, today is going to drag on forever in typical Friday-style fashion.
    Not as bad as the 32 hour day I had going to Canada, that day literally lasted way to long.
  • Fail: A cute girl thought that I was 20/21, I am actually 27 in October.
    Double Fail: The girl was 19.
    Win (maybe): At least I look young for my age :S
  • Boo Yah: Today I got to play some Scott Pilgrim Video Game.

    Fail: Despite mad Mario skills, I am terrible at side scrolling beat-em-ups and never got a rating higher than "Bystander". *siiigh*

    Fail: Marching Band Practice tonight when I wasn't feeling well.

    Boo Yah: We're starting to get fall weather, it's starting to actually feel like Marching Band season.

    Double Boo Yah: My drum instructor had to fix my drum, so I didn't have to carry it for 40 minutes.
  • Double Boo Yah: My drum instructor had to fix my drum, so I didn't have to carry it for 40 minutes.
    Pfft. I used to carry the bass drum for an hour in the cold uphill both ways. Quit yer bellyaching, soldier.
  • Double Boo Yah: My drum instructor had to fix my drum, so I didn't have to carry it for 40 minutes.
    Pfft. I used to carry the bass drum for an hour in the cold uphill both ways. Quit yer bellyaching, soldier.
    Yeah, that sounds exactly what our parades are, only we have to do them in the heat rather than the cold. I was lucky enough to have the smaller of the bass drums when I was in the bass section. I'm not complaining, because while a snare drum kills your back just like carrying any drum for three hours kills your back, those quint toms are monsters and I respect the dudes who play them like none other. I'm just saying that it was pretty sweet to have an awesome break, that's all.
  • Yeah, that sounds exactly what our parades are, only we have to do them in the heat rather than the cold. I was lucky enough to have the smaller of the bass drums when I was in the bass section. I'm not complaining, because while a snare drum kills your back just like carrying any drum for three hours kills your back, those quint toms are monsters and I respect the dudes who play them like none other. I'm just saying that it was pretty sweet to have an awesome break, that's all.
    This is part of the extremely legitimate reasoning behind playing piccolo.
  • Yeah, that sounds exactly what our parades are, only we have to do them in the heat rather than the cold. I was lucky enough to have the smaller of the bass drums when I was in the bass section. I'm not complaining, because while a snare drum kills your back just like carrying any drum for three hours kills your back, those quint toms are monsters and I respect the dudes who play them like none other. I'm just saying that it was pretty sweet to have an awesome break, that's all.
    This is part of the extremely legitimate reasoning behind playing piccolo.
    Haha, good idea. XD
  • Yeah, that sounds exactly what our parades are, only we have to do them in the heat rather than the cold. I was lucky enough to have the smaller of the bass drums when I was in the bass section. I'm not complaining, because while a snare drum kills your back just like carrying any drum for three hours kills your back, those quint toms are monsters and I respect the dudes who play them like none other. I'm just saying that it was pretty sweet to have an awesome break, that's all.
    This is part of the extremely legitimate reasoning behind playing piccolo.
  • edited August 2010
    FAIL: Some files of mine started disappearing about a couple of weeks ago, but I didn't think anything of it. Now windows is telling me that chrome.exe is corrupted and that it's detecting SMART errors with my drive. IOW My drive is dieing.

    (ever so minor) booyah: I'm ordering a hybrid 500gb drive with 4gb ssd cache to replace it. It's a capacity bump from 300gb and performance is said to be comparable to ssd's.

    FAIL 2: I have to scramble and rebuild my machine RIGHT BEFORE PAX. AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • Fail: Girlfriend gets on my account on Starcraft, accidentally bypasses practice league, and loses some games, putting me in very low standings.

    Boo-yah: Several-game winning streak ensues as I am matched up against inferior opponents and proceed to Reaper them into itty bitty pieces.

    Starcraft skillz are continuing to get ever more l33t and PAX is a-comin'. Fear the Reaper man.
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