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Fail of your Boo-Yah (and vica-versa)



  • Sail, would you believe that I never noticed that all this time you were talking about a radio controlled car? I even saw the photo above, but it didn't occur to me to look next to the car to see the size. I wondered why you wanted it repaired before PAX too.
  • (You mean Sonic. Confused me there for a sec.)
  • (You mean Sonic. Confused me there for a sec.)
    I get you guys mixed up too.
  • Sail, would you believe that I never noticed that all this time you were talking about a radio controlled car? I even saw the photo above, but it didn't occur to me to look next to the car to see the size. I wondered why you wanted it repaired before PAX too.
    I failed similarly.
  • edited August 2010
    Sail, would you believe that I never noticed that all this time you were talking about a radio controlled car? I even saw the photo above, but it didn't occur to me to look next to the car to see the size. I wondered why you wanted it repaired before PAX too.
    I failed similarly.
    (You mean Sonic. Confused me there for a sec.)
    I get you guys mixed up too.
    Similarities: Name starts with "S", Associated with blue characters, live in southern california

    Ehhh, I guess thats understandable.

    Well, anyway, it seems like I won't be able to bring a Panda Trueno to PAX after all. The paint job was botched up very badly. When I peeled the mask to give it a coat of white, the taped took some paint along with it. Also, some paint bled under the mask, which will take forever to correct.

    I still have a black Levin with giant rear spoiler I can bring. Due to the fail with the trueno, I might just paint and attach the body kit for the Levin.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • When I said I failed similarly, I was talking about the failure to realise it was a radio controlled car.
    Nonetheless, I think I have also mixed up Sail and Sonic before.
  • edited August 2010
    Boo-yah - I'm not as strong as I was in peak condition, but I still managed to move a king-double bed, solo, through the house, and up the curving stairs, in such a manner that included picking up both pieces, lifting them straight up about eight feet(from ground level where I was standing to over my head) and then throwing it over a rail that was a further three feet above where I was lifting it. Reasonably proud of myself.
    Fail - I also fucked up my shoulder, because I was stupid, and didn't stretch first, or any such thing.

    Boo-yah - Most likely getting a moderately badass new computer.
    Fail - The prices on parts here vary from "Fuck off" to "You're fucking high. And a Scam artist. You're a very high Scam artist." even when using local newegg equivalents.

    Boo-yah - I'll most likely soon have a computer worth speaking of.
    Fail - Speak of it here, and BAM, Instant stupid-ass argument, because it's not silent, or because I don't have an ultrasharp monitor, or blah blah fuckin' blah.
    Post edited by Churba on
    1. Fail - Speak of it here, and BAM, Instant stupid-ass argument, because it's not silent, or because I don't have an ultrasharp monitor, or blah blah fuckin' blah.

    The Ultrasharp argument exists almost only in the Outer Cloud of Scott Rubin Logic (it's like the Oort Cloud, only somewhat pretentious and arrogant). The silence argument doesn't exist unless you're talking about a HTPC--and really, buying an Antec Nine Hundred case (or something of similar quality) will completely negate any realistic sound problems.

    Tell us about your rig! Rational minds want to know, and would then like to play Civ V with you.
  • The Ultrasharp argument exists almost only in the Outer Cloud of Scott Rubin Logic (it's like the Oort Cloud, only somewhat pretentious and arrogant). The silence argument doesn't exist unless you're talking about a HTPC--and really, buying an Antec Nine Hundred case (or something of similar quality) will completely negate any realistic sound problems.
    It was just the first two examples that sprang to mind, rather than specific complaints. Alright, I've got three builds ready to go, still working on it a little. I'll make a thread.
  • edited August 2010
    Boo-yah: It was Jessie's 21st last night. It happened to be 80's night and as soon as we walked in the door the Dr. Who theme started playing. Much fun was had by all.
    Fail the first: I failed to realize that when I left the house I had locked a cat in my room. Said cat shat on my bed. I'll take that one, it was my fault for not checking.
    Fail the second: Said cat came back in during the night and struck again. Right by my head. Now I've got a suitably spooked cat. And pink eye. which leads into...
    Fail the third: I've got terrible eyesight (-4.50 contacts) and my glasses are several prescriptions behind so they inflict pain to wear. Which means I can't hardly see and and can't drive.
    Post edited by Ruffas on
  • Sail, Sonic, whatever...
  • Boo-yah: Was current roommate and old friend's moving away party, so I had a fantastic time partying and mingling with people. People really had fun in my company as I would dance and rap like the best of them.
    1st Fail: Didn't realize how alcohol the drinks pretty wasted.
    2nd Fail: Accidentally took Excedrin to calm my headache...that made things much worse when I was trying to sleep. I was so disoriented and ill and felt like I was going to vomit, but I didn't.
    3rd Fail: I ripped my favorite pair of shorts dancing. >_< Ripped probably beyond repair.
  • Then they have become your favorite pair of ripped shorts.
  • edited August 2010
    Fail: School is starting a day earlier than I thought.
    Booyah: I found this out before it could turn into trouble.
    Post edited by Railith on
  • Boo Yah: Recieved my boxed set of Macross Plus: the OVA.
    Fail: Opened up Volume 1... and found a disk of the movie. (non-anime fan translation: The incorrect disk.)
  • Boo-yah :So, we were recently given the ability to see our metrics at work. As it turns out, for this month, I'm going to get above average marks in every meaningful statistics.

    Fail : My motivation to work is now at a record low.
  • Fail: Last night, while bottling 44 North, I stopped paying attention and lost 3/4 of a gallon onto my kitchen floor.

    Boo-Yah: I still have 8.5 gallons of the stuff.

    Further Boo-Yah: I also have 3 full cases of This is a Beer.
    So, epic fail.

    Both This is a Beer and 44 North are very likely infected. How do I know? They're both intensely sour. In fact, This is a Beer, as of this morning, is acquiring a vinegar character.

    If this is not a bacterial infection, it may go away. If it's infected with Acetobacter, as I suspect is the case, it will only acidify more with time.

    Boo-Yah: I'm a big fan of malt vinegar.
  • edited August 2010
    Booyah: Got to deride Pete for his failure.

    Fail: Didn't get any delicious Pete beer.
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • Booyah: Got to deride Pete for his failure.

    Fail: Didn't get any delicious Pete beer.
    I'll second that. The lack of Pete beer sucked, but Sam Oktoberfest is a tasty stand in. The rest of the weekend was amazing though.
  • Boo-Yah: I'm a big fan of malt vinegar.
    That is a LOT of malt vinegar. I sure hope you're a fan.

    Actually I have always kinda wished I'd have a batch or part of a batch go to vinegar. I like malt vinegar too, but I've never really wanted to take the trouble (or the contamination risk to my beermaking stuff) to make any.
  • I like malt vinegar too, but I've never really wanted to take the trouble (or the contamination risk to my beermaking stuff) to make any.
    The risk should be quite minimal if you sanitize the everliving hell out of everything afterwards.

    It's worth noting that Acetobacter are gram negative, so hydrogen peroxide and/or bleach should be perfectly effective sanitizers.

    I'm fairly certain the contamination comes from improperly sanitized bottles and/or caps, as the problem didn't become evident until at least 3 weeks of conditioning post-carbonation. Both beers tasted great straight out of the fermenter and up to two weeks after priming.
  • I feel like I've been sent an epiphany written in cursive with a ballpoint pen by a dentist on toilet paper dunked in Earl Grey tea.
  • edited August 2010
    Boo-Yah! - My iphone 4 finally arrived, and it's honestly quite nice. Nothing super groundbreaking, but it's a nice new toy.

    Boo-Yah! - Went to the doctor, and by sheer chance of getting a cramp in my hip that needed me to sit up, he discovered a possible heart condition.(I sat up while he still had the stethoscope on me, and heard my heart apparently miss a beat, and then take up a slightly irregular rhythm for a second.)

    Kinda fail - I possibly have a heart condition, which is a bit sucky, I suppose. But eh, really, if it wasn't something I couldn't deal with, fight, or treat, I'm already dead. Which I'm clearly not. I think. So why worry about it?
    Post edited by Churba on
  • So why worry about it?
    Well, that's the case now. But, you are lucky as fuck that they caught it. Say later in life you need a medication. A lot of prescriptions have different dosing instructions or contraindications for people with heart conditions. There's no reason to worry now, but it's good that they caught it.
  • Well, that's the case now. But, you are lucky as fuck that they caught it. Say later in life you need a medication. A lot of prescriptions have different dosing instructions or contraindications for people with heart conditions. There's no reason to worry now, but it's good that they caught it.
    I absolutely agree - I mean more with, y'know, the handwringing, and the stressing, and so on. I'm either dead, or I can do something about it - and it's lucky, as you say, that they caught it, because that means I can do something, rather than letting it carry on unaware.

    Let's face it, we've established by now that it'd take a hell of a lot more than this to slow me down even a little. Heart condition? I came, I saw, I kicked it's ass!
  • Let's face it, we've established by now that it'd take a hell of a lot more than this to slow me down even a little. Heart condition? I came, I saw, I kicked it's ass!
    But you know what the doctor is going say, right? Smoking, stop it.
  • edited August 2010
    But you know what the doctor is going say, right? Smoking, stop it.
    Yep, and fair call. I mean, it's not like I didn't know the risks, and that's a hand I'm losing in this card game, so I'm gonna fold while I'm ahead-ish. In the end, it's the price you pay.

    Shit's gonna suck, but if that's what I have to do, then that's what I'll do. Though, the doctor did say that if a heart condition is the case, then once I get off the cigs, it will still be okay to smoke my pipe in moderation - which is far enough, I only have, at most, one a week at the moment. He is saying "Yes, it's still not a good idea, however, the cumulative harm to your heart from it, old age will most likely kill you before it does."

    However, I'm also pretty sure he's going to say I'm going to have to cut down on my frankly insane caffeine habit, too. That makes me rather unhappy, but again, gotta do what you gotta do. I'll just cut back to tea only, and drink less of it per day.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • It sucks dude, but we ain't getting any younger. I'm trying to man up about my vices too. :(
  • It sucks dude, but we ain't getting any younger. I'm trying to man up about my vices too. :(
    I'm twenty three, man, far too young to be saying things like "I'm not getting any younger" except in jest, at people who are taking too long to do things.
  • I'm twenty five, and I'm saying it half in jest.
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