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Fail of your Boo-Yah (and vica-versa)



  • It sucks dude, but we ain't getting any younger. I'm trying to man up about my vices too. :(
    I'm twenty three, man, far too young to be saying things like "I'm not getting any younger" except in jest, at people who are taking too long to do things.
    What are the chances that as I read that post I am listening to "What's My Age Again?"
  • What are the chances that as I read that post I am listening to "What's My Age Again?"
    Since you're posting about it, I'm guessing roughly 100%?
    I'm twenty five, and I'm saying it half in jest.
    I would say that feeling old like that makes my heart hurt, but no, that probably mostly all the smoking, drinking, caffeine, and desperate women.
  • What are the chances that as I read that post I am listening to "What's My Age Again?"
    Since you're posting about it, I'm guessing roughly 100%?
    Well it has the words "Nobody likes you when you're 23"
  • I once gave up alcohol for a year, no problem. But then I gave up drinking caffeinated and sugary soft drinks. Also no problem. Then I realized I had developed a major chocolate addiction. I tried to give that up, and it really, really sucked. I went through withdrawal, and was miserable for about two weeks.

    Then I started eating chocolate again, at a much reduced quantity, and all was well in the world.
  • I once gave up alcohol for a year, no problem. But then I gave up drinking caffeinated and sugary soft drinks. Also no problem. Then I realized I had developed a major chocolate addiction. I tried to give that up, and it really, really sucked. I went through withdrawal, and was miserable for about two weeks.

    Then I started eating chocolate again, at a much reduced quantity, and all was well in the world.
    Well, Moderating my caffine intake is quite easy, but quitting smoking is probably going to suck quite a bit. But, like I said, gotta do what you gotta do.
  • Fail: Instead of resting today I ran for 5 km.
    Boo-Yah: I still have some energy left for some crunches
    Fail: I am going to be very tired tomorrow for my second week of marathon training :S
  • Fail: Instead of resting today I ran for 5 km.
    Boo-Yah: I still have some energy left for some crunches
    Fail: I am going to be very tired tomorrow for my second week of marathon training :S
    That pretty much all sounds like boo-yah to me. You're in the wrong thread, friend. I ran 7 mi a couple days ago and then hit the heavy bag yesterday and today I was so sore I didn't move and my back feels like there are fire ants in it. THAT'S both boo-yah and fail.
  • Booh-yah: Going to see RUSH today...
    Fail: ...alone.
  • edited September 2010
    Booh-yah: Going to see RUSH today...
    Fail: ...alone.
    You'll be in a crowd so you are not really alone :-p time to meet some hot groupies! (though Rush fans are probably in there 30-60's now...)
    Post edited by Cremlian on
  • Yeah, once the band starts playing, it doesn't really make a difference. You get the opportunity to make some new friends now, too.
  • (though Rush fans are probably in there 30-60's now...)
    My parents have been making fun of me for the past several months for just that reason. "You're paying to see a bunch of old people!"
  • Boo yah: bought a bike for cycling in the city. Took a nice bike ride up to Central Park and then to the Apple Store to buy a new charger for my laptop.
    Fail: Discovered I'd lost my credit card! Last seen in the bike shop, but not used because then I'd have to pay tax too.
    Fail: Cycled back to the bike shop (about 200m from my apartment) but the guys there hadn't found it, though remembered seeing it in my hand and wallet earlier.
    Boo yah: Just before calling to cancel the card, I thought I better check everywhere in my bag and wallet. And I found the card. I'd somehow slotted it into the wrong compartment of my wallet, inside a double-folded receipt.
  • Fail: It took me 30 minutes to get lunch from the cafeteria next door. Albany Collage of Pharmacy for those of you who are interested. It should not have taken that long to cook a fucking burger. The idiots behind the grill are the same rejects they had their last year. I've already complained to the management.

    Boo-yah #1: The burger was good. They have a BYOB station. Overall I would have rather gotten another sub instead of the wait.

    Boo-yah #2: I've wanted to write a food blog for a while now, and I've finally decided on my niche. I'd doing a food blog about cafeteria food and other cheap eats. All the Albany food bloggers go to Dale Miller and New World Bistro Bart to rave about how fucking classy they are. I don't care. I rather write something people will fine useful. Who has the best 25 cent wings on Monday? The Ruck, Hollywood, or Bomber? That is useful information. Most of what I've read is not.
  • I had a great day out! I bought a new book I've been waiting for for ages. Then I went to three different apple stores, because the first two had run out of "magic" track pads. This thing is awesome, by the way. I usually use an external keyboard with my laptop, and a mouse is annoying but needed. And I really don't like the position of the track pad on the laptop in relation to the keyboard. Anyway, now I have a track pad I can sit back in a couch or in bed, and still control the mouse pointer.

    I sat in Central Park for an hour, reading. Then as I was cycling home, just heading to the Pulaski Bridge, my chain snapped. That isn't my fail.

    My fail is having to use the New York subway. Fuck that shit. It's the main reason I bought a bike as soon as I got to the city.

    The bike shop round the corner from my apartment, where I bought the bike on Friday, was still open. They put a new chain on for free. Boo-yah!
  • My fail is having to use the New York subway. Fuck that shit. It's the main reason I bought a bike as soon as I got to the city.
    Hey, we have an awesome subway, even though it is ungodly hot in the summer and smells terrible.
  • My fail is having to use the New York subway. Fuck that shit. It's the main reason I bought a bike as soon as I got to the city.
    Hey, we have an awesome subway, even though it is ungodly hot in the summer and smells terrible.
    He's from Germany, your subway is shit.
  • RymRym
    edited September 2010
    He's from Germany, your subway is shit.
    New York has far more people to deal with, nevermind a greater area. With over 5,000,000 riders a day and over 600 miles of track (not counting LIRR or Metro North), what do you expect? Berlin only has to deal with about a million riders a day on each of its systems. The U-Bahn has some 90 miles of track, and the S-Bahn a little over 200.

    That said, other than recent weekend service interruptions for maintenance, what are the problems with the NYC subway? It runs 24/7, it's cheap, it's fast, and it goes almost everywhere worth going. The cars are usually clean, new stations are to be air-conditioned (all the trains are already air conditioned), and several expansion projects are simultaneously in progress. The ACE may not the best at times, but the 456, the 7, and the NQR are reliable as fuck.
    Post edited by Rym on
  • it is ungodly hot in the summer and smells terrible.
    It is the summer. And yesterday it was ungodly hot in the subway and smelled terrible.

    Also, last night me and one of my housemates were down in the Prospect Park area of Brooklyn. We left at the same time, me on my bike, and him taking the subway. I rode home, had some food, took a shower, got into bed and was working online for maybe 20 minutes before he got home.

    I'm not saying Berlin Ubahn is better (though it is), I'm saying riding a bike is way superior. I ride a bike in Berlin way more than taking the Ubahn, but when I do ride public transport, it's a stress free occurance. Not so much in New York.
  • edited September 2010
    With over 5,000,000 riders a day and over 600 miles of track
    Means nothing. I can walk out my door, walk 300 Metres, and catch a train to pretty much anywhere worth going on the entire continent, and we have on-time service and service interruption rates that are neck and neck with Japan's. Also, It's clean, comfortable, Doesn't smell, well, ever, and is very well air-conditioned in the summer, and warm in the winter. I've been on the New York Subway, and it's not too bad, but it's nothing to really brag about.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • The only thing noteworthy about the NYC subway is that's it's American public transit that works. In America this makes it a big fucking deal. However, I'm certain that had NYC been done by the Germans or the Japanese the transit system would be a lot better.
  • With over 5,000,000 riders a day and over 600 miles of track
    Means nothing. I can walk out my door, walk 300 Metres, and catch a train to pretty much anywhere worth going on the entire continent, and we have on-time service and service interruption rates that are neck and neck with Japan's. Also, It's clean, comfortable, Doesn't smell, well, ever, and is very well air-conditioned in the summer, and warm in the winter. I've been on the New York Subway, and it's not too bad, but it's nothing to really brag about.
    Fuck yeah, Europe.
  • Fuck yeah, Europe.
  • edited September 2010
    Fuck yeah, Europe.
    Was Churba talking about Australia or Britain? I dunno. I have ridden trains in France and Spain, though, and it's magnificent. Far superior to whatever shitty "trains" US cities have.

    The Ave moves at 200MPH all over Spain. Suck our magnificent balls, Amtrak. Also, most places not linked to the Ave have Tram links to the rest of the country and to Ave tracks. A cheap ticket can take you from Andalusia to Madrid in a number of hours. It's great.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Suck our magnificent balls, Amtrak.
    Hurry Amtrak! That's the source of their power!!!
  • Fuck yeah, Europe.
    Try London for best transit, we have the smoothest ticketing and quick clean piss free trains.
  • Boo-Yah: Surgery tomorrow will probably totally fix my back and leg issues.
    Fail: Must take a coup-de-grace back-stab to make it happen.
    Boo-Yah: Awesome, awesome drugs afterwords.
  • Japan has good mass transit, other than the fact that it is super crowded, often privatized (resulting in tons of transfers - not all tickets work on all trains), and not flat rate in Tokyo.
    New York, 2.25 gets you from anywhere to anywhere within the system, bus or subway train. Not a bad deal considering what you pay.
    You can rag on New York all you want, I'll always just chalk it up to sour grapes.
  • Berlin doesn't have turnstiles or gates. It works on an honor system. Buy a ticket if you want, but it's possible to do what you want as long as you don't get caught. The chances are you will get caught though.
  • That's one of those cases where I would buy a ticket anyway. Why ruin a great thing for a free ride?
  • On my phone, so I can't quote from the previous page properly, however, yes, I was speaking of Australia. I don't live in Europe anymore.
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