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Fail of your Boo-Yah (and vica-versa)



  • Fail: I bought plantains instead of bananas.
    Non-fail: I was planning on cooking the bananas before I ate them anyway.
  • Fail: Had to scan a document in order to send it to someone.
    Fail: Had to install printer software to do so.
    Fail: Had to remove old drivers to get it to install.
    Fail: Windows 7 Home Premium doesn't seem to have the "Print Management" MMC snap-in available.
    Boo-Yah: Managed to remove the drivers, although I had to use some ingenuity and the following command line command: printui /dd /m "HP Officejet 6500 E709n Series".
    Fail: The pages were not very flat, and so the first page scanned poorly with corners folding in over text.
    Fail: I had to replace the first page of one scan with a page from another scan, and they were in PDF format.
    Boo-Yah: I worked out I could do it with PDFCreator, which is a nice free virtual PDF printer.
    Fail: It took a looong time to merge the files. It probably would've been faster to do it by printing and re-scanning the pages.
  • Both This is a Beer and 44 North are very likely infected. How do I know? They're both intensely sour. In fact, This is a Beer, as of this morning, is acquiring a vinegar character.

    If this is not a bacterial infection, it may go away. If it's infected with Acetobacter, as I suspect is the case, it will only acidify more with time.
    Boo-Yah: The sour characteristic in both beers is completely gone!

    Mega Fail: It's been replaced by a band-aid like taste, not unlike the aftertaste of chloroseptic spray. It's even less pleasant than it was when it was sour.
  • You need to dump that shit before it finds a way to fail even harder.
  • Mega Fail: It's been replaced by a band-aid like taste, not unlike the aftertaste of chloroseptic spray. It's even less pleasant than it was when it was sour.
    TOLD YOU!!!

    I still say keep it around in case you don't like you Secret Santa. The stuff can no longer be considered beer and thus OK to ship to minors.
  • Booh Yah: Stopped dicking around and had a serious conversation with the girl that has now been mentioned in both the Booh Yah and Fail threads.

    Fail: She doesn't like me, as I predicted.

    Booh Yah: We're still friends, it's all cool between us, I still have someone cool to talk to Digimon about.
  • +5 to Personal Growth!
  • Well congrats . Hope things work out better for my situation.
  • +5 to Personal Growth!
    You're like the master of vague posts that make me want to know more.
  • +5 to Personal Growth!
    You're like the master of vague posts that make me want to know more.
    I interpreted Sail's post as a response to Axel's.
  • edited September 2010
    If you get in quick enough, you don't have to quote the post you are referring to. As long as it follows it can be read without too much confusion. Like this one.

    EDIT: (phew)
    Post edited by Luke Burrage on
  • edited September 2010
    I interpreted Sail's post as a response to Axel's.
    Yeah, it was :P

    If you get in quick enough, you don't have to quote the post you are referring to. As long as it follows it can be read without too much confusion. Like this one.
    Yeah, that's what I thought too.

    Although, what Funfetus said makes me lol, because I have been guilty of that.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • edited September 2010
    Okay, I can totally see how that was a response to Axel. Congrats on your personal growth, Axel. :) I often don't quote if I'm replying to the post directly above. I just thought Sail was making an personal announcement -- his post works well (if tantalizingly) enough on its own.
    Post edited by Funfetus on
  • I just read every xkcd comic. It took me 3 days while doing plenty of other things.
  • I just read every xkcd comic. It took me 3 days while doing plenty of other things.
    This was a much easier feat when I did it 2 years ago.
  • FAIL: Been trying to install Windows Server 2k8 on a box here @ work all morning. Finally got the RAID1 (OS) and RAID5 (DATA) built and then when I went to install the OS I found that the RAID controller's drivers disc didn't have 64-bit drivers on it. Added kick in the junk: The manufacturer's website is apparently down

    Boo-Yah!: Found the drivers elsewhere online

    FAIL2: When attempting to install the OS it shat itself after loading the drivers and told me it couldn't create the partitions

    Boo-Yah!2: Google search turned up one of the most arcane pieces of Windows OS installation bullshit I've ever seen: When installing Win7 or Server 2k8 on a RAID and you have to load extra drivers, you should leave the USB stick with the drivers on it unplugged from the box until it asks for the drivers, and then yank the USB stick out immediately after it finishes loading the drivers, before proceeding with the install, otherwise it shits itself as in Fail2. Install is proceeding as normal now.
  • Win: I've lost significant weight and I am still losing it.
    Fail: My clothes don't fit.
  • edited September 2010
    Win: I've lost significant weight and I am still losing it.
    Fail: My clothes don't fit.
    Testify, sister. Even my collegiate diet of "junky food+copious amounts of caloric drinks+an occasional well-rounded meal+2% milk" is failing to stem the tide of weight loss. I need some new shirts. And maybe pants.

    On the plus side, two peanut butter sandwiches and a tall glass of whole milk for lunch? Nooooo problem.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Win: I've lost significant weight and I am still losing it.
    Fail: My clothes don't fit.
    Testify, sister. Even my collegiate diet of "junky food+copious amounts of caloric drinks+an occasional well-rounded meal+2% milk" is failing to stem the tide of weight loss. I need some new shirts. And maybe pants.

    On the plus side, two peanut butter sandwiches and a tall glass of whole milk for lunch? Nooooo problem.
    Just have your cholesterol levels checked often.
    Unlike you, I've had to treat a medical condition along with diet and exercise to lose weight. Whether a person needs to gain or lose, it is difficult to reshape one's body without changing key elements of their lifestyle.
  • Win: I've lost significant weight and I am still losing it.
    Fail: My clothes don't fit.
    Awesomes, good job!

    Boo-yah: I spent most of yesterday go karting to my hearts content. It was the most fun I've had driving in a very long time, probably ever. I also turned the fastest lap of the day of my group of friends.

    Fail: The physical effort of steering a vehicle without power steering and physically throwing my weight from one side to the other combined with cornering forces in excess of 1G, not to mention 13 heats, have left me physically strained today. All my muscles hurt.
  • The plan: Walk the length of Manhattan on Broadway.

    Fail: New York Subway. Especially when the subway line I want is closed for the weekend.
    Fail: Me, in not knowing the subway line was closed, and waiting for the 1 train to show up for about 30 minutes.
    Fail: 3 bus journeys and 1 train journey is meant to be a suitable replacement service. Fuck that.
    Fail: Getting lost due to arriving at a different place than I first planned.

    Win: Walked a long way down Broadway, and had a great time.

    Fail: Due to starting the walk about two hours later than planned, I only had time to walk to 14th street. I could have gone on, but I needed to get to a show.

    Win: The show was pretty good, and the after show party/drinks in the nearby bar was a lot of fun.
  • Win: I moved into a new apartment, and slept there last night. Thus ending my living off of the good will of my school. Also not in dorms again, which is far better.
    Fail: We pretty much only have furniture. So no dishes, or pans, or pots, or food.
    Win: We should have all of that stuff by tomorrow, if not before the end of the day.
  • Fail: We pretty much only have furniture. So no dishes, or pans, or pots, or food.
    I remember living like that. Eating sandwiches for every meal got old in a hurry.
  • Exploding yogurt.
  • Exploding yogurt.
    And the boo-yah is that you get the rest of the day off to cope with psychological trauma?
  • Exploding yogurt.
    And the boo-yah is that you get the rest of the day off to cope with psychological trauma?
    No, the boo yah is he gets to witness the first stages of the revolt of beneficial bacteria against man.
  • Dude, what's the boo-yah? It's exploding yogurt. It's both awesome and vile at the same time. Plus, I get to write the phrase "exploding yogurt."

    Optionally, you can ask your mom all about exploding yogurt. She's well-versed in the topic.
  • RymRym
    edited September 2010
    Fail: The only rail bridge connecting Metro North to the rest of the world is on fire, disrupting all train service from Grand Central.
    Note: Something similar happened once before (a collapsed building), causing myself, Emily, and Scott to have to pull adventure-shenanigans to get home from work.
    Booh-Yah: All three of us now live in the City, and this new disaster doesn't affect us at all.
    Additional Booh-Yah: Since that last disaster, Metro North now has a staging area at Yankee Stadium to provide train service fairly readily in the event of issues such as this one.
    Post edited by Rym on
  • edited September 2010

    Seriously, you guise: ATP Synthase? SO COOL.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Boo-Yah: Survived most of the first day of Humans Vs. Zombies, including some epic maneuvers involving making it, alone, across four parking lots
    Fail: *Most* of the day - my team sort of failed miserably on the mission that night, and I was one of the many casualties.
    Boo-Yah: Being a zombie is SO much more fun than being human, and getting to my 9AM classes without dying isn't an issue anymore!
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