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Fail of your Boo-Yah (and vica-versa)



  • edited December 2010
    They were enforcing it on everyone, not just Those Guys. I've been getting word that it might have been an isolated incident at this particular location, still leery though.
    Post edited by Ruffas on
  • Boo-Yah: Christmas eve and I got some gifts.
    Fail:Worst part of spending christmas in a place where there are young kids is that they get all the awesome toys and games (like DSi;s and awesome robot).
  • Fail: flight to Washington National cancelled due to the airplane being buried in Philadelphia.
    Boo-yah: got another flight into Washington Dulles.
    Fail: no public transit at Dulles means an expensive cab ride home.
  • Also, Dulles is a terrible airport.
  • Boo-yah: had an awesome vacation between christmas and new years
    Fail: Arriving back a LaGaurdia between 8-10PM tonight, with my car most likely plowed completely into its spot, in an outdoor parking lot. It was the most cost-effective way to get there (couldnt ask friends for a drop-off when flight left at 6AM), and the forecast when we left was calling for a lot less than the eventual 28" of snow. Needless to say, I have purchased a collapsable shovel and managed to fit it in my checked bag.
  • Boo-Yah: I get to go on a business trip next week on the company's dime
    Fail: It's to Danville, VA, which isn't exactly a hotbed of activity
    Boo-Yah: But at least it's bigger than where I currently work, so there's bound to be at least a few interesting things there
    Double-fail: There really isn't any reason for me to go on this trip because the issue the client is having isn't even related to anything my department handles. For whatever reason the powers that be still think it's a PC hardware-related issue though.
    Triple-fail: This means four days out of my week wasted while the guy from the software department that is going with me tries to figure out wtf is going on that would cause the problem.
  • Boo-yah: My dad just gave me a big bag of really good cigars he got as a gift, because he doesn't smoke cigars regularly enough to enjoy them.
    Fail: My dad's making it really hard to quit smoking.
  • Boo-yah: My dad just gave me a big bag of really good cigars he got as a gift, because he doesn't smoke cigars regularly enough to enjoy them.
    Fail: My dad's making it really hard to quit smoking.
    Find some friends, some booze, and burn the dirty temptation away. Good luck anyway. I used to smoke pipe and cigars quite regularly, but then I smoked one pack of unfiltered Lucky Strikes during finals. The ensuing destruction of my lungs and throat was enough to scare me off of the stuff for good. I like my runner's lungs. The only tobacco I consume now is the occasional drag or two from my friend's hookah. I know it isn't any better for me, but it just tastes so good.
  • I'm a pipe and cigar smoker. I'm more or less unwilling to smoke cigarettes due to being a SCUBA diver and needing my awesome six liter lung capacity; however, sweet British flake keeps calling me back to my pipe.
  • edited January 2011
    I'm a pipe and cigar smoker. I'm more or less unwilling to smoke cigarettes due to being a SCUBA diver and needing my awesome six liter lung capacity; however, sweet British flake keeps calling me back to my pipe.
    Same here. Running and grappling keep me away from them, but I caved that one time due to lack of sleep and the associated stimulants causing said lack. I can still fell the heaviness and crappy feeling in my chest after even a small hookah session, so I've been avoiding inhaling that lately as well. I've also been using a vaporizer more often for when I smoke weed, but I've never noticed any significant issues with my lungs from that. Even after a week of smoking every day, I still broke my 5k record by a considerable margin.
    Post edited by imptac on
  • I remember reading somewhere that weed has very little impact on the health of your lungs compared to that of tobacco for whatever reason.
  • Yup, unlike tobacco it does not cause Emphysema or destroy the cilia on your lungs. It's also a bronchodilator, so it can actually help with things like asthma or chest congestion. But there are other advantages to the vape that make me like it besides the minor health gains.
  • I thought any smoke could cause emphysema, but I could be wrong. Weed doesn't have yucky tar, though.
  • Weed doesn't have yucky tar, though.
    Har. Weed actually has as much tar in a single joint as four or five cigarettes. However, unless an individual has a weed habit that interferes with their regular life, it's unlikely that a smoker is likely to use weed at a rate that will cause to accumulate as much tar in their lungs and passages as a cigarette smoker.

    Emphysema, bronchitis, and COPD can be caused by any smoke, but it needs to be inhaled. Vaporization of your plant of choice mitigates both hazards, but obviously nicotine is still a carcinogen and can cause cancer and increased risk of heart attack and stroke no matter how it is administered.
  • I'm sure it can cause it, with the inhalation of burning plant matter combined with a genetic predisposition to it, but the number of cases linked to it is extremely small, even for chronic (lol, should probably replace that with regular) smokers. Also, weed has never made me cough up black stuff. One pack of smokes did that to me, and that was absolutely terrifying.
  • On all points, see my previous post. Ninja'd.
  • I do wish there were more long-term studies on this. On the tar content; I looked up a couple studies, and in the methods I found they said they were using the leaves in their comparison, which leads me to believe that the results are skewed. No smoker would smoke a full joint of marijuana leaves. You smoke the flowering buds of the plant and cut off the leaves, so unless their naming is wrong, I wouldn't trust all the figures you read.

    Also, to expand on your point of the relative dosages; even a relatively light tobacco smoker will probably smoke at least 5 cigarettes a day, assuming a standard size smoke they are smoking 5 grams a day. If I smoked five grams of weed a day I would be ridiculously stoned constantly. Even smoking every day at my normal rate of consumption, I wouldn't get through that in a week. I could smoke it in a day, and it would be an awesome fucking day, I just wouldn't get much done.
  • edited January 2011
    then I smoked one pack of unfiltered Lucky Strikes during finals.
    Ha. hahaha. haha. hah.

    I accidentally got two friends of mine to start smoking Lucky Strikes. They're delicious. Though I've cut down on my smoking, and have maybe five cigarettes a day.

    No smoker would smoke a full joint of marijuana leaves. You smoke the flowering buds of the plant and cut off the leaves
    Forsooth. The only things leaves should be used for are edible concoctions.
    even a relatively light tobacco smoker will probably smoke at least 5 cigarettes a day, assuming a standard size smoke they are smoking 5 grams a day. If I smoked five grams of weed a day I would be ridiculously stoned constantly. Even smoking every day at my normal rate of consumption, I wouldn't get through that in a week. I could smoke it in a day, and it would be an awesome fucking day, I just wouldn't get much done.
    Also true! Plus, 5 grams of tobacco costs about $1.07 to $2.06 (the latter is Manhattan), whereas 5 grams of pot costs between $40 and $140.
    Post edited by YoshoKatana on
  • Also, to expand on your point of the relative dosages; even a relatively light tobacco smoker will probably smoke at least 5 cigarettes a day, assuming a standard size smoke they are smoking 5 grams a day. If I smoked five grams of weed a day I would be ridiculously stoned constantly. Even smoking every day at my normal rate of consumption, I wouldn't get through that in a week. I could smoke it in a day, and it would be an awesome fucking day, I just wouldn't get much done.
    Tolerance goes up. Right now I'm smoking about an eighth every day, but I have had periods where I've smoked more than an ounce daily and still had time to work and get shit done (soberly).
  • edited January 2011
    Tolerance goes up. Right now I'm smoking about an eighth every day, but I have had periods where I've smoked more than an ounce daily and still had time to work and get shit done (soberly).
    Definitely, though I always tend to even out to around a half oz a week at the most, probably more because of the cost than anything. Slowing down for just a few weeks will reduce that to a quarter a week or less though.
    Post edited by Vhdblood on
  • Tolerance goes up.
    I'm well aware, I just take breaks or ration myself regularly to keep the cost down, at least until legalization comes around or I move back to a city where it is cheaper.
  • Boo-Yah: Was able to get a new apartment, find the classes I'm taking for next semester (Spring), sold my old books, and earned plenty of money and respect from family.

    Fail: Did the whole thing while looking like shit, with dirty clothes and sick as a dog. Headache, Slow Movement, Body weakness, Sore Throat, Coughing, Being cold while wearing lots of clothes and having hot skin. This suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucks.
  • Boo-yah: bought some awesome pants today.
    Fail: ...because my old ones broke RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE STREET. D:<
    Boo-yah: had a jacket to cover that shit with.
  • edited January 2011
    Boo-yah: bought some awesome pants today.
    Fail: ...because my old ones broke RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE STREET. D:<
    Boo-yah: had a jacket to cover that shit with.
    Were they glass pants? Did they shatter in the middle of the street? (Please say yes. I WANT TO BELIEVE)
    Post edited by progSHELL on
  • He was just too cool in those pants. They froze and shattered.
  • FAIL: After a scare of snow last night, I've decided that my plan of burning up my stock tires and then replacing them with better ones is probably ill advised. I don't wanna spend money on tires right now, but I must.
    BOO-YAH: These tires fucking suck and now that I've come to terms with dropping $700 to replace them I couldn't be happier. Also there's enough tread left on my current tires that I can probably craigslist them for a decent amount.
  • edited January 2011
    I thought any smoke could cause emphysema, but I could be wrong. Weed doesn't have yucky tar, though.
    I took a class dedicated to cancer this past semester, and it turns out that tobacco and marijuana leaves alike both absorb stupid amounts of carcinogens from the environment (radon from the ground, etc...), and when smoked or otherwise ingested, you take in all those carcinogens as well as releasing some of them with the smoke. It also happens to be that pretty much everything in cigarettes except the paper is a carcinogen.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • I took a class dedicated to cancer this past semester, and it turns out that tobacco and marijuana leaves alike both absorb stupid amounts of carcinogens from the environment (radon from the ground, etc...), and when smoked or otherwise ingested, you take in all those carcinogens as well as releasing some of them with the smoke. It also happens to be that pretty much everything in cigarettes except the paper is a carcinogen.
    And that's why I just smoke the papers.
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