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Fail of your Boo-Yah (and vica-versa)



  • I thought any smoke could cause emphysema, but I could be wrong. Weed doesn't have yucky tar, though.
    I took a class dedicated to cancer this past semester, and it turns out that tobacco and marijuana leaves alike both absorb stupid amounts of carcinogens from the environment (radon from the ground, etc...), and when smoked or otherwise ingested, you take in all those carcinogens as well as releasing some of them with the smoke. It also happens to be that pretty much everything in cigarettes except the paper is a carcinogen.
    Heh, I just read this after smoking 1/3rd of the worst cigar I've ever had. What irony!
  • I thought any smoke could cause emphysema, but I could be wrong. Weed doesn't have yucky tar, though.
    I took a class dedicated to cancer this past semester, and it turns out that tobacco and marijuana leaves alike both absorb stupid amounts of carcinogens from the environment (radon from the ground, etc...), and when smoked or otherwise ingested, you take in all those carcinogens as well as releasing some of them with the smoke. It also happens to be that pretty much everything in cigarettes except the paper is a carcinogen.
    Are the levels of carcinogens in hydroponically grown plants lower than those grown outside? Do other plants (such as the ones we eat) absorb these carcinogens as well?
  • edited January 2011
    Minor Boo-Yah: I really needed a "do nothing" day, so we marathoned Seirei no Moribito.
    Minor Fail: While it was an alright show, it wasn't worth an entire day.
    Fail: I have a massive headache from not being very active.
    Boo-Yah: To fix the headache, Adam and I are going to play in the snow after dinner.
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • Boo-Yah: Went to a pool hall to celebrate a friend's bday.
    Boo-Yah: Had a great time, place wasn't too crowded and was chill.
    Boo-Yah: Really good bar food. <3 mini corn dogs.
    Fail: Got a bit tipsy at first from drinking too fast.
    Fail: Spent a bit of money.
    Boo-Yah: It was worth it for the good times.
    Boo-Yah: I'm not as bad at billiards as I thought I was.
  • I thought any smoke could cause emphysema, but I could be wrong. Weed doesn't have yucky tar, though.
    I took a class dedicated to cancer this past semester, and it turns out that tobacco and marijuana leaves alike both absorb stupid amounts of carcinogens from the environment (radon from the ground, etc...), and when smoked or otherwise ingested, you take in all those carcinogens as well as releasing some of them with the smoke. It also happens to be that pretty much everything in cigarettes except the paper is a carcinogen.
    Are the levels of carcinogens in hydroponically grown plants lower than those grown outside? Do other plants (such as the ones we eat) absorb these carcinogens as well?
    I wasnt told about other plants, only about tobacco and marijuana. The radon come from the ground, and it can seep into buildings from beneath the foundation, so I'm not sure how hydroponics would affect it.
  • Provided the water is distilled and deionized with only the fertilizers added, hydroponic plants could only accept airborne carcinogens, but hydroponic plants are usually grown in scrubbed-air habitats to carefully control yield. So, most hydroponic plants should have a minimum of secondary carcinogens.

    Also, many plants can bioaccumulate radon and carcinogens from the ground. It's a little misleading that they only told you about cannibis and tobacco, in my opinion.
  • Win: Got a bit tipsy at first from drinking too fast.
  • Boo-yah: my racist, homophobic douche-bag roommate is probably moving out

    Fail: So is his 40inch LED tv
  • edited January 2011
    Fail: I may only be able to go to either Newcastle upon Tyne or Beijing for my study-abroad, due to being Premed.
    Boo-yah: Newcastle upon Tyne! Beijing!
    Fail: Beijing sounds super-awesome, but I know fuck-all about Chinese. My major is in Japanese.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Fail: Beijing sounds super-awesome, but I know fuck-all about Chinese. My major is in Japanese.
    Actually, you would be surprised at the cross over, at least with the kanji meanings.
  • Just be careful not to get arrested for being... well, american.
  • That applies for both choices :P
  • That applies for both choices :P
    I'm also an EU citizen, so there you go.

    Hmmm...Tough decisions lie ahead. Opinions are welcome.
  • edited January 2011
    Boo-Yah: The PC parts I ordered have arrived and are waiting for me to pick them up at the store.
    Fail: They sent the e-mail 20 minutes ago, I saw it 10 minutes ago, I have no car available and the store closes in 35 minutes.
    Boo-Yah: I will have a new, more or less state-of-the-art, PC tomorrow :D
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • edited January 2011
    So, two weeks ago, we got a complaint about a half-pint container of chocolate milk. Something about there being a gelatinous mass in the milk and the consumer being unable to drink it through a straw.

    I get this sample, and it looks fine to me. Fluid and everything.

    Then, when I attempted to pipette the liquid...nothing. Nada. It wouldn't budge. Withdrawing the pipette, I noticed a snotty substance sticking to the tip. So I dove in with forceps...

    And pulled out globular sheets of...something. Huge masses of stuff that could be physically removed with forceps. The entire liquid portion of the milk was filled by this stuff. After much analysis, I determined that it was a yeast biofilm - a carbohydrate matrix that the yeast cells produce in order to enhance environmental resilience.

    Someone's milk had a yeast infection so severe that the entire contents of the carton turned to yeasty chocolate jell-o.

    I love this job.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • Boo-yah: Have clean apartment again :)
    Fail: Am sick again :(
  • Boo-yah: Have clean apartment again :)
    Fail: Am sick again :(
    Cleaning apartment : sickness.
    Solution: Stop cleaning.
  • Boo-yah: Have clean apartment again :)
    Fail: Am sick again :(
    Cleaning apartment : sickness.
    Solution: Stop cleaning.
    Remember: Correlation does not equal causality, except when it comes to stuff you don't like doing.
  • Fail: Beijing sounds super-awesome, but I know fuck-all about Chinese. My major is in Japanese.
    You are making the assumption that Chinese will be harder to understand than Geordie.
  • So, two weeks ago, we got a complaint about a half-pint container of chocolate milk. Something about there being a gelatinous mass in the milk and the consumer being unable to drink it through a straw.

    I get this sample, and it looks fine to me. Fluid and everything.

    Then, when I attempted to pipette the liquid...nothing. Nada. It wouldn't budge. Withdrawing the pipette, I noticed a snotty substance sticking to the tip. So I dove in with forceps...

    And pulled out globular sheets of...something. Huge masses of stuff that could be physically removed with forceps. The entire liquid portion of the milk was filled by this stuff. After much analysis, I determined that it was ayeast biofilm- a carbohydrate matrix that the yeast cells produce in order to enhance environmental resilience.

    Someone's milk had a yeast infection so severe that the entire contents of the carton turned to yeasty chocolate jell-o.

    I love this job.
    That was awesome!
    Booyah: I have seem to have mastered SRID (simple radial immunodiffusion) assay.
    Fail: There are about 12 more gels to pour next week :O
    Booyah: Is good practice :D
  • Fail: Beijing sounds super-awesome, but I know fuck-all about Chinese. My major is in Japanese.
    You are making the assumption that Chinese will be harder to understand than Geordie.
    I just looked up some YouTube clips of that. What the fuck.
  • Boo yah: I might be getting health insurance in two weeks, instead of three months.
    Fail: Whenever things are going well for me, I worry that they will stagnate. Also, I'm not living up to my own grossly inflated and unrealistic expectations of myself. Same old, same old.
  • I lived in Newcastle-Upon-Tyne for a year and a half. Go to Beijing.
  • You are making the assumption that Chinese will be harder to understand than Geordie.
    It's also oddly infectious. You step into the place, say hi to a few people, and before you know it you're twelve pints down and if someone asks you how you are you reply "ahm fookin' mingin!"
    I lived in Newcastle-Upon-Tyne for a year and a half. Go to Beijing.
    Yeah, This.
  • As someone from Gloustershire the commonly held opinion is to rebuild Hadrian s wall just up from Bristol.

    Boo-yah; Last exam this afternoon, only need to get 40% to get a 2:1, 50% to get a 1st.
    Fail; In preparation for this by body has decided to stop working, and given in to being ill.
    Boo-yah; geek party tonight.
  • As someone from Gloustershire the commonly held opinion is to rebuild Hadrian s wall just up from Bristol.
  • I have eased into my plus fours, my shorts are high and my mustache groomed to the point of perfection. Take your best shot chaps I'll give you a bullly eye and a thrup'ny shoulder!
  • Fail: I found out this morning that my friends kicked me out of the "band" we formed. Cool guys. Thanks.
    Boo-yah: This whole bad situation got me motivated enough to record more music than I have since October. It's just nine minutes of guitar doodles, but it's something.
  • I found out this morning that my friends kicked me out of the "band" we formed. Cool guys. Thanks.
    What, why?
  • I found out this morning that my friends kicked me out of the "band" we formed. Cool guys. Thanks.
    What, why?
    Honestly? No idea. We've literally never played outside of one of the dude's garages. We had a drummer and three guitarists/bassists (me being one of them) and it was pretty clear that I was the weakest of the three but at the same time I don't think I was detracting from the music at all. I just don't even know. And these are three guys that I consider(ed?) some of my closest friends.
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