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Fail of your Boo-Yah (and vica-versa)



  • edited January 2011
    Win: I live in Canada (that's the shorthand for describing all the great benefits therein)
    Fail: Holy goodness is it ever cold. It's been -30 (-22F) all week, that's just the motherest of fucks.
    Post edited by Kaptain K on
  • Fail: Took me seven hours to get home yesterday from work through thunder, snow, sleet, rain, hail, and a bunch of cars that either flipped, crashed or just plain stop driving because they were to scared of an adventure.
    Win: I had the most epic adventure EVAR!
  • If by adventure you mean I had to spend an hour to get my car to go the last 20 feet to my driveway and I broke my storm door handle off because of the freezing rain then yea I had an adventure too where the fuck is my experience points.
  • If by adventure you mean I had to spend an hour to get my car to go the last 20 feet to my driveway and I broke my storm door handle off because of the freezing rain then yea I had an adventure too where the fuck is my experience points.
    I worked from home until the sidewalk was clear and the subways were running again. I then had a trivial commute. ^___^
  • I worked from home until the sidewalk was clear and the subways were running again. I then had a trivial commute. ^___^
    Well this was midnight last night during the intense snow coming back from hanging at Bruce's and arguing whether the Cowboy Bebop dub is better then the Japanese voice actors and the subtitles after watching the fifth eps of Bebop with the "Tone Deaf" (Japanese) to the "You sing off key" (dub) and which scream was better which turned into a bigger debate then it should have.. ^_^
  • Boo-Yah: My father agrees to send me a medium-sized scotland shirt with 'Callums Pa' written on the back and the number 10. My son, Callum, has an identical shirt with "Callum" written
    on the back.
    Fail: It arrives a large with no number and no writing.
    Boo-Yah: My father, admitting it was him who messed up and not the seller agrees to send another one properly this time.
    Fail: Two weeks and it hasn't arrived yet.

    Note : The limit on the writing is 10 letters so I couldn't ask for 'Callums Dad'
  • This one goes in reverse:
    Fail: Showed up for work an hour late
    Booyah: Nobody noticed and I got away with it
  • Fail: 1.5 hour commute that should have taken 30 minutes.
    Consolation: My commute home is gonna be a breeze.
    Fail: But snow plows haven't discovered the lost borough of Brooklyn, apparently.
    Boo yah: Dinner with a cute girl tonight.
  • Boo-yah: Absinthe.
    Fail: Predictably, the absinthe.
  • Boo-yah: Absinthe.
    Fail: Predictably, the absinthe.
    Yeah, absinthe. Fucking wretched stuff there.
  • Yeah, absinthe. Fucking wretched stuff there.
    Wuss. Absinthe is delicious.
  • Fail: I just realized that I have owned Toy Story 3 for almost 3 months and have not watched my copy.
    Booh-Yah: I'm going to watch Toy Story 3 in glorious HD.
  • edited January 2011
    Yeah, absinthe. Fucking wretched stuff there.
    Wuss. Absinthe is delicious.
    Indeed. No, the taste of the absinthe wasn't the fail. Rather, the fail can be traced back to the fact that the flavor and drinking method makes consuming glass after glass of 124 proof liquor as easy as drinking a curious liquorice soda.

    It did lead to my friends approving of pulling my hair into a ponytail, though, something my mom still won't approve of.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Wuss. Absinthe is delicious.
    You didn't like it when you drank it at our house, I thought.
  • Yeah, absinthe. Fucking wretched stuff there.
    Wuss. Absinthe is delicious.
    Indeed. No, the taste of the absinthe wasn't the fail. Rather, the fail can be traced back to the fact that the flavor and drinking method makes consuming glass after glass of 124 proof liquor as easy as drinking a curious liquorice soda.

    Itdidlead to my friends approving of pulling my hair into a ponytail, though, something my mom still won't approve of.
    Thats better than the party where I introduced my friends to absinthe. That ended in flaming body shots.


    Sometimes I wonder how my friends and I made it into adulthood.
  • You didn't like it when you drank it at our house, I thought.
    I remember liking it. I think I couldn't drink a lot of it. Or maybe it needed sugar the first time I tried it.
  • Flaming
    Welcome to my New Years. At least my apartment is still intact, and a few of my friends learned the value of drinking shots quickly (rather than sipping them slowly).
  • Flaming
    Welcome to my New Years. At least my apartment is still intact, and a few of my friends learned the value of drinking shots quickly (rather than sipping them slowly).
    We should party sometime, I'll bring a fire extinguisher.
  • All I remember with regards to New Years and Absinthe was that Rym wouldn't let me do a shot of it.
  • I started drinking it louched, with sugar. I ended the night pulling out of the bottle.
  • All I remember with regards to New Years and Absinthe was that Rym wouldn't let me do a shot of it.
    Why the hell not?
  • All I remember with regards to New Years and Absinthe was that Rym wouldn't let me do a shot of it.
    Why the hell not?
    Have you had absinthe?
  • All I remember with regards to New Years and Absinthe was that Rym wouldn't let me do a shot of it.
    Why the hell not?
    Have you had absinthe?
    No...not yet
  • When you do, you will understand exactly why taking shots of it is one of the furthest things from a good idea.
  • When you do, you will understand exactly why taking shots of it is one of the furthest things from a good idea.
    I would have only done one at most. I just wanted to see what it would be like. I couldn't be worse than the shot of grain alcohol I did.
  • Depends on the absinthe. It's kind of a waste to do shots of it, but it also tend to lead to more shots. It wouldn't be anywhere near as horrifying as grain alcohol.
  • It wouldn't be anywhere near as horrifying as grain alcohol.
    This. Back when I was drinking all the time, I drank like 9 Buds and then did a shot of 195 Proof Moonshine. I don't remember stopping throwing up. DX
  • Booh-Yah!: One of my classes is cancelled due to oncoming Snowpocalypse!
    Fail: It's not my 8am.
  • Fail: My best friend/roommate came home drunk last night and told me that she loves me and wants to be with me. I was freaking out wondering how to handle this situation, but...
    Boo-Yah!: She doesn't remember any of it.
  • You might want to get that sorted out with her. If it represents something deeper it could be causing her a lot of stress, especially if she did/will actually remember and is trying to save face.
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