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Fail of your Boo-Yah (and vica-versa)



  • Fail: My best friend/roommate came home drunk last night and told me that she loves me and wants to be with me. I was freaking out wondering how to handle this situation, but...
    Boo-Yah!: She doesn't remember any of it.
    HAhaha, that would be a funny next morning conversation.... How did you ask her if she remembers? "ahhh, did you remember what you said last night?"
  • Fail: My best friend/roommate came home drunk last night and told me that she loves me and wants to be with me. I was freaking out wondering how to handle this situation, but...
    Boo-Yah!: She doesn't remember any of it.
    Well, in Vino Vertitas. You'll have to deal with it sooner or later, but the drunk amnesia buys you a little time.
  • Fail: My best friend/roommate came home drunk last night and told me that she loves me and wants to be with me. I was freaking out wondering how to handle this situation, but...
    Boo-Yah!: She doesn't remember any of it.
    Is she hot?
  • Is she hot?
    How do you feel about her?
  • Is she hot?
    How do you feel about her how hot she is?
  • Is she hot?
    Still a valid question.
  • edited February 2011
    How hot does she feel? About 25 degrees is normal.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Is she hot?
    Still a valid question.
    Very valid question :O
  • Not helping, guys. Might be an idea to ask Sonic "King of Smooth" Khaze on this one (See: "The Facebook Ultimatum.".).
    Being honest and straight-forward is going to be the key to this one.
  • Fail: My best friend/roommate came home drunk last night and told me that she loves me and wants to be with me. I was freaking out wondering how to handle this situation, but...
    Boo-Yah!: She doesn't remember any of it.
    HAhaha, that would be a funny next morning conversation.... How did you ask her if she remembers? "ahhh, did you remember what you said last night?"
    She asked me if I knew how she had gotten home and said she didn't remember getting home from the party she was at. But, as Omnutia pointed out, I'm not sure if she does remember anything and is keeping it to herself.
    Is she hot?
    How do you feel about her?
    She's hot, and I care about her a lot, but at the same time I don't know if I want to be any more than her friend. I really have to think about the whole situation a lot because right now I'm completely torn and unsure of how I really feel.
  • She's hot, and I care about her a lot, but at the same time I don't know if I want to be any more than her friend. I really have to think about the whole situation a lot because right now I'm completely torn and unsure of how I really feel.
    When in doubt, make out. XKCD says so. You'll almost never regret making out with someone, but you'll almost certainly regret not making out with someone.
  • You done goofed when you didn't have mind-erased drunk sex with her right then and there.
  • Boohyah: only a little bit of snow accumulation

    Fail: tiny ball bearings made of ice are coating the ground
    I really have to think about the whole situation a lot because right now I'm completely torn and unsure of how I really feel.
    First of all, don't listen to these jack-asses. Don't do anything physical until you get to have an honest conversation about how you feel. It's perfectly valid to start a relationship saying, "I don't know how I feel about you, but I'm physically attracted and willing to give it a try." If you do, she needs to know that you are trying to figure out your feelings and they may come out not in her favor.
  • You done goofed when you didn't have mind-erased drunk sex with her right then and there.
    *cough* rape *cough*
  • edited February 2011
    It's only technically rape in some states. In California it's rape if you have sex with anyone who's intoxicated to any level.
    Post edited by Kaptain K on
  • I'm not sure if she does remember anything and is keeping it to herself.
    She probably does remember, but is telling you she doesn't. Any reason why?
  • I'm not sure if she does remember anything and is keeping it to herself.
    She probably does remember, but is telling you she doesn't. Any reason why?
    Well, if she's already gone so long without telling him anything, it's probably because she's afraid of being rejected or ruining their friendship.

    Also, I would just like to point out how Nuri always manages to give excellent advice on these matters. Listen to her.
  • I'm not sure why you guys think she's lying about not remembering.
  • I'm not sure why you guys think she's lying about not remembering.
    Because the people commenting have never blacked out because of drinking (I haven't either)
  • As someone who's been blackout drunk before, it really is like the Neuralizer from Men in Black.
  • I'm not sure why you guys think she's lying about not remembering.
    Because the people commenting have never blacked out because of drinking (I haven't either)
    It could also be that she does remember and is too afraid or embarrassed to confront the issue.

    I've never blacked out from drinking, but if I were in her shoes and remembered, I would be embarrassed and afraid.
  • Not helping, guys. Might be an idea to ask Sonic "King of Smooth" Khaze on this one (See: "The Facebook Ultimatum.".).
    I went from "Ladykiller, Geek Extraordinair, Made of Awesome" to "King of Smooth". Honestly you guys, where the hell do you get this stuff?
    She asked me if I knew how she had gotten home and said she didn't remember getting home from the party she was at. But, as Omnutia pointed out, I'm not sure if she does remember anything and is keeping it to herself.
    She's hot, and I care about her a lot, but at the same time I don't know if I want to be any more than her friend. I really have to think about the whole situation a lot because right now I'm completely torn and unsure of how I really feel.
    Being honest and straight-forward is going to be the key to this one.
    You pretty much hit the nail right on the head. Go through a little more introspection and decide whether or not you really want to be more than friends with her. Ask her if she remembers anything about last night. If she doesn't just bring it up what she said and, if you want to pursue a relationship with her, tell her that it got you thinking about your friendship becoming something more.

    If you don't want to be more than friends, gauge her reaction and base your level of "laughing it off" on it. HOWEVER, if she suddenly confesses that she really does love you, DO NOT LAUGH IT OFF. It's time for a nice, long, sit down about this and for gods sake tread lightly. You want to make sure the fall out from this is at a minimum. Let her talk as much as she wants and try your best to make it clear that you really care about her, but not in that way. Stress the importance of your friendship, but don't undercut how she feels. Try to tell her that how she feels could just be the closeness shared between to good friends.
  • In a more serious matter, I would ask you what do you want to be right now? If you want to be single stay single don't tell her anything but be a gentelman about it. If you want to be in a relationship then try it out and be a gentelman about tell her what she told you while being drunk.

    There is a saying in Spanish that translate to "Only innocent children and drunk people tell the truth".
  • I was assume he'd just be a gentleman.
  • There is a saying in Spanish that translate to "Only innocent children and drunk people tell the truth".
    In vino vertias.
  • As someone who's been blackout drunk before, it really is like the Neuralizer from Men in Black.
    This. Sometimes, sometimes, you can regain some of your memories if someone specifically points out something that you did the night before, but 99% of the time you just have to take their word for it. I will also say that as a person who has been around people who have said similar things in such a state, they will say things that may come out in an extremely exaggerated way, which isn't how they intended it to sound.

    I would suggest to just wait a couple days and see if she acts differently around you. If you've known her for a while, you should know what her baseline is. If she shows differences, it's likely she does remember; otherwise, safe to say she doesn't. And then depending on that, decide whether to bring it up or not.
  • edited February 2011
    I don't blackout. I just remember things in fast-forward. One minute it's midnight, the next 2AM. And everything in the middle feels like it happened at a billion miles per hour.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Because the people commenting have never blacked out because of drinking (I haven't either)
    You never say or do anything drunk that you didn't at least think when you were sober.

    Also, I'm just being a smartass. Nuri's advice is what you should do.

    At the very least, I would not just ignore what happened and sweep it under the rug. You'll regret it, and the not knowing will eat at you. And if you're really trying to figure it out, talking to her will help that.
  • I don't blackout. I just remember things in fast-forward. One minute it's midnight, the next 2AM. And everything in the middle feels like it happened at a billion miles per hour.
    Doesn't that just mean you've got big gaps in your memory?
  • I was assume he'd just be a gentleman.
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