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Fail of your Boo-Yah (and vica-versa)



  • Why is he wearing a top hat but no tie?
  • How often does she drinks still she blacks out? You may want to talk to her about that first. Then, talk about the drunk I<3U's.
  • Why is he wearing a top hat but no tie?
    Would the king of smooth wear a tie?
  • How often does she drinks still she blacks out?
    My roommate does this about once a week and seems to average at least a bottle of wine a night.
  • I don't blackout. I just remember things in fast-forward. One minute it's midnight, the next 2AM. And everything in the middle feels like it happened at a billion miles per hour.
    Doesn't that just mean you've got big gaps in your memory?
    No, because I remember everything vividly. I've never had a gap in memory. It just all feels compressed and accelerated.
  • My roommate does this about once a week and seems to average at least a bottle of wine a night.
    Your roommate may have a problem.
  • My roommate does this about once a week and seems to average at least a bottle of wine a night.
    Your roommate may have a problem.
    No shit. :P
  • Boo-Yah: Wings for lunch

    Booy-Yah/Fail: They're incredibly fucking hot.

    Fail: My mouth is on fire. It's distracting.

    Boo-Yah: My sinuses are clear.
  • You never say or do anything drunk that you didn't at least think when you were sober.
    I agree with this statement EXCEPT when someone has hit a blackout stage. Especially if at any point during the drunk time they passed out for a bit... Those times the person usually says all sorts of crazy stuff but with no real memory of it. Believe me, I have witnessed it a couple of times.
  • One of my best friends almost ended our friendship with a series of text messages while he was blacked out. He had no idea he had even talked to me until he checked his sent messages and realized what he'd done.
  • I was assume he'd just be a gentleman.
    XD That was brilliant! *laughs* And the laptop... and the exclamation point! XD
  • I'm not sure why you guys think she's lying about not remembering.
    I've had all kinds of un-remembered nights. Really.

    I'm not saying she does remember and is lying, but I'm saying it's a possibility. I can think of all kind of reasons she might do it, and it would only be prudent to think them over before doing or saying something stupid.
  • Boo-yah: My boss said that if we are uncomfortable coming in, we can take a snow day without detracting from our personal time.
    Fail: He hasn't actually closed the office, so if/when other people make it in then everyone who doesn't go in will look like lazy jerks.
  • Boo-yah: power is out at work, no-one other then the lab and a few others select places have power.
    Fail: My office is one of them.
  • power is out at work, no-one other then the lab and a few others select places have power.
    We have an office out your way that had power issues all morning.
  • Fail: I'm the only one in my section that bothered to show up today.

    Failer: I'm lonely. :(

    Boo-Yah: Nobody else around? Time to blast some metal.
  • Booh-yah: no class today

    Fail: There supposedly might have been a gunman here or something, because we are on lockdown.

    Booh-yah: Noone was hurt and it was most likely just a threat.

    Fail: Either way still on lockdown
  • Booyah: This new company just gave me health insurance forms to fill out. That means they like me!
    Fail: I have to choose between three different plans, and I have no idea what anything means.
  • Yes: Went to the anime club and had a good time.
    No: Rain and wind was crazy when we came out.
    Very Yes: Ran into a cute Latvian girl on the way out who wanted to share my umbrella.
    Alright: Umbrella turned inside out so we walked in the rain.
    Very no: Didn't get any way to contact her. Fffff...

    I think her name was Nicole.
  • edited February 2011
    Yay @ OmNom!

    Out of curiosity, what 3 companies do you have to choose from? The companies normally have a nice easy to read chart of what they pay/copays/rates and what not. That normally helps out.

    Boo-Yah: Someone wants to commission me to make a Scott Pilgrim hat.
    Kinda fail: It's from that pattern I made, but the actual original pattern used in the movie.
    Boo-Yah: I don't really mind.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • edited February 2011
    Out of curiosity, what 3 companies do you have to choose from? The companies normally have a nice easy to read chart of what they pay/copays/rates and what not. That normally helps out.
    Well, all three plans are from a company called Emblem Health, but they're completely different types/rates/etc:
    • EPO+ 30-500 - Drug Card (not sure what this is): 0/30/50/50/1000, nothing stated under "deductible", most copays $30, Hosp. $500/$250 (in/out patient), optical $10
    • HMO+ 30/50-500 - Drug Card: 25/35, nothing under "deductible", most copays $30 (therapy, mental health, and specialist $50), Hosp. $500/$75 (in/out patient), possibly no optical? (I should really get an eye exam, I think I'm near-sighted)
    • EPOcs+ 40-1000 - Drug Card: 0/30/50/50/1000, $1k-$3.5k deductible, $1.5k-$4.5k "out of pocket" (not the same as a copay?), most copays $40, Hosp. in/out patient just says "deductible", "co-insurance" is 20% (not sure what this means), optical $20
    It seems that the HMO plan is better for Hospital and Surgical Out-Patient copays, but more expensive for Mental Health (psychiatrist visits?), Therapy Services, and Specialists. The EPO plans have a free physical (per year), cheaper medical equipment, and a cheap optical exam (the HMO plan doesn't say anything about this).

    Also, why do all of these cover Chiropractic? angryface.jpg

    I'd really like to start seeing a Therapist/Psychiatrist, since I have some mental health stuff I'd like to work out (depression, anxiety, etc), but I don't want to be absolutely and totally fucked if I have to go to the emergency room. I've never had insurance that I had to choose from (I've had parent insurance and school insurance), so I have no idea what most of this means.
    Post edited by YoshoKatana on
  • edited February 2011
    Ok. I've never heard of Emblem Health, so I used Google. Seems they are NY state only, which makes sense to why I've never heard of it.

    There are a few questions you have to ask yourself before selecting the right insurance for you:

    "What sort of care will I need/think I need for the year?"
    "How much can I afford for the out-of-pocket expenses/per paycheck?"

    Here is also a great website to explain a lot of common insurance terms.

    I don't know how much you know about insurance terms and what not, so I'm going to (hopefully) try to explain them to someone who is learning for the first time.

    It seems those plans are listed from most coverage to least from top to bottom.

    I don't know what the numbers mean after each of the titles. If you can tell me, that might give me a better understanding.

    First off, the insurances they offer are EPO's in which you can only see an "in-network" provider to get coverage. You have to see a provider in their listings or you have to pay 100% for whomever you see. You also don't have to have any referrals whatsoever to see any provider. That's pretty nice, imo. Saves more time and money to having to see a physician to refer a optometrist/psychiatrist/specialist.

    A drug card sounds like it's a discount card if there is no actual name of a company that will be paying for your prescriptions. I could be wrong, but most major health insurances use major prescription companies to handle Rx claims, e.g., Express Scripts, Caremark, Medco, etc. However, with the different numbers after "Drug Card" it seems like it's the copay tiers you would be paying. For HMO it looks like $25 for generic and $35 for brand name. The 0/30/50/50/1000 is confusing because of the extra 50 in there.

    A co-pay is part of out-of-pocket expenses. In this case where it says $1.5k-$4.5k "out of pocket", I'm pretty sure it's referring to the maximum you would have to pay for the whole year. But you also have a deductible of a different amount. Yes, I know it's confusing.

    Co-pays are fixed amounts that patients pay whatever fixed rate the insurance states to whatever type of physician you are seeing. In the case of the HMO plan, basic care/primary care physicians are $30, while specialist/mental health are $50. This is very common for most insurances.

    I think that mostly explains the questions you asked. If I missed something, let me know.

    Also, I assume there are different rates for these plans that come out of your paycheck? You have to also take that into consideration of how much you think you can afford to not have each paycheck.

    It does seem the HMO plan is good deal. I imagine the EP+30-500 is the most expensive to the employee, but it does have cheaper copays.

    Also in regards to Hospital in/outpatient rates. The likelihood of you becoming in inpatient in a hospital at your age are a lot smaller vs. older people, but there are always emergencies. Outpatient Hospital treatment is normally a same-day procedure in which you are seen and let go the same day. Care such as endoscopies, colonoscopies, same day surgeries, skin lesions, etc. would be considered outpatient hospital care.

    Does your company/insurance have options for an HSA (Health Spending Account)/FSA (Flexible Spending Account)? Basically what an HSA/FSA is is a company that pays your out of pocket expenses. The money comes out of your paycheck, however it comes out at Gross and not at Net. You project whatever you think you will have in medical expenses for the upcoming year, and they take out a fixed amount per paycheck. When you have a claim paid, you either send a receipt to the HSA/FSA account and they either send you a check or they reimburse you electronically to your bank account.

    I've used the FSA/HSA for a few years and it worked fine. You basically don't get taxed on the money you gave your HSA/FSA, so that's pretty cool. However, you must make sure you use up all of the money you allotted to your HSA before the year ends, or they get to keep the money! There normally is a grace period of the first few months of the next year, the HSA will rollover, but make sure whatever your project in your expenses is accurate.

    The reason why I talk about this is if you choose to use the HMO option, you can use the HSA/FSA for your eye exam. Those normally aren't too much. I believe probably on high end $200-$300. I'm just going by what I normally see that is charge from the VA so don't fully quote me on that.

    If your company does not offer an HSA/FSA completely forget the last few paragraphs.

    Ok, enough with the wall of text. If you have any further questions, I'll be happy to answer if I can.

    Edit: I forgot to mention, if your company/HR has the full benefit plan brochure that gives an extensive breakdown of coverage, read through it. Make sure to read all and every exclusion on the plans so you know what is not covered so you don't end up getting treatment to where you have to pay 100%.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • edited February 2011
    Fail: People who say "We need to have a discussion" who do not actually want a discussion, they want to rant about you and insult you, to you, and you're not meant to actually discuss anything.

    Boo-yah - Convincing those people that their positions were ill-considered by presenting evidence and logic.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Fail: People who say "We need to have a discussion" who do not actually want a discussion, they want to rant about you and insult you, to you, and you're not meant to actually discuss anything.
    I've had a few of those that were actually discussions that ended up with actual problems getting solved and everyone being better off afterwards.
  • I've had a few of those that were actually discussions that ended up with actual problems getting solved and everyone being better off afterwards.
    This one was not one of those, but I did get a minor win by getting the other party to re-consider their position, at least temporarily.
  • I had some awesome discussions tonight at the bookshop. After a long while me and this other guy worked out the person we were discussing things with misunderstood the very concepts of science, history, evidence, logic, etc, etc. It was quite fun to come to that realization. Along the way I learned a lot, not by him saying anything, but trying to clarify my position to someone who couldn't understand it on a fundamental level. Fun!

    But then, fail, one guy actually believes the Niel Adams expanding Earth theory, and not plate tectonics. I brought up plate tectonics as a great example of science in action, as a good theory that not only explained current evidence, but also shed new light on topics that could be considered unconnected (spread of animals in otherwise disparate continents but not others). He completely missed the point that to convince me that the Earth is expanding, he doesn't need to give me evidence to support it, he has to give me a theory that explains all the current evidence just as elegantly as plate tectonics, and THEN explains new evidence not covered by plate tectonics.

    Thankfully the night was more full of win than fail.
  • Fail: Well, to make a long story short, my apartment situation sucks and I'm ready to move on.
    Boo yah: I'm looking at new apartments, and getting input from friends. Hopefully going to move around mid-March. (and get FIOS/fast internets, as my uploading speed is 0.03 Mbit)
  • edited February 2011
    Fail: Friend blacked out last night and sent me pictures of her breasts. We're really good friends, and I have no romantic interest in her. I'm also really good friends with her boyfriend, who she considers her soulmate and has pondered marrying. It was all really goddamn weird.

    Booh-yah: She checked her text messages when she sobered up and apparently no one has any problem with her being a best friend who drunkenly sends nude photos. Extreme awkwardness averted. Slight awkwardness still present, but manageable.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Boo-Yah: Had an awesome superbowl party, and our halftime entertainment was sampling small pieces of the 11 different flavors of Kit Kats I brought back from Japan. Had been waiting to crack into these, everyone was really excited, glad to have tried them all, and it was much better than watching the Black Eyed Peas.

    Fail: Numberous stomach aches
  • Fail: Multiple leaks in my office.
    Boo-Yah: New office with windows!
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