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Fail of your Boo-Yah (and vica-versa)



  • Hit: I got to work early for once
    Miss: I've been browsing the internet/not working since then
  • Boo-Yah: Turning 32 soon.
    Fail: Ditto. My tenure as the group Methuselah continues.
  • Boo-Yah; figured out how to make egg fired rice,
    Fail; at to much rice
    Double-Boo-Yah; had year anniversary with Kirst
    Fail; gave her to much rice
  • edited February 2011
    Boo-Yah; figured out how to make egg fired rice,
    Fail; at to much rice
    I had this mental image of shooting an egg at a pile of rice. I had to read it again.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • AmpAmp
    edited February 2011
    Dam you inability to spell simple words!
    It could be worse, for ages I kept on misspelling ancient as accident. Got some very odd looks when people read that I was study Accident and Medieval History.
    Post edited by Amp on
  • Win: I had a great employee review and I qualify for a raise and bonus in March.
    Fail: I am still 3 kinds of sick and had to leave work after the review.
  • edited February 2011
    Booyah: I just brought back a 40GB Launch PS3 from the death
    Fail: It looks like the AVI connection does not works
    Booyah: I tried the HD cable and it does work
    Fail: I don't have a HD TV in my room :(
    Booyah: I can sell it and earn crazy moneys
    Fail: I don't want to sell it :O

    Booyah: I just needed to reset video settings :D
    Post edited by Erwin on
  • edited February 2011
    Boo-Ya: I think I figured out what I want to do after high school in terms of schooling!
    Fail: When I told my ex, she was incredibly harsh and told me my plan was stupid and that I'm "not the Josh she knew" and that it would be a waste of my time.
    Fail More: She said she was sorry for being harsh in that way that sounds like "I know you're upset, but I don't believe this should of upset you, so here you go, an apology," to which i said "You were kinda harsh, but it's okay."
    Fail Moar: She flipped her shit and told me not to come visit her during her recovery from surgery, and hung up on me.
    Fail Your Arms Around: I was dumbfounded and sprawled on the floor to collect my thoughts, and when my mom walked in she thought I was suicidal.
    Boo-Ya!: We talked about my plan with her and a friend of mine and we got my misconceptions cleared up and realized my plan isn't bad or a waste of time!

    Screw you, ex. I'm tired of you crippling me emotionally.
    Post edited by JukeBoxJosh on
  • What's your plan?
  • What's your plan?
    I would like to go to the University of Texas at Austin.
    BUT, I feel like I really need a transition period, as that's been a very big problem since a lack of transition from Elementary to Middle School has been shooting me in the foot since then up until this semester (2nd Semester, Junior year). What I intend to do is go to Austin Community College for two years and go to UT after that. The hours transfer with ease and UT pretty much accepts anyone who does well there, and it's what a lot of kids, even from my old Liberal Arts and Science Academy do because a) it's cheap, and b) it's a good transition.
  • Dude, some of the smartest motherfuckers I know have done that. Your ex is probably redirecting her anger about her own lack of plans.
  • Dude, some of the smartest motherfuckers I know have done that. Your ex is probably redirecting her anger about her own lack of plans.
    Oh my god, thank you. I've been mildly nervous about it since then, because my mom and best friend would tell me anything (in my mind) to make me feel better, so now it's solid. I'm doing this.

    Also, she's got the rest of her life planned for quite some time. I think she just lacks the social skills to downgrade me from boyfriend to friend, and instead drops me to enemy. Or she just hates me.
  • edited February 2011
    Dude, some of the smartest motherfuckers I know have done that. Your ex is probably redirecting her anger about her own lack of plans.
    Oh my god, thank you. I've been mildly nervous about it since then, because my mom and best friend would tell me anything (in my mind) to make me feel better, so now it's solid. I'm doing this.
    Sounds like a good idea to me.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • edited February 2011
    Oh my god, thank you. I've been mildly nervous about it since then, because my mom and best friend would tell me anything (in my mind) to make me feel better, so now it's solid. I'm doing this.

    Also, she's got the rest of her life planned for quite some time. I think she just lacks the social skills to downgrade me from boyfriend to friend, and instead drops me to enemy. Or she just hates me.
    Who knows. Cut her loose.

    One of my friends did two years at some podunk Southern Illinois community college. He then got a full scholarship for his next two years at U of I, scored high enough on his LSAT to write his own ticket to any law school he wants, and is an executive on several highly-regarded Registered Student Organizations.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Yeah I'm currently doing the same thing over here on my end with going to community college. It's way cheaper than my original plan of four years at URI. Plus it helped me get my shit together after getting out of high school

    Anyway Boo-Ya!: Late night dinner with D&D group at IHOP went pretty awesomly

    Fail: Now am too hyped up on caffeine to go to sleep
  • One of my friends did two years at some podunk Southern Illinois community college. He then got a full scholarship for his next two years at U of I, scored high enough on his LSAT to write his own ticket to any law school he wants, and is an executive on several highly-regarded Registered Student Organizations.
    Quite a few people who want to get into uni but don't get the results they want on their OP score here do that. They take the same classes as the course they want to take, and then, after six months or so, when there have been a few people who drop out or change course to something easier, just switch to the actual degree course.
  • edited February 2011
    EDIT: I posted something awesome in the wrong thread.
    Post edited by Walker on
  • edited February 2011
    Oh my god, thank you. I've been mildly nervous about it since then, because my mom and best friend would tell me anything (in my mind) to make me feel better, so now it's solid. I'm doing this.

    Also, she's got the rest of her life planned for quite some time. I think she just lacks the social skills to downgrade me from boyfriend to friend, and instead drops me to enemy. Or she just hates me.
    Who knows. Cut her loose.
    This. She's dead weight and is either jealous that you have a future and she doesn't, or is pissed that she is unable to control your decisions, or really has no idea how to deal with her emotions in a healthy manner. It's emotionally unhealthy to keep in contact. Cut and run, my friend. No one who is a real friend would treat another friend that way.
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • Totally agreed with what everyone else said. Community college is not a bad choice at all. It's cheaper and many people are doing it. High school kids even go there during their junior and senior years to get college credit to save money and not waste time with the first few years of BS classes in a normal college.

    You did the right thing: you posted here. This is what makes this forum awesome, when we give advice we don't bullshit around. We are up front, brutally honest, and mostly supportive.
  • Boo-Yah: I am in Paris
    Fail: I don't speak French and haven't slept in over 24 hours
  • @Ro: Sometimes I think it would have been nice to go to university. Then I remember that regret is weakness and go punch granite blocks for a few hours.
  • @Ro: Sometimes I think it would have been nice to go to university. Then I remember that regret is weakness and go punch granite blocks for a few hours.
    I'm the same way. Regretting shit you can't do anything about anymore is pointless. The only thing you can do is move on and try to live and do things that will hopefully make you not regret them.
  • edited February 2011
    Boo-Yah: I am in Paris
    Fail: I don't speak French and haven't slept in over 24 hours
    Je Suis désolé, Je ne Parle Pas francais. Parlez-vous anglais?
    Pronounce - JE Swee DES-oh-le, Je Ne Par-le Pa(almost silent S) Fran'say. Pah-leh Voo on-ge-lay?
    (I really need to learn how to put these things properly, my phonetic guides suck - say it reasonably fast, it'll all come somewhat together. at least enough that the french won't want to shoot you)
    Meaning - I'm sorry, I don't speak french. Do you speak English?

    I really need to review and practice my languages, but I can't be arsed lately.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Totally agreed with what everyone else said. Community college is not a bad choice at all. It's cheaper and many people are doing it. High school kids even go there during their junior and senior years to get college credit to save money and not waste time with the first few years of BS classes in a normal college.
    When high school was too crushingly boring and pointless, I started taking classes at the local community college. Those credits later got me out of some useless classes at RIT.

    Several RIT peeps we knew took most of their general ed at community colleges and then transferred into RIT. Same degree, 2/3 the price.
  • The definitive guide.
  • The definitive guide.
    Well, that depends on who you're talking to, I'd suggest.
  • The only possible drawback with going to community college is that you might not be as challenged as you want in your classes. Jeremy is taking a Metallurgy class right now. His class is fairly diverse with older and younger folk. A lot of people in the class were somehow able to get in the class with barely and knowledge in Algebra. From what Jeremy tells me you need to know most basic to some complex Algebra to do equations and what not for the class. He constantly rants to me how people keep asking the same questions over and over again and needs the instructor to explain things slowly.

    It could be just the fault of that community college. But I will also say this, register as early as possible, and try to be the first at filling out all the applications necessary. Because people are losing their jobs, people are going back to school to get reeducated. Community colleges are super packed now and highly competitive to enroll.
  • What I intend to do is go to Austin Community College for two years and go to UT after that.
    I should have done this. Use the CC to get your gen ed requirements out of the way, and then go to the "real" college after that to do your major stuff.

    Tell your ex to fuck off and leave you to lead your own life. She's your ex; don't let her run your shit.
  • edited February 2011
    What's your plan?
    I would like to go to the University of Texas at Austin.
    BUT, I feel like I really need a transition period, as that's been a very big problem since a lack of transition from Elementary to Middle School has been shooting me in the foot since then up until this semester (2nd Semester, Junior year). What I intend to do is go to Austin Community College for two years and go to UT after that. The hours transfer with ease and UT pretty much accepts anyone who does well there, and it's what a lot of kids, even from my old Liberal Arts and Science Academy do because a) it's cheap, and b) it's a good transition.
    I did something similar, it saves you a ton of moneys. Just make sure to check your credits with the university to want to transfer afterwards. Good luck dude!
    Also, do not worry about the "College experience" in those two years you can get the "Community" experience which is mostly hilarious :P
    Post edited by Erwin on
  • You guys are all awesome and I'm glad I posted here. Also, you guys aren't the first to tell me that I should cut her lose, trust me. It's been very hard to fathom it, but I think this has really shown me that I shouldn't allow this stuff to happen anymore.

    If I ever met you guys, and you're up for it, I owe you a hug.
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