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Fail of your Boo-Yah (and vica-versa)



  • Boo-Yah: Nuri made more pretty yarn. One special ordered for a hat I'm making for myself in the prettiest of yellow/orange colors.
    Fail: She made other yarn that I will be buying, when I really don't need it.
    Boo-Yah: I have more yarn.
    Boo-Yah: I'm supporting a friend and probably some of her expenses at PAX.
    Boo-Yah: We will more than likely be knitting at PAX.
    Fail: I think I need more space for yarn.
  • Boo-Yah: Listening to Bill Maher's Real Time first thing in the morning on my iPod
    Fail: Every minute and a half the episode skips ahead 10-20 seconds
    Boo-Yah: I think Bill's funnier this way.
  • Boo-Yah: It is national cheap chocolate day.
    Fail: I really shouldn't eat chocolate.
  • Yes: I have a bag of Jolly Ranchers
    No: Without looking I took an apple one and put it in my mouth. Blech.
  • Boo-Yah: It is national cheap chocolate day.
    Fail: I really shouldn't eat chocolate.
    Same. Cheap Lindt and Ghirardelli Chocolates ftw.
  • Boo-yah: Had a job.
    Fail: Lost it after one day.
  • Fail: I caught that month long lasting respiratory bug that's going around. Sinus congestion, labored breathing, small fever, body aches, body chills, good tims.

    Boo-Yah: 1 cup hot milk, 4 tbsp of cocoa mix, 1 packet of apple cinnamon TheraFlu isn't a bad concoction.
  • Boo-yah: Had a job.
    Fail: Lost it after one day.
  • Boo-yah: Had a job.
    Fail: Lost it after one day.
    Please elaborate.
  • Boo-yah: Had a job.
    Fail: Lost it after one day.
    Please elaborate.
  • Boo-yah: Had a job.
    Fail: Lost it after one day.
    Hired by accident. Turns out I wasn't eligible for rehire.
  • Boo-yah: Had a job.
    Fail: Lost it after one day.
    Hired by accident. Turns out I wasn't eligible for rehire.
    How, pray tell, do you get hired by accident?
  • Boo-yah: Had a job.
    Fail: Lost it after one day.
    Hired by accident. Turns out I wasn't eligible for rehire.
    How, pray tell, do you get hired by accident?
    HR mixup. It's like in Office Space how the downsy guy had been fired years ago but hadn't been told and still got paid because of an accounting error.
  • Boo-yah: Having a great time hanging out with and getting to know potential girlfriend.
    Fail: Between getting virtually no sleep, drinking the last three nights, being around second-hand smoke constantly, and neglecting to properly feed myself, my body really hates me right now.

    I'm thinking I need a bit of a recovery day.
  • Fail: Podcast I recorded with a friend lost the last 6 or so minutes of it somehow.
    Boo Ya! Summer Wars came in from Amazon a day earlier than it said it would!
  • Fail; ill and stuck in a lecture on Medieval languages.
    Boo-Yah; Playing some new games tonight.
  • potential girlfriend.
    This bodes horribly.
  • Fail: I think I need more space for yarn.
    Look at it this way: because you bought so much, it comes in its own handy-dandy storage box! (Also, TY TY TY!)
  • Fail: I think I need more space for yarn.
    Look at it this way: because you bought so much, it comes in its own handy-dandy storage box! (Also, TY TY TY!)
    Cardboard boxes do not survived in an apartment with cats. It's cool, I planned on buying another rolling drawer cabinet.

    I think when I get the package in the mail, I will totally be posting pics. /excited
  • edited February 2011
    Cardboard boxes do not survived in an apartment with cats. It's cool, I planned on buying another rolling drawer cabinet.

    I think when I get the package in the mail, I will totally be posting pics. /excited
    Actually, oddly enough, you can get some really good storage solutions for this sort of thing from Auto stores. All sorts of little boxes, big boxes, and that sort of shite. And unlike the versions you get from crafts stores, it's not just cat-proof, it's bloody bomb-proof.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Booh-Yah: Managed to figure out how to pack my pipe perfectly.
    Fail: I'm probably developing a nicotine addiction.
  • Fail: I just a "who wrote this crap...IT WAS ME" moment.
    Boo-Yah: I guess I've improved as a programmer.
  • Boo-yah: A documentary on Minecraft is in production.

    Fail: It's being made by 2 Player Productions, who made the absolutely abysmal chiptune documentary Reformat The Planet. Great music, poor film making.

    Boo-yah: Based on the 20 minute preview of the film, it appears that 2PP has learned a thing or two about making movies since then. I am cautiously optimistic.
  • I am recklessly optimistic about a Minecraft documentary.
  • Fail: It's being made by 2 Player Productions, who made the absolutely abysmal chiptune documentary Reformat The Planet. Great music, poor film making.
    But they also did the first season of Penny Arcade: The Series, which was really great.
  • Speakin 'o' minecraft, It's down again.
  • Fail - Huge thunderstorm yesterday, and as soon as I got home to unplug my computer, I smell ozone and smoke. Hit the power button on the computer - not a damn thing.

    Boo-yah - I look under the desk to unplug the powerboard, having given up on my computer working again. Smell of smoke is really strong here, and I discover the powerboard is absolutely fried. Plug the PC into a different one - works perfectly.

    I'll be fuckin' burying that powerboard with a nice headstone and a 21 gun salute, methinks.
  • You need a UPS dude!
  • Man, I want a UPS. Alas, poor student.
  • You need a UPS dude!
    Not worth it - I've already got decent surge protection - both in the house power and the powerboards I use. The reason that it went that way was that lightning struck about 100 meters from the house.
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