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Fail of your Boo-Yah (and vica-versa)



  • Old woman orders pizza every day for 3 years, then falls, unable to get to the phone. After three days without an order, her usual delivery woman insists that she check on her, and saves her life. Obviously, that's awesome, but this story still makes me kind of sad. I feel like this says a lot about how socially isolated some of our seniors are. Nobody should be in a situation where it takes 3 days to notice that you've been on the floor, unable to reach the phone.
  • I feel like this says a lot about how socially isolated some of our seniors are.
    Our generation by and large won't have this problem.
  • Old woman orders pizza every day for 3 years, then falls, unable to get to the phone. After three days without an order, her usual delivery woman insists that she check on her, and saves her life. Obviously, that's awesome, but this story still makes me kind of sad. I feel like this says a lot about how socially isolated some of our seniors are. Nobody should be in a situation where it takes 3 days to notice that you've been on the floor, unable to reach the phone.
    If I ordered pizza every day for 3 years, I would probably be burried under my own girth, unable to reach the phone.
  • I feel like this says a lot about how socially isolated some of our seniors are.
    Our generation by and large won't have this problem.
    Sure you won't, just wait til you can no longer read the screen on your smart phone.
  • Sure you won't, just wait til you can no longer read the screen on your smart phone.
    They still make large screens for things, you know. Interface technology is getting better, not worse.
  • edited February 2011
    When I am a senior I won't need a screen on my phone. I probably won't even need a phone. I'm not sure what I will have, but bad eyesight won't be a problem that stops me connecting with other people. It's like complaining about the price or availability of quills in 2011, that being the thing that will stop me writing letters.
    Post edited by Luke Burrage on
  • I feel like this says a lot about how socially isolated some of our seniors are.
    Our generation by and large won't have this problem.
    I sure hope so. What do you think will be different?
  • What do you think will be different?
    We have the Internet? I already have access to enough media to keep me occupied for many years, nevermind access to other people.
  • I feel like this says a lot about how socially isolated some of our seniors are.
    Our generation by and large won't have this problem.
    I sure hope so. What do you think will be different?
    Ubiquitous, easily accessible Internet will probably make it so we never disconnect from the outside world, even if the only thing connecting us is the Internet.
    And moreover, that we'll all be carrying (on or in our bodies) something that will allow us to communicate on said Internet.
  • Boo-Yah: Starting a new job tomorrow.
    Fail: Welcome to the world of full time employment.
    Boo-Yah: Money!
  • Fail: I am going to miss Community today.
    Boo-Yah: I am going to play some soccer with my Bro! :D
  • Fail: Its 4:13 am and I have a CS midterm at 9
    Boo-Yah: I spent the night hanging out with the girl I like.
    Boo-Yah: Spring break starts tomorrow after my exam.
    Fail: I still need to finish packing
  • Fail: I still have many projects I want/need to finish in regards to knitting, but the gaming bug bit me.
    Boo-Yah: I'm getting back into vidja games and started playing CreaVures and enjoying it.
    Fail/Boo-Yah: After only a few minutes of playing, I have become enamored with Bitey and am now inspired to figure out a way to do a mochimochi of him.
    Fail: I stopped playing the game and went to look in my mochimochi book and various patterns online to get ideas of how to make it.
    Boo-Yah: I'm back into knitting (?)
    Fail: Another new/timely project to work on.
    Fail: I said I would stop buying yarn, but it seems I will have to buy more yarn for this.
    Boo-Yah: Well the yarn can wait. I can use the acrylic yarn as a practice for the prototype.
    Fail: I'm going to be using acrylic yarn.
    Fail: I really need to stop being so ADD with knitting projects.

  • Gotta knit 'em all. Knitting Ro!
  • Me and my ex-ex-girlfriend get one great, but there has been this lingering issue about her taking the car and never actually paying for it. Somehow she worked it out that way, but I've always pushed for at least a bit more. It's a principle thing, as I certainly don't need the extra few hundred euros I think I'm owed, and she actually does need the money at the moment due to cashflow issues.

    Anyway, after a discussion on Thursday I achieved a moral victory! Except, somehow, I ended up giving her 550 euros. In my head, at the time, my plan was flawless, but thinking about it now maybe I should have caved. In the long run I should see this money again, and hopefully more, but it could be a very hollow victory.

    Fuckit. If it doesn't work out all I've lost is a few hundred euros. Sometimes the moral victory IS more important than cash in the hand.
  • That is why I will never buy something that is worth more than 1000 dollars with someone else for at least the next 5 years.
  • Fail: The local board gaming store at the mall is closing down because the mall sold the space to someone else. It makes me sad because Jeremy and I frequent that store a lot and we are recognized by staff.

    Boo-Yah: I picked up Allhambra for like $25.
  • Booyah: I finally got that fucking piece of shit film critique done.

    fail: In a film critique for a movie about a black actor in the 1980's who chose not to sell out and play the role of a street thug, I wrote what the teacher wanted to hear not what I really wanted to say. I sold out writing about a guy who didn't sell out.

  • Boo yah: Finally fixed the overheating issue that didn't allow me to play any games on my laptop for the last three months.
    Fail: Played Minecraft all night.

    ...consolation prize: Dug a hole...
    ...through two rivers and a lava flow...
    ...down to the bottom of the Earth.
  • This game needs to have a balrog.
  • Boo-Yah: Just beat Trials and Tribulations, the last of the three "main" Phoenix Wright games

    Fail: No more Phoenix Wright :(
  • Boo-Yah: Just beat Trials and Tribulations, the last of the three "main" Phoenix Wright games

    Fail: No more Phoenix Wright :(
    Apollo Justice is just as good, trust me, if not better. It's pretty great. Phoenix is still a character, as well.
  • Yeah, that one's coming up next, followed by Edgeworth. That last case, though, god damn.
  • Yeah, that one's coming up next, followed by Edgeworth. That last case, though, god damn.
    That is basically how the last case of Apollo Justice plays out, actually. I have been told by several people that they believe it to be on par with the other final cases. I certainly think so.
  • I'm going to be entirely honest: I did not like Apollo Justice's last case, nor what Apollo Justice did to the series as a whole. I would have much, much preferred if they had made Apollo his own thing with only minor connections to Phoenix instead of turning Phoenix into a completely different character and having him lose his badge (for a reason that turns out to be entirely ridiculous) just to be Apollo's mentor. I dunno if they'll be able to salvage everything in AA5 (whenever that's coming out, if ever) but for now I just am not happy with the direction they took.

    Ace Attorney Investigations was fantastic, though- it's my second-favorite game in the series, behind Trials and Tribulations. Really looking forward to the second one, as well as the Layton crossover game!
  • I had a kinda-date tonight. Who didn't turn up. But I hung out with some other people. And kissed a lovely girl when we left the bar together. A fun night.
  • I had a kinda-date tonight. Who didn't turn up.
    Gah, I hate that. So rude! At least it worked out.
  • I had a kinda-date tonight. Who didn't turn up.
    Gah, I hate that. So rude! At least it worked out.
    It's fine. I'd much rather think someone is not being rude, and can't make it for some other reason than just not bothering.

    It was a kinda-date because it was someone I met last Thursday and only spoke to for a few minutes. She mentioned that she didn't know many people in Berlin, and didn't do much. I mentioned that I'm out doing random stuff all the time. So the next day I sent her a message saying "Next time I'm doing something fun, do you want me to get in touch and invite you along?" and she said yes. Last night there were two different events where we could have met up, and she missed the first one due to having to work late. But it didn't matter, as I was there with other friends.

    The second event was a weekly meet up of English speaking people in Berlin, which is where I met her last week, and there are normally plenty of people. Except when I turned up at 9pm (after my first event, a cheapo-wine tasting experiment) I was the first one there! Within 5 or 10 minutes about 8 or 10 others turned up, and by 10pm there were about 20 people filling this tiny bar.

    It turns out my kinda-date turned up at about 8.30pm, looked for the meeting, and only found two other people. Those two people decided not to stick about, so left, and she decided to leave too. She sent me a message before the night was over, but of course I didn't find that until I got home, after having a great evening chatting and getting to know other people. Which is fine!

    And Facebook is awesome, by the way. I left last night, and didn't even ask for the full names of the German girls I sat chatting with until 3.30am. But with some search kung-fu I tracked them down within about 30 seconds, and will hopefully stay in touch with at least one of them.
  • edited March 2011
    I'm going to be entirely honest: I did not like Apollo Justice's last case, nor what Apollo Justice did to the series as a whole. I would have much, much preferred if they had made Apollo his own thing with only minor connections to Phoenix instead of turning Phoenix into a completely different character and having him lose his badge (for a reason that turns out to be entirely ridiculous) just to be Apollo's mentor. I dunno if they'll be able to salvage everything in AA5 (whenever that's coming out, if ever) but for now I just am not happy with the direction they took.

    Ace Attorney Investigations was fantastic, though- it's my second-favorite game in the series, behind Trials and Tribulations. Really looking forward to the second one, as well as the Layton crossover game!
    I liked seeing a super-confident Phoenix in court in the last case of Apollo Justice, but in general I'd say the Apollo Justice characters were weaker. Detective Gumshoe was sorely lacking, and as a villain Kristoph Gavin didn't match up to the likes of Manfred von Karma, Damon Gant, Acro, Dahlia Hawthorne, or Diego Armando. Trucy was awesome, though.

    I don't quite remember how Ace Attorney Investigations compares, but apart from that one Trials and Tribulations was probably the best.

    EDIT: Oh, and I found it rather disappointing that Phoenix played draw poker instead of Texas hold 'em.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • @Luke: Ah, OK, that's different then. And a bar that's full at 20 people? That's freakin' tiny.
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