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  • Im gonna start calling nights like this batman. I'll spare you the pun because I know you know
    The night's parents are dead?
    This night isn't wearing hockey pads?

  • Somehow, until today I had never noticed that Dick Armey has a funny name.
  • edited November 2011
    Backup failed: Success
    ... Now what?
    Post edited by Bronzdragon on
  • Screw Georgia weather. I had assumed that since I could jog on the large bridge in my town in 25 mph wind I could also handle 15 mph wind with 30 mph gusts. As it turns out I was very, very wrong. I am exhausted.
  • I got a good laugh today when I noticed that user generated porn sites don't always scrub the Meta data from uploaded photo's. Lots of people using their phone to take pics and the phone adds the GPS location data! One photo even gave the persons exact street address...
  • Somehow, until today I had never noticed that Dick Armey has a funny name.
    Vagina Coast Guard
  • I love this idea.

  • That seems more like a thing of the day. I want one now.
  • Assuming it's no more that $50, I'd probably get one.
  • Totally getting one.
  • Remember when we were making predictions?

    3DS Lite and Pokemon Gray will release at about the same time in the US. 3DS Lite will include the circle pad thingy, be smaller/thinner. Probably in 2013.
  • I'll make sure I don't get a 3DS unless there is a sequel to Golden Sun: Dark Dawn.
  • My dad just showed me a bunch of old family photos. Seeing pictures of my great-grandmother when she was probably younger than I am now is weird.
  • I knew Kenichi was bad with the "suggestive themes", but this is just ridiculous.
  • I knew Kenichi was bad with the "suggestive themes", but this is just ridiculous.
    It definitely has more cheesecake than Empowered.
  • Grope of the North Star.
  • Oh shit, Stephen Fry in America. Why didn't I watch this sooner?
  • Ah, remember that part. Poor Kisara, but she has quite the advantage compared to the other girls.
  • edited December 2011
    Ah, remember that part. Poor Kisara, but she has quite the advantage compared to the other girls.
    Lack of back pain? Ease in finding a good sport bra?

    That aside, I'm trying to think of ATW9K categories but everything I think of is probably too hard. The only one I have hanging around is pretty tricky, but I already gave Ro the answers a while back.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Ah, remember that part. Poor Kisara, but she has quite the advantage compared to the other girls.
    Lack of back pain? Ease in finding a good sport bra?
    Exactly. I'm pretty envious of her myself.

  • Oh shit, Stephen Fry in America. Why didn't I watch this sooner?
    Yeah, it is quite awesome.
  • Farts are always funny.
  • So Stephen Fry's gonna be Mycroft in the second Sherlock Holmes movie.
  • It's ok to date a girl who can beat you up.
    It's not ok to date a girl who looks like she can beat you up.
    My math teacher is the greatest.

    EDIT: So you can't use a blockquote without the "said:"? That sucks. Oh shit, gonna get my post deleted.
  • New YouTube is the best. Like, world changing best.
  • Shit yeah it is.
  • It's almost too good. I feel like I haven't done anything good enough to deserve it.
  • Hello again, everyone! It's been months since I last came to the forum. I've been busy looking for a job (with no luck), and I kind of lost track of time. I have so much I need to catch up on. Hope things have been going well for all of you!
  • edited December 2011
    I hope things have been going well with you! Last I think we heard from you you were in a pretty tough situation, how and where are you now?
    Post edited by Sail on
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