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  • I hope things have been going well with you! Last I think we heard from you you were in a pretty tough situation, how and where are you now?
    What he said. You still living with your family of crazy younger brother, and parents who aren't understanding?

  • I hope things have been going well with you! Last I think we heard from you you were in a pretty tough situation, how and where are you now?
    Same, pretty much. -__- I had a number of issues with college that I had to sort out, so I am still stuck living with my parents. At least now the college stuff is settled.

  • I'm glad the college stuff is good. I hope you can move out in decent time, you deserve to be happy and open.
  • I'm glad the college stuff is good. I hope you can move out in decent time, you deserve to be happy and open.
    Realistically, it's up in the air at the moment. As soon as I get work, I might have to be prepared to stay with my parents for two or three years. I know, it sucks. It's just that I didn't expect to have to try again to get my diploma, and then not be able to find work as quickly as possible. I feel utterly useless right now.

  • I'm glad the college stuff is good. I hope you can move out in decent time, you deserve to be happy and open.
    Realistically, it's up in the air at the moment. As soon as I get work, I might have to be prepared to stay with my parents for two or three years. I know, it sucks. It's just that I didn't expect to have to try again to get my diploma, and then not be able to find work as quickly as possible. I feel utterly useless right now.

  • Roller Kendo.
  • Roller Kendo.
    I would watch the shit out of that.
  • parents who aren't understanding?

  • How is it that we have no wire strippers in my home?
  • How is it that we have no wire strippers in my home?
    No pliers or nothings?
  • They're in your mouth.
  • edited December 2011
    How is it that we have no wire strippers in my home?
    Perhaps you have very modest wires.

    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • How is it that we have no wire strippers in my home?
    No pliers or nothings?
    Wire cutters (without stripper for some ungodly reason!) sufficed. But geez!

    How is it that we have no wire strippers in my home?
    Perhaps you have very modest wires.

    [Insert appropriate punny groan here]
  • They're in your mouth.
    If the wire cutters are in her mouth, then something has gone wrong.
  • edited December 2011
    "THIS BREAD IS FUCKED!" - Joe Boomer
    Post edited by Churba on
  • This is the drunkest I've ever been. It took me like four tries to write that :D
  • This is the drunkest I've ever been. It took me like four tries to write that :D
    Only four? You must not drink much. ^_^
  • This is the drunkest I've ever been. It took me like four tries to write that :D
    To quote Doug Benson, "You're not drunk until you have to grab the grass to keep from falling off the earth."
  • This is the drunkest I've ever been. It took me like four tries to write that :D
    It's not strange for me to re-write something 5-times, and I don't drink.
  • Gin and tonic = Win.
    Gin and flat tonic = Oh Jesus Why.
  • Bagel Cookies. Cookie Bagels.
  • Jeeze Justin Long! How many movies about Bigfoots are you gonna be in?
  • Chalk this up as the weirdest TMBG cover I've ever heard.

  • I kinda like it... maybe a little more than the original. It appeals to my appreciation of Ska.
  • I kinda like it... maybe a little more than the original.
    Bite your tongue. Bite it clean right off. You've lost your tongue privileges. Get out.
  • edited December 2011
    I kinda like it... maybe a little more than the original.
    Bite your tongue. Bite it clean right off. You've lost your tongue privileges. Get out.
    This. Also, you have shamed all of us. Let that finger fly.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited December 2011
    Fine, you know what, I'll just come out and say it; I think it's fucking annoying how he just DRONES in the song. The "Severe Tire Damage" version makes it even more annoying with the keys jamming like they do. I like most other TMBG songs, but Ana Ng annoys me.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • I have transformed from a Firefox Fanboy into a die-hard Chrome Disciple in less than 24 hours. That change was so quick, it was a little jarring...
  • I have transformed from a Firefox Fanboy into a die-hard Chrome Disciple in less than 24 hours. That change was so quick, it was a little jarring...
    Can you tell me why? Because my reaction to Chrome is that it doesn't do anything significantly new.

  • I have transformed from a Firefox Fanboy into a die-hard Chrome Disciple in less than 24 hours. That change was so quick, it was a little jarring...
    What happened? Also, welcome to the fold.
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