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  • Is snowmagedon 2010 a good reason for day drinking?
    Where is there snowmagedon?
  • Right now it's the Cleveland metropolitan area for me. No road anywhere. Crashes, sent home from work early.
  • I want to start a religion. The main tenant is that you should try to do your best in everything you do, but if you fall short or your best isn't enough, hey, don't sweat it, just try harder tomorrow.
    Sounds like Atheism.
  • Why do you need a religion for that?
  • Sounds like Atheism.
    I'm pretty sure atheism doesn't have to involve any philosophies other than, you know, atheism. It's less a system of belief (like Secular Humanism) and more a single philosophical concept (like truth or theism).
  • I want to start a religion. The main tenant is that you should try to do your best in everything you do, but if you fall short or your best isn't enough, hey, don't sweat it, just try harder tomorrow.
    I'm pretty sure this does exist already. It's called every shounen show ever.
  • Hey, does anyone want to buy the domain from me? I used to use it for an anime podcast I was doing but I'm done with it. Five dollars and it's yours.
  • Sounds like Atheism.
    I'm pretty sure atheism doesn't have to involve any philosophies other than, you know, atheism. It's less a system of belief (like Secular Humanism) and more a single philosophical concept (like truth or theism).
    He means secular humanism but he doesn't know what it is.
  • Saw the recently released Thor trailer. They forgot the Amon Amarth soundtrack.
  • edited December 2010
    Eagles beat the Cowboys and Cliff Lee is going to sign with the Phillies. I'm wondering how butthurt Scott is right now. Is it better or worse after game 82 in the NHL last year?

    And just for clarification, this is in response to he following tweet:
    I never thought I would root for the Cowboys, but they are the lesser of two evils in this case.
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • edited December 2010
    I'm getting blamed for having hacked 4 websites I've had no reason to hack. At first I thought it was funny that they were getting so desperate that they would start pointing fingers randomly, but now there has been like 10 pages of forum posts by people convinced I was behind it.

    I would help them find the culprit to clear my name, but anyone who's able to use a computer better than that cat in that show with the cat that could use a computer is 'guaranteed to be the hacker' in their eyes. So I'd prefer they didn't know I wasn't technologically retarted. *sigh*

    If I wasn't scared of giving them more reason to think I was behind it, I would also notify them of the obvious holes in their security and tell them how to recover from the attack and check to see if the hacker left anything.

    Another funny thing is how they're constantly provoking the hacker in their forum posts saying how "much he fails at hacking" when they clearly fell to his obvious diversion of messing up the layout of one of the websites in question.

    Ok, ok, I'll shut up, just one last comment. On one of the sites, the banner of one of the other sites under attack was placed. So the 1st site decided it can't be the 2nd site that's behind it, 'cause that banner is so obviously put there so that the hacker can put the blame on the 2nd site. What if that was the idea? By putting their name on it, the people behind the first site will rule out the possibility of the 2nd site being involved.

    Post edited by Aria on
  • Finally my radiator has defrosted!
  • It feels so weird to bubble in the same letter more than twice on a test. I took my health final right now, and I had a case of four B's in a row. I know the answers, and I know they're right, but I'm still nervous.
  • It feels so weird to bubble in the same letter more than twice on a test. I took my health final right now, and I had a case of four B's in a row. I know the answers, and I know they're right, but I'm still nervous.
    I know. I hate that shit.
  • Saw the recently releasedThortrailer. They forgot the Amon Amarth soundtrack.
    They can't put that out in the trailer. It's a super-secret surprise.

    Or it better be.
  • It feels so weird to bubble in the same letter more than twice on a test. I took my health final right now, and I had a case of four B's in a row. I know the answers, and I know they're right, but I'm still nervous.
    I know. I hate that shit.
    Finals paranoia. I'm so glad I'm done with that shit (until May 2011).
  • I naming the first few days of this week the DC Coldmagedon.
  • It feels so weird to bubble in the same letter more than twice on a test. I took my health final right now, and I had a case of four B's in a row. I know the answers, and I know they're right, but I'm still nervous.
    I know. I hate that shit.
    Finals paranoia. I'm so glad I'm done with that shit (until May 2011).
    I'm halfway done. Tomorrow is my dreaded algebra 2 final. Then its easy sailing with Physics on Thursday, then it's winter break.
  • It feels kind of early to be reminiscing on the past year, but I can't help but feel a little proud at what I managed to accomplish. Granted, I did not get even half of my goals for the year done, but at the beginning of the year I wasn't really expecting to be switching jobs and going six months without pay. Still, at the very least, I can say that for the first time in my life, I actually cleared more things off my backlog than I added. I also had plenty of awesome times, and I really feel like I'm on a path that is going to make my life exponentially more awesome over the next couple years.

    I'm also getting excited about a couple projects I want to work on next year. One in particular because it's something I've never done before, but I know it has potentially great results. Sorry to say that it's going to be a super secret project though, at least for the first iteration. I just want to let people know about it so I don't shit talk.
  • Knox,

    You know you can always create a new thread like you did here.

    However, good on you.
  • You know you can always create a new thread like you didhere.
    Yeah, do that.
  • Heh, I completely forgot I did that. But it really is only meant to be a comment. Nothing I did this year is worth a thread.
  • Heh, I completely forgot I did that. But it really is only meant to be a comment. Nothing I did this year is worth a thread.
    Well others can post there too. :P
  • Heh, I completely forgot I did that. But it really is only meant to be a comment. Nothing I did this year is worth a thread.
    Well others can post there too. :P
    Very true. Perhaps I still will, and just make that my thing. It is weird that I made that thread exactly one year ago, and I posted today without remembering that at all. Apparently there's just something about Dec 14...
  • I wonder how much UPS pilots make...
  • I wonder how much UPS pilots make...
    Well, the drivers can make up to 70K/year from what I've heard from co-workers who have worked for UPS before.
  • In case you were referring to actual pilots.
    Man, that's a BIG raise after year one.
  • Why were the jews really wandering in the desert for 40 years?

    Someone said they dropped a nickle.
  • Why were the jews really wandering in the desert for 40 years?

    Someone said they dropped a nickle.
    I am disappoint.
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