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  • I'd definitely take Nuri's side of that bet.
  • edited April 2013
    I'd definitely take Nuri's side of that bet.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • It's likely not AQ or the rest of the usual suspects. It's way off model - I mean, small, unreliable, big-flash-low-energy bombs, at an event like this, not their style at all.
  • edited April 2013
    It's likely not AQ or the rest of the usual suspects. It's way off model - I mean, small, unreliable, big-flash-low-energy bombs, at an event like this, not their style at all.
    Al Qaeda isn't really a singular organization, and they actually have very much been promoting "individual jihads" lately.

    Err I guess that's weird calling them not singular and then saying "they" but there's a specific Al Qaeda associated entity (AQAP) that's been publishing an english language e-mag for the past couple of years and that's what I'm referring to!
    Post edited by johndis on
  • Oh hey here is more detail on that:
  • edited April 2013
    Terrorist activity in the US, well shit.
    5 bucks says it was Americans who did it.
    I agree, but that doesn't make them not terrorists.
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • edited April 2013
    edit: Nvm. I misread.

    Post edited by Drunken Butler on
  • Terrorist activity in the US, well shit.
    5 bucks says it was Americans who did it.
    Of course it was. In the 20th Century, there was a grand total of one attack on our soil from foreign terrorists. In the short time we've spent in the 21st, there has been one more. When there's an attack on America itself -- especially one this small -- one really has to assume that it's domestic; anything else would be stupid.
  • Terrorist activity in the US, well shit.
    5 bucks says it was Americans who did it.
    I agree, but that doesn't make them not terrorists.
    They could also be American Al Qaeda sympathizers/allies as well (they exist). Basically, no one should jump to any conclusions until more facts have been revealed.
  • It'll likely be a few days minimum before anything substantial is announced or found.
  • It'll likely be a few days minimum before anything substantial is announced or found.
    I'm expecting weeks going on months. They'll announce bomb specifics, not probably not much else.
  • Bomb specifics seem to be leaking currently.

    Roughly: pressure cooker attached to a board with at least one can of nails also attached. Black powder in the pressure cooker.

    Everything fits with the low-tech homemade angle that was initially assumed.
  • Bomb specifics seem to be leaking currently.

    Roughly: pressure cooker attached to a board with at least one can of nails also attached. Black powder in the pressure cooker.

    Everything fits with the low-tech homemade angle that was initially assumed.
    Anyone smart enough to get and make C4 work is smart enough to have a job and be a functioning member of society, and not a mad bomber.
  • mad bomber.
  • mad bomber.
    He's not the smartest, either. One guy with a few buckets of water put a stop to him.

  • He's not the smartest, either. One guy with a few buckets of water put a stop to him.
    He always wins in the end. He has more bombs than bucketman has skill or patience.

  • Bomb specifics seem to be leaking currently.

    Roughly: pressure cooker attached to a board with at least one can of nails also attached. Black powder in the pressure cooker.

    Everything fits with the low-tech homemade angle that was initially assumed.
    Anyone smart enough to get and make C4 work is smart enough to have a job and be a functioning member of society, and not a mad bomber.
    The most dangerous among us are those that could be a productive functioning helpful member of society and choose not to be.
  • The most dangerous among us are those that could be a productive functioning helpful member of society and choose not to be.
    True, but those tend not to be the front line instigators of horrific events. They instead tend to be the leaders and organizers who somehow manage to get enough mooks working for them to carry out their dangerous wishes.
  • edited April 2013
    I'm currently finishing research for whether Churches should be tax-exempt or not for my Religions of America class. The more I research, the more I find out how corrupt this system is :-'(
    Post edited by Clockian on
  • When you dig deep into the tax system you realize it's pretty fucked tax-exempt or not. God, I remember some horrible arguments about VAT and flat tax with some people that had an understanding of taxes that basically went as far as "income tax" and "sales tax" and that was the dead end. You fucking dig into this, and then start looking at subsidies, exclusions, incomprehensible code changes from city to city, state to state, intentionally vague categorization, passed along taxes and surcharges... fuck my life.
  • edited April 2013
    It is really nice to be off from work and have byes in 3/4 classes.
    Post edited by Ruffas on
  • actually now I want to see a thousand people get Angry Marines armor and go counter-protest the WBC. Just stand there.
  • Anyone smart enough to get and make C4 work is smart enough to have a job and be a functioning member of society, and not a mad bomber.
    Getting it would be the hard part, and you don't need to be too smart, just know the right people and have the right kind of money. Making C4 "Work" is absurdly simple, any putz with half a working brain could do it. There's a long, long way between making it work, and using science to make the deadliest bomb possible with the smallest amount of C4 possible.

  • A friend of mine is conducting a survey about foreigners' opinions of Japan for a school research project. If you've got 10 - 15 minutes to spare on it, I'd really appreciate it.
  • No worries, I've got time.
  • Anthony Bourdain eats a pony; references Rainbow Dash. Clearly I need to get back up to speed on No Reservations.
  • Anthony Bourdain eats a pony; references Rainbow Dash. Clearly I need to get back up to speed on No Reservations.
    He got a new show now, similar concept different name.
  • A friend of mine is conducting a survey about foreigners' opinions of Japan for a school research project. If you've got 10 - 15 minutes to spare on it, I'd really appreciate it.
  • Thank you kindly to those that have responded.
  • A friend of mine is conducting a survey about foreigners' opinions of Japan for a school research project. If you've got 10 - 15 minutes to spare on it, I'd really appreciate it.
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