Describe a time when you had to assume a leadership position and learned something new about yourself as a result.
because I never have anything that fits the criteria and can share with them. My first reaction was "oh, I could use that time when [REDACTED] had a bad trip and I had to call an ambulence and make sure he didn't get hurt during his seizure," but that doesn't make me sound like the 'upstanding role model' that they're looking for. Alternatively, I could use some time when a group project in school fell apart and I had to do all the work, but everyone's going to be writing that so I'll be forgotten. BLURGH!
Writing my final for my Studies in Literacy Class. I may reference Geeknights in my paper, because the essay is about applying game design to common activity. (I'm choosing cooking, naturally) Reading Schell's The Art of Game Design: A Book of Lenses was much more entertaining and insight than I thought, so I think it would be interesting to quote the people really gave me that first taste of game design/theory/thought.
I'm so fucking done with zombie anything. You look at the Screenshot Saturday stuff that goes up and every third game is zom-something. I like classic zombie flicks as much as anyone but for fuck's sakes do something else. Shoot vampires or something!
Besides, zombies are really just a weird sort of power fantasy baddie anyway. They are human shaped, but not alive so you don't have to feel guilty about killing them, they aren't really actually threatening to anyone capable of a brisk walk or swinging a baseball bat, but the bite thing allows circlejerks about "HARD MEN MAKING HARD DECISIONS", it's really just kind of a gross fantasy in general. Come up with a better way of justifying the unleashing of ordinance against human-shaped targets, maybe even explore some actual moral territory with it?
Zombies are popular for games because you can get away with more violence in lower rated titles. Violent Zombie games can sometimes pass for T games if the Zombie's are depicted in non-human, non-gory ways, allowing for it to reach a wider audience than the rated M games.
It's bullshit, but it's the truth. Also, they're popular.
It's... it's so fun. Fuck everything! FUCK EVERYTHING
I can make it happen. Might not do it soon, but I can do it.
Mr. Pricklepants says otherwise
What I meant to post earlier.
Besides, zombies are really just a weird sort of power fantasy baddie anyway. They are human shaped, but not alive so you don't have to feel guilty about killing them, they aren't really actually threatening to anyone capable of a brisk walk or swinging a baseball bat, but the bite thing allows circlejerks about "HARD MEN MAKING HARD DECISIONS", it's really just kind of a gross fantasy in general. Come up with a better way of justifying the unleashing of ordinance against human-shaped targets, maybe even explore some actual moral territory with it?
It's bullshit, but it's the truth. Also, they're popular.