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My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic



  • A pretty great article I saw Daryl Surat share over Google Reader: Solidarity is Illusion: The Political Economy of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
    That article is awesome. Just as awesome is the Deviant Art account that the article links to.
  • What's that cutie mark?
  • Hilarity has ensued on /co/ and /b/, as a rogue mod has started banning all pony-related threads and anybody who posts the word "pony." Now there are 5-8 threads at once between trolls and other trolls arguing about whether the banning was justified or not and how annoying pony threads are. I imagine moot's going to wake up to ~2000 emails full of rage, ban the mod, and then nothing will have changed.
  • Hilarity has ensued on /co/ and /b/, as a rogue mod has started banning all pony-related threads and anybody who posts the word "pony." Now there are 5-8 threads at once between trolls and other trolls arguing about whether the banning was justified or not and how annoying pony threads are. I imagine moot's going to wake up to ~2000 emails full of rage, ban the mod, and then nothing will have changed.
    So ponies arn't okay, but the rest of 4chan is a-okay. In the immortal words of Christopher Walken "This un-FUCKING-believable."
  • I know. Futanari gets a pass but cute purple ponies don't?
  • It's only one mod and he is not able to keep up.
  • edited February 2011
    my bad

    Looks like a janitor is on a power trip. Moot will probably fire him.
    Post edited by Robyn Chaos on
  • From best pony to BDSM to pony bloodlines to pony economics, this is the greatest thread ever.
  • edited February 2011
    Ok, so I want to start a betting pool on what monster manual entry will appear next. Here's what we've seen so far

    Sea Serpent

    I'm betting that minotaur is coming up. Labyrinths are the ponies' future for sure.

    We've also seen pegacorns and parasprites, but I don't think those have appeared in any monstrous manual/compendium.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • And a Griffin right?
  • And a Griffin right?
  • My bet: beholder.
  • My bet: beholder.
    I can guarantee not Beholder or Illithid, since they are owned by WotC, and they'll get sued.

    Wait a fuck minute. It's all Hasbro. They aren't going to sue themselves.
  • Wait a fuck minute. It's all Hasbro. They aren't going to sue themselves.
    The case for monolithic license/franchise holders?
  • The Ursa Minor and Ursa Major are pretty damn monstrous, though as monsters they're probably unique to the series.
  • edited February 2011
    I will never be able to play this song at a gig with a straight face again.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • I will never be able to play this song at a gig with a straight face again.
    Sonic, just walk away, it's youtube comments. You are only making it worse.
  • I will never be able to play this song at a gig with a straight face again.
    Sonic, just walk away, it's youtube comments. You are only making it worse.
    I'm in an arguing mood today.
  • I'm in an arguing mood today.
    Then get on 4chan, youtube is the wrong place for this.
  • Wait a fuck minute. It's all Hasbro. They aren't going to sue themselves.
    That explains a lot.....
  • Wow, I finally got caught up reading all of this thread. I am way behind, but here are my thoughts on a couple of things.

    As far as the original ponies were concerned: all unicorns can teleport, pegasi fly (obviously), sea ponies swim, flutter ponies are skinnier with special wings and seem to be magical enough to solve all problems when needed, and earth ponies can... walk. :P

    As far as babies, apparently adult ponies have babies every now and then, and they are clones.

    Really cute MLP(original) babies! :D

    I guess I need to start watching the new one, I'm sure much of the stuff I said above has changed. :P
  • Ok, why do the ponies in the original talk like cave girls?
  • Making good on what I said earlier about MLP Eurobeat, I present, INITAL P(ony)!
  • Ok, why do the ponies in the original talk like cave girls?
    They are supposed to be BABY ponies...
  • Our friend Natalie "fixed" the Hasbro MLP:FIM toys. She redid the hair, and they look pretty damn fine now, surprisingly close to the characters in the show.

    /Rainbow Dash is still the best.
  • Our friend Natalie "fixed" the Hasbro MLP:FIM toys. She redid the hair, and they look pretty damn fine now, surprisingly close to the characters in the show.

    /Rainbow Dash is still the best.
    Pics or it didn't happen.
  • Our friend Natalie "fixed" the Hasbro MLP:FIM toys. She redid the hair, and they look pretty damn fine now, surprisingly close to the characters in the show.

    /Rainbow Dash is still the best.
    Pics or it didn't happen.
    I have video.
  • ~16% of comments in the past day have been in the two My Little Pony threads.
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