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My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic



  • Shouldn't Pinkie be yellow (jovial, funny man), and Fluttershy be pink (The Chick), based on character?
    Yes, and while Twilight is "the leader" she's also "the brain" which was the blue ranger. Applejack makes a better red, IMHO.

  • At that point Rainbow Dash had already tossed out the idea of setting a record and said that getting the water to Cloudsdale was more important.
    If there was an official rule in place about it I doubt that would be enough of a reason to break it.

    This brings up an question I have been thinking about, what happens if the ponies fail to do a task such as this or Winter Wrap Up? Are there repercussions for failure or just a backup in place to deal with it if they fail?
    Princess celestia will kill all the firstborns, of course.
    There will be a Hunger Game for such failure.
  • edited March 2012
    This exists. Oh gahd help us all.
    Why I aren't even surprised at this point?
    The worst part is that it's going for ~$300.

    Anyway, I'm just going to leave this here:
    Post edited by Greg on
  • Yes, and while Twilight is "the leader" she's also "the brain" which was the blue ranger. Applejack makes a better red, IMHO.
    Sorry, you're wrong. First rule of Sentai: The leader is always Red.
  • Shouldn't Pinkie be yellow (jovial, funny man), and Fluttershy be pink (The Chick), based on character?
    Yes, and while Twilight is "the leader" she's also "the brain" which was the blue ranger. Applejack makes a better red, IMHO.

    Shouldn't Applejack be black because she is the worst pony and therefore the worst ranger?

  • I really really liked this latest episode :P
  • What happened to Rarity? Her eyes are X's. Is she some sort of alt universe monster Coraline style?
  • We know the planet doesn't spin on its axis because when Nightmare Moon showed up in the first episode the sun did not rise. It is possible that they use their powers to rotate the planet, but that's effectively the same as making the sun rise.
  • It seems a common theme in arguments here lately: make a word useless to prove some lukewarm point.
    Well, this is assuming that everyone is actually "real" and not just some solipsistic brain in a jar. I mean, really, this is just me arguing with myself, so it's all moot. I win.
  • It seems a common theme in arguments here lately: make a word useless to prove some lukewarm point.
    Well, this is assuming that everyone is actually "real" and not just some solipsistic brain in a jar. I mean, really, this is just me arguing with myself, so it's all moot. I win.
    My jar juice is clearer than your jar juice.
  • It seems a common theme in arguments here lately: make a word useless to prove some lukewarm point.
    Well, this is assuming that everyone is actually "real" and not just some solipsistic brain in a jar. I mean, really, this is just me arguing with myself, so it's all moot. I win.
    My jar juice is clearer than your jar juice.

  • edited March 2012
    Looks like we haven't seen the end of Discord.
    Post edited by Li_Akahi on
  • It's possible that he voiced a non-discord character.
  • It's possible that he voiced a non-discord character.
    I would love it if Discord came back and needed the ponies' help, or if Celestia let him out because she needed his help. Super Mario RPG Bowser!
  • As cool as a pony-Discord team-up would be, I'm really hoping for a flashback episode that goes into some of the history of Equestria. We could see Discord's reign, his defeat at the hooves of Celestia and Luna, and Luna's transformation into Nightmare Moon. And maybe some Star Swirl the Bearded, too.
  • As cool as a pony-Discord team-up would be, I'm really hoping for a flashback episode that goes into some of the history of Equestria. We could see Discord's reign, his defeat at the hooves of Celestia and Luna, and Luna's transformation into Nightmare Moon. And maybe some Star Swirl the Bearded, too.
    This would be optimal. We need more world building.

  • As cool as a pony-Discord team-up would be, I'm really hoping for a flashback episode that goes into some of the history of Equestria. We could see Discord's reign, his defeat at the hooves of Celestia and Luna, and Luna's transformation into Nightmare Moon. And maybe some Star Swirl the Bearded, too.
    This would be optimal. We need more world building.

    While I definitely would enjoy a lot of awesome world building, I recognize that too much at once is a bad thing. Every episode has to be primarily a story about the ponies with the lore sprinkled. The Christmas Pageant episode is perfect example of having both in proper proportion.
  • Tomorrow's Foxtrot comic is ponytastic.
  • Also, the newest episode was great. They had really great ideas for the gossip stories. Celestia eating cake. Fluttershy tail extensions. The mayor dyeing her mane.

    Also, the Applejack/Big Mac reversal scene was genius.
  • Lots of people making Featherweight x Spider-Man connection. Also, return of Smarty Pants!
  • If I needed another reason to want to drop kick Diamond Tiara, this episode just handed it to me on a silver platter.
  • If I needed another reason to want to drop kick Diamond Tiara, this episode just handed it to me on a silver platter.
    Atleast this time, it actually feels like she had layers. And I prefer the new voice actress she got.
    Lots of people making Featherweight x Spider-Man connection. Also, return of Smarty Pants!
    Tiara acted appropriate like a "Jay Jonah Ja-Mare-Son"

    But this is definitely one of the best episodes this season. Easily, Top 5.

  • Great episode. I kinda wish it was Rarity with the tail extensions, which she had been using ever since the first episode when she cut off a portion of her tail.
  • Game of Ponies
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