Goddamnit, Scott, you've thought of it, now porn of it exists. Nice job breaking it, hero.
How many things must be ruined by Rule 34 before people control their imaginations.
Let me quote a request that a certain picture be drawn (and yes, regrettably, I have seen said picture):
OP, please draw a picture of Twilight Sparkle banging Draco Malfoy up the ass with her horn. He should be trying to build a lego star wars kit, trying to ignore her, but he's sort of distracted because there is a unicorn horn in his ass. Former Federal Reserve Board Chairman Alan Greenspan would be riding on Twilight Sparkle's back. He is dressed in a conservative suit, but he is wearing Dejiko's hat from DiGi Charat. He is yelling "Irrational Exuberance!" There are some robot birds flying above the scene, crapping out flaming ninja turtle heads.
Evidently, we have run out of MLP video ideas, and are now just making Youtube Poop out of pony clips.
Some people are, but not me. I am really not a fan of the YouTube poop style of video. The only one I enjoy in that same vein is the "John Madden" one.
Watched the latest episode again. I am still amazed at how good the sound design is.
Skip to Twilights cutie mark story and crank the sound way the fuck up. The magic effects sound so sweet! They really add a lot, and you may not ever really notice.
I held out. I knew MLP: FiM was out there - the internet practically imploded under the weight of it. It could not possibly hold up to the hype, right? Even so, I went to youtube and found HD versions of the 2-part pilot episode. Now I know the truth...
[steps up to podium] My name is Daedalus... and I am a brony.
I wanted to post mine, just because the first minute and last minute were flanking hysterical.
Skip to Twilights cutie mark story and crank the sound way the fuck up. The magic effects sound so sweet! They really add a lot, and you may not ever really notice.
Plus I think progSHELL is looking for Feeling Pinkie Keen, ep 15.
[steps up to podium]
My name is Daedalus... and I am a brony.
They got you too huh? Got me a couple nights ago...I held out as long as I could...