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My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic



  • She's standing on clouds, but is a regular earth pony.
    Dum Dum DUMMMMMM!
  • Alright guys. This is obviously a continuity hiccup. It's fine though, because this picture took place in an alternate Equestria called Equestria-2.

    *40 years later*

    So...What did everyone think of Crisis on Infinite Equestrias?
  • Comments on episode -
    I knew all the cutie marks (except possibly Twilight's) would be Rainboom-related right after Applejack's story, but it's still a cool story device, and I enjoyed most of the episode. I especially liked the absurdity of Pinkie working on an Amish "rock farm" as a child, and she is totally lyingcreatively interpreting her childhood, like many others do.

    I suppose that the Rainboom must have been a magic shockwave as well as a sound/light shockwave, which raises a few questions. First, why did the light, sound and magic shockwaves all appear to travel at the same speeds? Over the distances it was seen from, the light should have significantly preceded the sound of the rainboom, unless it must have been somehow attached to the magic, which naturally does whatever the fuck it wants on account of magic. The magic source probably would have been RD herself unleashing her flying potential, in accordance with the theory that pegasi use some internal magic to fly.

    Holy shit, Twilight's the Avatar. I suppose this explains a lot, and I think it supports my suspicions that Celestia is grooming Twilight to take over, as she evidently may be developing the power necessary to do so.

    Did anybody notice/care that most of the background ponies in Twilight's stories were some of the same recurring background ponies from Ponyville, but not appropriately young like Twilight? Adult Derpy is a particularly egregious offender.

    I didn't really like young-Fluttershy's singing voice, though it's interesting if you think of it as her preferred singing style when nopony's around to listen to her. The song itself was good, and the Ponybeat that was made out of it is wonderful.

    I, for one, fucking love living in Manehattan, though Applejack's calling was obviously her farm. I don't like how they stereotyped all of Manehattan with hoity-toity socialite-types, when it should have had everypony, and no small number of zebras.

  • Specifically, the pink pony on the left. She's standing on clouds, but is a regular earth pony.
    Perhaps she was born with a deformity, and thus has no wings, but is still by blood a Pegasus pony? She would likely still be able to stand on clouds, and have all of the other attributes of a Pegasus pony, but wouldn't have wings or the ability to fly.
  • It's also possible that a "walking-on-clouds" spell was cast on her at an earlier time. According to Twilight Sparkle, that spell is relatively easy to implement.
  • Yeah, she's is there to cheer on a friend!
  • Although it took a bit longer to get around to than I had planned, the wife and I did successfully sit down an watch the first two episodes of MPL:FIM on Saturday. Definitely a good show. I thought it was head & shoulders above the average children's programming, but I'm not rushing to watch more. I will carry on at least until episode 6 though and see if I get really hooked.
  • At first, I believed the theory that Derpy Hooves was the Time Lord's assistant made sense. It seemed plausible enough. However, given that there were six distinct instances of Derpy simultaneously on screen (along with 5 more of an as-of-yet-unnamed pony), I suspect that Derpy has a slightly more suspect background. Perhaps the seven bubbles of her cutie mark correspond to the seven derps? Can ponies have septuplets? Or is it some kind of cloning experiment failure?
  • image

    I'm using this from now on
  • edited April 2011
    At first, I believed the theory that Derpy Hooves was the Time Lord's assistant made sense. It seemed plausible enough. However, given that there were six distinct instances of Derpy simultaneously on screen (along with 5 more of an as-of-yet-unnamed pony), I suspect that Derpy has a slightly more suspect background. Perhaps the seven bubbles of her cutie mark correspond to the seven derps? Can ponies have septuplets? Or is it some kind of cloning experiment failure?
    She's the seventh pony partner of Dr. Whooves. It's bubbles because they represent the universes within the greater multiverse.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • The newest episode confirmed a theory that I had, Fluttershy is a Disney princess. Thoughts?
  • The newest episode confirmed a theory that I had, Fluttershy is a Disney princess. Thoughts?
    Disagree. Disney princesses are all about wanting more than this. On the other hand Fluttershy didn't want more than she had, but when her life changed and she found something new, she realized that she liked it. I think there is a subtle difference.
  • VGCats is Brony infested? You don't say.
  • People read VGCats? You don't say.
  • Cats play video games? Who'd have thought.
  • Although not directly FIM related but still funny.
  • It's also possible that a "walking-on-clouds" spell was cast on her at an earlier time. According to Twilight Sparkle, that spell is relatively easy to implement.
    If I'm remembering right, she didn't say it was "Easy", just that it was "easier than giving everyone wings".
  • edited April 2011
    Yes...the Germans have invaded Rainbow Dash

    Post edited by Coldguy on
  • I think that's my favorite Rainbow Dash pose, kicking it back on the cloud.
  • I think we have sort of been assuming that Apple Jack's parents are away or dead or something. It's a Peter Parker situation where the surviving family takes care of the kids who's parents are dead.


    We can see that when Apple Jack got her cutie mark, her parents were already out of the picture. Yet, Apple Bloom wasn't born yet. Therefore either Apple Bloom isn't actually her sibling, or the parents went away and came back and went away. They just keep making babies and foisting them on Granny.

    Or.... Big Macintosh x Granny Smith....???
  • the Germans have invaded Rainbow Dash
    This sounds really really dirty.
  • Or.... Big Macintosh x Granny Smith....???
    Goddamnit, Scott, you've thought of it, now porn of it exists. Nice job breaking it, hero.
  • Okay, It doesn't make any fucking sense for Fluttershy to burst out into song. Like, at all.
  • RymRym
    edited April 2011
    Okay, It doesn't make any fucking sense for Fluttershy to burst out into song. Like, at all.
    She was excited. Also notice how noone else was around. I doubt the song would have happened if, say, Rainbow Dash had been there to see. Notice how often she sings to and with the animals. Now how many times has she ever sung in front of a pony?
    Post edited by Rym on
  • I'm pretty sure the Pinkie Pie singer and the Fluttershy singer are the same because you can hear her going back to the Pinkie Pie voice a little bit in that song.
  • I finally showed my little sister episode 1. She said it was "spectacular." I was really afraid she'd say she was too old for it or something (horrible embarrassment).

    Worst-Case Scenario: We all die in a fire.
    Worst Reasonable Scenario: She watches the show alone and enjoys it.
    Best-Case Scenario: She tells her friends and several young girls begin watching truly good television and learn not to care about social stigmas; I have made the world a better place.

    PS: She doesn't know that I don't watch the show. She likely never will.
  • edited April 2011
    Okay, It doesn't make any fucking sense for Fluttershy to burst out into song. Like, at all.
    She was excited. Also notice how noone else was around. I doubt the song would have happened if, say, Rainbow Dash had been there to see. Notice how often she sings to and with the animals. Now how many times has she ever sung in front of a pony?
    Yeah, but all those other songs are very Fluttershy-esque lullabies whereas this one was a "Big Splashy Production Number." Also, there is evidence that she was singing it for the CMC and her friends later.
    Post edited by progSHELL on
  • Or.... Big Macintosh x Granny Smith....???
    Goddamnit, Scott, you've thought of it, now porn of it exists. Nice job breaking it, hero.
    How many things must be ruined by Rule 34 before people control their imaginations.
  • I'm pretty sure the Pinkie Pie singer and the Fluttershy singer are the same because you can hear her going back to the Pinkie Pie voice a little bit in that song.
    If I remember right (yea, I'm too lazy to check the facts) Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie have same voice actor so that might explain similar voice during song.
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