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My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic



  • I don't know if I'm the only one, but in the intro right after Spike burns the book, when Twilight yells "Hey!" at him, I swear it sounds EXACTLY like Navi.
  • Why would anyone ever think that centering an entire episode around Spike was a good idea?
  • Because he's a funny character. Love the cape and moustache.
  • edited April 2011
    Although on the whole this episode wasn't among the best, it had lot's of good little things and scenes. Sonic already mentioned the cape and mustache and I also loved that stuff. Also for some reason the quills and sofas store was hilarious to me, it just was so random.

    Also in the end there was some dragon action, who doesn't love that?
    Post edited by Apsup on
  • Why would anyone ever think that centering an entire episode around Spike was a good idea?
    Pete seems to think it was good because it was a Spike episode. I disagree... some parts were cute, though.
  • Also, it must be mentioned that baby Spike in the last episode looked disgusting.
  • Also, it must be mentioned that baby Spike in the last episode looked disgusting.
    Are you kidding me? He was adorable!
  • I was also kind of "meh" overall on the latest episode, but I can understand the reason for it. The creators wanted to make an episode out of the lesson, and Spike is really the only character that works well with it because he is the only main character who is a subordinate to someone else. None of the other main characters would've worked for a character-gets-replaced-by-a-newcomer story as well.
  • image
    I just noticed this!
  • It's starting! Finally watching it "live"!
    The sad thing is reactions of lesser excitement levels were voiced when the presidential debates took place.

    If you have to have it explained to you WHY.....
  • The episode was quite good... and done better than the average "jealous of the newcomer" plot. Spike's jealous streak doesn't just spring out of nowhere, with little or no justification. The writers took pains to show WHY he was so afraid of being replaced.... Not just because of his own ego, but his fears about Twilight's affection.

    When he takes Twilight's comment that "this isn't the Spike she knows and loves" to mean she doesn't love him anymore, it was heartstring-tugging... primarily because it was a realistic reaction from a child who had been competing with a rival for her attentions, had been constantly flubbing up, and who had been pretty roundly scolded a couple of times already. It's all the more piercing because as we learned in episode 23, she wasn't just his boss, she literally brought him into the world by magically hatching his egg... and the revelation that it's "every dragon for himself" in Equestria suggests that she's the closest thing he has to a family-- or a Mom.

    It was a nice touch that nobody carried the idiot ball in this one. Even Rainbow Dash of all ponies pointed out the obvious--- that Spike was probably jealous.

    The bit with Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo was a bit odd. Oy, please don't tell me Faust is gonna make Scootabuse canon...! Still, I don't wanna over-read anything there. It was most likely just Rainbow Dash being surprised at Scootaloo offering to be her "assistant," teasing her a bit with an "order", and getting surprised when Scootaloo actually did what she said without hesitation. It will be interesting to see where Faust goes with that.
  • What is this new fandom thing called "Scootabuse?" Please don't tell me there's a fanfic out there of Scootaloo having drunk parents who beat her from time to time.

    But I assessed the same thing with this episode. It was kind of an average episode, but with lots of great little moments. Especially the "Quills and Sofas" pony.
  • Manly tears were shed.

  • Baaaaaawwwwww
  • I was totally neutral on MLP:FIM for awhile. I enjoyed it if it was on but wasn't as rabid as the rest of the family. Then I saw the Chief ThunderHooves episode... I have come over to the Brony Side.
  • Pony related Anime Boston spoils.

  • That's a portal cake.
    That's Pinkie Pie about to eat a portal cake.
  • Not as good as the 2nd one, but has some nice clips in there.
  • Did anyone ever finish a revised and somewhat reasonable list of drinks? Saw this linked in another pony thread:
  • edited April 2011
    This is something nice to share to people who still do not get the show.

    Post edited by Coldguy on
  • edited April 2011
    This is something nice to share to people who still do not get the show.
    PRO-TIP - to anyone who isn't familiar with the show or doesn't "Get" the show, those two things do not look significantly different. To someone not familiar with the show and characters, really, the only apparent difference is the animation style, and that the left side has pictures of toys outright. Yeah, these people think it's a show for pre-adolescent girls, but they're right - that's the primary market. Just because it's also enjoyable to people who claim to be more adult does not change anything.

    TL:DR -This image is nothing more than showing people who don't get the show two images of almost entirely identical things. It is nice to share with people who "do not get the show" if you want them to continue "Not getting the show" - and by not get the show, I think you mean "Think it's a show that's targeted primarily at Adolescent girls", which it is, sorry to inform you.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • There are a lot better stills they could have put there. For example, Rapidash Twilight and Rainbow Dash kicking the dragon.
  • edited April 2011
    This is something nice to share to people who still do not get the show.
    Yeah, I've seen episodes of the show and they look super similar. Different art style depicting the same swooshing rainbows and pink horses isn't going to convince me this isn't a show designed for 8 year old girls.
    Post edited by Luke Burrage on
  • Yeah, it'd be hard to convince you that it isn't a show designed primarily for 8 year old girls, since that's what it is.
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