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My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic



  • @Daedalus
    They got you too huh? Got me a couple nights ago...I held out as long as I could...
    Resistance is futile.
  • @Originalme
    Yeah, and I watched it in the living room on my laptop. My wife gave me some seriously funny looks. I got her back, though. I showed her Derpy Hooves and she lost it.
  • @Daedalus
    I watched it on my laptop alone in my living room...nobody around me can know! >.<
  • edited April 2011
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • My first thought on seeing that is "Ponyville streetwalker".

    You are correct, sir. That is the anti-Pony.
  • Protect your eyes. Here is the evil opposite of My Little Pony.

    Strust - not linked for your safety.
    I just cried a little...
  • Someone set that poor pony free, buy her some sensible shoes, and get her a sandwich.
  • Somepony set that poor pony free, buy her some sensible shoes, and get her a sandwich.
  • Somepony set that poor pony free, buy her some sensible shoes, and get her a sandwich.
    Ah, but could not some non-pony do it? I'm sure Spike would be glad to help.
  • Someone set that poor pony free, buy her some sensible shoes, and get her a sandwich.

    Delicious flora sandwich.
  • Somepony set that poor pony free, buy her some sensible shoes, and get her a sandwich.
    Ah, but could not some non-pony do it? I'm sure Spike would be glad to help.
    Ah...but aren't we all at least a little bit pony?
  • MLP:FiM needs a dance like the Haruhi dance or the Ultra Relax. Then it will be complete.
  • Anybody else want to hear Pinkie Pie's Equestria Creation story?
    Um, I'm not sure if you missed it or not, but Pinkie Pie tells the CMC's her story, and then ends it with "and that's the story of how Equestria was created. Maybe next time I'll tell you how I got my cutie mark!" They didn't skip time; Pinkie Pie trolled the CMC's.

    This only reinforced my adoration of Pinkie Pie. Fluttershy is almost as highly rated.

    Rainbow Dash still sucks, but not as much as Rarity.
  • MLP:FiM needs a dance like the Haruhi dance or the Ultra Relax. Then it will be complete.
    Now that's a challenge. Make a dance that suits the ponies and is somewhat doable by humans also. Don't think that we'll be seeing that anytime soon.
  • edited April 2011
    Protect your eyes. Here is the evil opposite of My Little Pony.

    Strust - not linked for your safety.
    Post edited by Ikatono on
  • Season 2 might have a 7th "mane" pony?

    Probably not true but I'm interested in how a 7th pony would fit with the Elements of Harmony.
  • That isn't a link.
  • Indeed. It's a useless anchor.
    It's like the Bratz of MLP. I'm actually more horrified by the whatever the fuck they did to the pony legs and hoofs to get them to into high heels.
  • It's starting! Finally watching it "live"!
  • edited April 2011
    It's starting! Finally watching it "live"!
    The sad thing is reactions of lesser excitement levels were voiced when the presidential debates took place.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • It's starting! Finally watching it "live"!
    The sad thing is reactions of lesser excitement levels were voiced when the presidential debates took place.
    As a 16 year old, I am denied representation on the federal government and am thus unable to directly sway the results of the election. The Hub, however, allows me to vote on how Rainbow Dash got her cutie mark. Thus I am more interested in MLP, where I can make a difference in that fictional world, and thus on the lives of little girls (and guys in their twenties) everywhere. I will make a difference where I must, because I can.
  • It's starting! Finally watching it "live"!
    The sad thing is reactions of lesser excitement levels were voiced when the presidential debates took place.
    The presidential debates in this country have no appreciable substance since they have been reduced to spouting soundbytes. No one cares about them anymore.
  • presidential debates
    We have debates? This is news to me.
  • presidential debates
    We have debates? This is news to me.
    Apparently we do. It's a tradition where the leaders slaves of rivaling factions (ie Democrats and Republicans) mash words in a public place for the entertainment of the ignorant masses. AKA the Colosseum minus all the cool stuff.
  • Latest episode.

    Had to laugh at the "field mouse". After spike added that sauce, that mouse looked positively gory!

    Owlalicious pulling an *exorcist* on the way out just topped it off :)
  • Did it sound to anyone else like they were saying Owlawicious? Like, with a "w" instead of an "l"? Maybe I'm just deaf.
  • Did it sound to anyone else like they were saying Owlawicious? Like, with a "w" instead of an "l"? Maybe I'm just deaf.
    Yep, yours sounds right.
  • edited April 2011
    That isn't a link.
    Whoops, forgot the "=". It was just a sad attempt to Rickroll anyways.
    Post edited by Ikatono on
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