If you fancy to at any time - It's no rule, really, just for us to get to know you better - there is a thread to introduce yourself if you feel the need. If you don't and fancy for us to learn the measure of you through day to day stuff, that's cool, you're still just as welcome, We're very friendly, even if we're dicks to each other sometimes.
If you fancy to at any time - It's no rule, really, just for us to get to know you better - there is a thread to introduce yourself if you feel the need. If you don't and fancy for us to learn the measure of you through day to day stuff, that's cool, you're still just as welcome, We're very friendly, even if we're dicks to each other sometimes.
Okay, I went ahead and posted a short bio. What's life without being dickish to a few fellow comrade? Thanks again for the warm welcome, Churba.
This showed up in the evil comics catalog. The toys on top are old, Lily Blossom, seriously? The light-up ones on the bottom are new. They still look like shit.
Also, you seem to be a new guy. Hey, New Guy! Welcome!