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Video Game News and Discussion



  • I was bored at work, so I tried out Introversion's new game: Prison Architect.

    It's a prison simulator, somewhere between Dwarf Fortress, Sim City, and Railroad Tycoon in a prison. The intro was really fun, even though it was just teaching you the controls and had too much plot. Then the game dumps you into a blank slate.

    Well, a blank slate is nice. That's what you usually pick in Sim City. What is not nice is that the game is balls hard. You get barely any money to start with, so you have to build small. I did just like the game said to do, but it wasn't enough. After spending all the money I had a tiny kitchen, canteen, holding cell, warden's office, warden, cooks, and guards. Of course all my prisoners were going crazy in their cramped tiny shared holding cell. There wasn't enough food to eat with the smallest possible kitchen and canteen. More prisoner's showed up making it even crazier. The game wanted me to build a visiting area, but I didn't even have enough money left to make the holding cell larger!

    This was after many many retries where I accidentally built everything too big and couldn't even afford to get that far.
  • I've been following that game for a while. Seems to get regular significant revisions. Isn't it still in "beta" (in a real sense, not the "everything is in beta" sense)?
  • edited May 2013
    "I read all the reviews that were done for Saint's Row 3 and they wondered if we could do anything more over-the-top than this. So I suppose it’s a challenge coming from that standpoint of can we do something crazier?"
    -Saints Row 4 Senior Producer Jim Boone (from this article)

    That's right: The guy in charge of Saints Row read reviews asking how could be possible to be even more ridiculous than SR3, so he took that as a challenge and made you the President and gave you superpowers. I love these guys.
    I just got the stupidest grin on my face watching that video. Knowing that THAT was the rationale behind it makes me so much happier. I love that studio and Saints Row is now my new GTA.

    Though, honestly, I preferred the good ending from 3.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • edited May 2013
    This game is too much fucking fun. It's pretty much the best tabletop wargame like experience in virtual form.
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • Now to see what they replace it with.
  • Hey folks! My game, Full Bore now on Steam Greenlight!

    The game's not finished yet, but there is a new trailer and screenshots, and we are on track to finish it soon.

  • Nintendo skips E3, makes game demos publically playable.
    It's an interesting least until some dumb kid breaks our displays again.
  • Looks like Plants vs. Zombies Adventure is coming to Facebook. While I want to play it, microtransaction nonsense! Fuck that shit. I tapped out of Simpsons, I'm tapped out of everything. Real games only for the rest of my life. K thx bai.

    Also, apparently Pac-Man CE DX was released for PC last November. I just didn't realize it because it's Windows 8 only and in the Windows Store. Y U NO Steam? I could sell my XBox if they did.
  • edited May 2013
    So this trailer was released today:

    Third Arkham game seems like a nice idea, but I am somewhat wary. For one, it's developed by a different studio than the first two Arkham games. Secondly, the trailer doesn't show any gameplay. Thirdly, the game is a prequel and I'm always unsure about prequels, particularly since here it basically negates all the story development the first two games brought with them. And as a fourth point, there is day one DLC. Lastly, the first two games were absolutely excellent and I think following up on those two will be quite the task.

    However, I'm not going to deny that it having Deathstroke as a major antagonist has me quite excited. He is also a playable character through DLC.
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • I'm pretty excited about the playable area being the entirety of Gotham City. As for the trailer featuring zero gameplay - that's pretty normal for a trailer released 5 months before the game is released, no? I'm betting we'll see some gameplay footage within a few months, but don't expect it to be much different from the first two games, since Rocksteady gave them the modified version of the Unreal 3 engine they used and everything.
  • edited May 2013
    Also - No Kevin Conroy voicework this time around, unfortunately, nor any Paul Dini writing.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Well, it's not quite that simple. He's coming back, but another actor is playing Batman. He'll probably be in as a narrator for a flashback or something?
  • Well, it's not quite that simple. He's coming back, but another actor is playing Batman. He'll probably be in as a narrator for a flashback or something?
    If it is a prequel why would he narrate flashbacks?
  • Maybe he's looking at it in retrospect.
  • I guess Scrolls is coming out next week. Same pricing deal as Minecraft. You pay $20 to get in the beta and then it updates constantly. It's a trading card and turn based strategy game. Looks like it could be good, but no way in hell am I paying for cards. I'm already in Netrunner, so no reason for me to play this unless it's $20 and I get every card ever.
  • edited May 2013
    Scott, did you ever try Chron-X?

    EDIT: After mentioning it I went to fire the game up but I can't remember the password I used on my account and I know I don't have the original email addy any more :(
    Post edited by HMTKSteve on
  • Scott, did you ever try Chron-X?

    EDIT: After mentioning it I went to fire the game up but I can't remember the password I used on my account and I know I don't have the original email addy any more :(
    Never heard of it until now. Looks pretty janky.

  • The old Rareware staff has spun off a new company from Microsoft called Gory Detail. They currently have one mobile game under their belt, and now they're developing games for the Wii U.
  • I'm super pumped about the new Civ 5 expansion. It should really refresh my interest in the game.
  • Oh if only it would fix the multiplayer
  • edited June 2013
    Ok, I'm interested.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • edited June 2013

    I actually paid full price for Blood Bowl when it came out on PC. So long ago, I was living in beacon. It was a ton of fun, but I stopped playing because I moved and they hit me up with all this DLC bullshit. If enough other people want to get in on it for serious, I could be convince to replace NS2 with Blood Bowl 2. Honestly haven't played NS2 in weeks. It's been replaced by biking, reading books, and 3DS games. Seems I'm not alone.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • News from yesterday.

    Jack Bauer is now Solid Snake.
  • edited June 2013
    News from yesterday.

    Jack Bauer is now Solid Snake.
    I heard that as the David Hayter fan boys came out of the woodwork in protesting this decision.
    Post edited by Coldguy on
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