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Video Game News and Discussion



  • This whole Metal gear thing is really dumb. In Metal Gear solid you found Myrlle by how she wiggled her butt, in Sons of Liberty Ridan was designed to appeal to women and was shown pretty much in the buff for most of it. Hell there is also Eva and butch Naked Snake, and lets not get started on the Beauty and Beast squad. This shit has been around for a while its nothing new. Wait for the game to come out instead of jumping on the "hurf a durf" train that seems to be prevalent.
    It's the dumb explanations from people with no extra information about the game, and acting like it's stone cold fact that excuses everything that bothers me, not that Kojima has a long record of putting dumb shit in his games.

    Also, just as a quick note, the fact he's done this same dumb shit before doesn't excuse doing the same dumb shit again. And the people going "Oh, but nobody complained about it before!" are wrong - people certainly complained, it just wasn't nearly as widespread.
    Whats more worrying is that people are chill with the child soldiers that you see. That should cause far more of a stir but then again dem tits yo.
    Wait, so we DO have to wait until the game comes out to criticize Quiet's character design, but we DON'T have to wait to critique the child soldiers who we know even less about? That doesn't make sense. And that's before we even get to the ideas of false equivalency or that these issues do not invalidate each other - Kojima can certainly fuck up child soldiers AND have a shitty portrayals of women in the game.

    And why would we get outraged about the fact that child soldiers are portrayed in the game in the first place? The only thing we know right now is that they're in the game in some form, and the controversy would obviously arise from how that's handled(or mishandled, depending), not mere existence.
    Oh Im not saying that its excusable, never said that, only that its been done before in his games and that this is nothing new. I do agree that this outfit is fairly dumb even by Kojimas mad standards, yet of all the things in this game I get the feeling that it will not be the most controversial.

    Didn't say that either ;^ Rather a poor choice of words on my behalf. What I should have said is that of the images that we have seen I would have thought that it would be the child soldiers that would have caused more of a stir. The point that I was trying to make is that everyone was all over Silent yet no one really said anything about the portrayal of child soldiers, something that is a real deal as opposed to sexy swim suit assassins well save for one film but thats a different matter.

    Niether of them should be above criticism only that it seems that a very small part of it is under scrutiny, Im all in favour of waiting till we see a bit more of the game before making judgements rather than going off half cock over the matter.

    On aside note you seem to be inferring that Im cool with Kojimas decisions. Im in favour of waiting for the thing to come out first. Its rather annoying for someone to make assumptions of your positon and try to wrangle them into the opposition, even unintentionally.
  • On aside note you seem to be inferring that Im cool with Kojimas decisions.
    Weirdly, I am. If Kojima wants to put dumb shit in his games, fuckin' more power to him! Do all the dumb shit he likes! Just be honest about it. Don't piss about with this "Oh, you'll feel so bad when you know this story" blah blah blah, especially when most female characters in the MGS series have revealing clothing and big tragic elements in their backstory.

    The reason only a small part is under scrutiny right now is because it's the only part we know enough about to scrutinize. We can't say much about child soldiers, because we only know they're in the game somehow. It could be good, it could be bad. We know more about Quiet(also, while I see what he did there, that's a dumb name), and we can also tell with the information we have that this is kinda not cool. I don't doubt that when the game DOES come out, there's going to be more to talk about, but this is just what we have right now.
  • AmpAmp
    edited September 2013
    On aside note you seem to be inferring that Im cool with Kojimas decisions.
    Weirdly, I am. If Kojima wants to put dumb shit in his games, fuckin' more power to him! Do all the dumb shit he likes! Just be honest about it. Don't piss about with this "Oh, you'll feel so bad when you know this story" blah blah blah, especially when most female characters in the MGS series have revealing clothing and big tragic elements in their backstory.
    I've not said any of that. I've not said that hes totally right for doing that, and that is how women should be. Im not saying that we should excuse him any crime as hes done it before. Im saying that this shit is old news. Kojima has done it before, some times it works some times it doesn't. Never once did I say that it was the right thing to do only that we should wait for it to come out before making judgements and it was silly to do so. If the dude is saying that there is a reason for it then I'll wait. Now if that turns out to be crappy then yeah he deserves a bollocking, if not then all the frothy rage that people have whipped themselves up into is for naught and everyone ends up looking silly.
    The reason only a small part is under scrutiny right now is because it's the only part we know enough about to scrutinise. We can't say much about child soldiers, because we only know they're in the game somehow. It could be good, it could be bad. We know more about Quiet(also, while I see what he did there, that's a dumb name), and we can also tell with the information we have that this is kinda not cool. I don't doubt that when the game DOES come out, there's going to be more to talk about, but this is just what we have right now.
    And what we have right now is bollocks all. Its like looking at the first page of a book and making sweeping judgements. Its futile and stupid. What we know of Quite is what we have seen in the trailer we know just as much about her as we do Eli (the child solider). Ultimately we don't know why she is dressed like that. If there is a justified reason, as Kojima has said and it works (well as much as shit works in his game the dude is mad), or if it doesn't then we can hold it up for debate. What we have is a trailer, a trailer that shows bugger all. I mean Quite is in it for the best part of 15 seconds. Its this stupid internet habit of not getting all the facts, going on a rage tangent that spirals out of control till war has been declared and the colour purple is against the law, and by that point the original point of controversy has been and gone ultimately being nothing.

    Also sorry for saying Silent I've been reading the Black Company of recent and it slipped in.

    Edit; You see as much of the child soliders if not more than of Quiet yet this isn't discussed as much. One of your side kicks is part of their organisation and the morality of that hasn't been called into question. It is interesting that this isn't focused on as much when its a pretty big deal.
    Post edited by Amp on
  • We know from Kojima's twitter that race will be important theme in MGS V, it's also known that there will be child soldiers in the story also E3 trailer showed that there will be some torture scenes too. Clearly MGS V will at least try to touch on many quite heavy subjects and I hope that it will and can arise some interesting discussion about those subjects. But before the game comes out or more information comes out, it's hard to say how those things will be portrayed in the game and thus it's hard to comment, criticize or compliment the game on how it handles those subjects or themes.
  • Starcraft 2 map where units come back from death after 20 seconds as zombie version.
  • edited September 2013
    Open Morrowind is an awesome project that's actually got quite a bit of momentum and progress already! An open-source engine will really open up possibilities such as multiplier and improved mod support.
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • What wasn't pictured in that news brief was a picture of Gabe flipping off Microsoft.
  • edited September 2013
    I can see it already. Playing a borrowed game from a friend, said friend gets online to play. As I understand it, when playing a friends game and they get online, you get a choice between getting kicked out and buying the game.

    I can see them offering discounts on it too.

    "Your friend is getting online, you will be kicked out of the game in X minutes. Click here, buy it now at 25% off to keep playing"

    Post edited by Reol on
  • Yeah I'm pretty stoked at this opportunity.
  • Only downside is that it is a complete library share. As soon as you log in to play anything anyone who is playing one of your games gets the boot. It would be super cool if it were game level sharing.
  • edited September 2013
    Not very interesting. Requires a shared computer. It's basically just like having a different profile on Netflix or Windows. Think of it like independent appdata.
    Post edited by Pegu on
  • Spears! Spears! Spears!!
  • Aww, people acting like disks are still relevant. It's cute.
  • I guess the reason optical media is still relevant is that it's cheaper to make new optical medium, than dig up road and lay down new fibres so everyone can just stream large quantities of data.

    Streaming 4k over radio/ internet has massive hurdles. Then there's the future of 8k and dear I say... 16k+
  • edited September 2013
    Microsoft enters the fifth stage of grief: Acceptance.
    Post edited by Daikun on
  • If it ends up with a piracy problem, that will be unfortunate.
  • Aww, people acting like disks are still relevant. It's cute.
    There are still a fair number of people who don't have computers or don't have awesome internet connections for a variety of reasons. They have a right to enjoy movies and music and games too. Some people, like me, don't want to be totally reliant on the whims of a streaming media site to watch their stuff or steal it all.
  • Thoughts on GTA 5?
  • Thoughts on GTA 5?
    Time sink.
    A few missions that are interesting followed by grinding till you meet all the objectives or realise that sand box games are sub par on every aspect except the sand box part.
  • Thoughts on GTA 5?
    Only 2D GTA is good GTA.
  • Thoughts on GTA 5?
    Only 2D GTA is good GTA.
    Technically GTA 3 can be played in 2D
  • Thoughts on GTA 5?
    Only 2D GTA is good GTA.
    Technically GTA 3 can be played in 2D
    Well, I'm not a fan of GTA2 either. So let's be more specific. There are three good GTA games, which are as follows:

    GTA: London 1969
    GTA: Chinatown Wars

  • GTA 3 was the first PC game I ever bought for myself. Still one of my most favourite games.

    I've played GTA London retrospectively, the top down view was too jarring for me.
  • GTA 3 was the first PC game I ever bought for myself. Still one of my most favourite games.

    I've played GTA London retrospectively, the top down view was too jarring for me.
    I played GTA when it was the only GTA on DOS.
  • edited September 2013
    Wasn't that long ago. 1997? It was interesting that they released it and then Windows 98 came out soon after. Yet, it was a DOS game. They could have made it a DirectX Windows game from the start.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • What was wrong with GTA2? I thought it was more polished than the original (though to be fair I haven't played the last two on your list).
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