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Pokemon X and Y (Generation VI)



  • edited January 2014
    Yeah, Baton Pass might be the superior option

    Flying Press hits a good range of stuff, so it'd have versatility. I'm contemplating Stone Edge for a second attack, but that means only one move left with which to make a difference. Probably Baton Pass to keep the Speed.

    I'm thinking of making a luchador squad now. Baton Pass or U-Turn on everyone, with different focuses for the other three moves.

    6 Hawluchas. Can't lose.

    Hm. Baton Pass passes on stat modifiers to the Pokemon that replaces the one who leaves. What happens if I serially Fling things with Unburden Hawluchas? Does it double, pass on the doubled effect, double again, and pass on the double double?

    EDIT: Never mind, doesn't work. You can't Baton Pass the Unburden boost.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • I haz a proud. *sniff*

    Pete: have you looked at what Hawlucha is weak to and tried to find a move to counter that type?

    Linkigi: Are you using a destiny knot when breeding?
  • edited January 2014
    Yeah, I've looked at the weaknesses (five of 'em). Stone Edge and Flying Press together would let me have something with at least 1x attack strength against everything, and Super Effective attacks against many. Given that Baton Pass doesn't hold onto Unburden, I think U-Turn is the logical choice for the fourth move.

    It can learn Entrainment as an egg move, which would screw with Electric attacks.

    If I actually go forward with Mucha Lucha, I could have different ones specialize in buffing and Baton Passing.

    I'm a little on the fence about Fling, because once I've used it, it's a dead move for the match - but the Speed modifier should more than make up for it.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • Have five of these guys, and one other pokemon who's the "coach" ;^)
  • Nuri said:

    Linkigi: Are you using a destiny knot when breeding?

    Yeah, I just don't have a lot of many-IV Pokemon, and Torchic's 7:1 male/female ratio isn't helping.
  • Rym said:

    Have five of these guys, and one other pokemon who's the "coach" ;^)

    Theme teams only!

    Pokemon Dojo would be really easy. So many fighting types.

    It's also easy to do it with any Pokemon that has evolutions.

    Machop, Machop, Machop, Machoke, Machoke, MACHAMP

    Also with mons of similar real-world animal types.

    Go fish team!

    Corsola, Goldeen, Tentacool, Krabby, Gyarados, Whalelord
  • Rym said:

    Have five of these guys, and one other pokemon who's the "coach" ;^)

    But the whole point is to have a bunch of luchadores, all with different irritating movesets and U-Turn/Baton Pass. Maximum aggravation!

  • edited January 2014
    Wow, I just learned something.
    If the target Pokémon is switched out on the turn Pursuit is used, Pursuit's power becomes 80 and will deal damage before the Pokémon is switched out. This does not apply if used on an ally switching out, used on a fleeing Pokémon, or when used on a Pokémon using Teleport, Baton Pass, U-turn, or Volt Switch or being forced to switch out.
    That's horseshit. What is the point of pursuit if it doesn't work at all the times you need it to work? Unlearning that garbage.

    EDIT: Conflicting information in the bulbapedia
    If the foe Pokémon uses Pursuit on the same turn U-turn is used, Pursuit will deal normal damage if the foe is faster, or double damage if the foe is slower than the user.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • Rym said:

    Have five of these guys, and one other pokemon who's the "coach" ;^)

    But the whole point is to have a bunch of luchadores, all with different irritating movesets and U-Turn/Baton Pass. Maximum aggravation!

    Meaning, you're trying to do to Pokemon trainers what Chie does to Dominion players. I approve of this desire.

  • Note to self: use Fairy and Ghost types when fighting Pete.
  • edited January 2014
    Nuri said:

    Note to self: use Fairy and Ghost types when fighting Pete.

    Ghost type against everybody.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • Nuri said:

    Note to self: use Fairy and Ghost types when fighting Pete.

    Thought about putting a Steel attack on there just to say "fuck you" to Klefki.

  • Klefki is a steel type as well as fairy. You'd want fire or ground.
  • Man, fuck Klefki.
  • edited January 2014
    Working on a Sand Stream Hoppowdon, Endeavor Aron, Endevor Phanpy team for wonder battles now. If this works I can wait for the butthurt.

    EDIT: Also, Aegislash is my new favorite pokemon ever.
    Post edited by Ikatono on
  • Does anyone have a spare Manectite that they can trade me?
  • Man, fuck Klefki.


  • edited February 2014
    Ikatono said:

    Also, Aegislash is my new favorite pokemon ever.

    I have one, and I feel like it's awesome, but I haven't really figured out what I'm going to do with it yet. I'm thinking a tank/wall kind of deal. King's Shield is pretty fucking sweet, yo.

    @Churba: I literally laughed out loud. LLOL.

    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • edited February 2014
    Considering building a Shuckle-based team for trolling in triple battles - Shuckle, Mr. Mime, and something with Gravity.
    Turn 1: Gravity, Trick Room, and Shuckle uses Power Trick. The opponent gets an idea of what's about to happen.
    Turn 2: Mr. Mime uses Quick Guard, the other one uses Helping Hand, Shuckle uses Earthquake or Rock Slide. Everything dies.
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • Just reading that makes me want to throw my 3DS through the Internet and into your skull.
  • Just reading that makes me want to throw my 3DS through the Internet and into your skull.

    And thus, I know I have succeeded in my purpose.
  • I think it's clear now that even though I remember most of the Pokemon and their types simply from playing so many years, I severely lack in knowledge of moves. In my mind, Hyper Beam is still the ultimate awesomeness. I'm assuming it's now not great. There's also all these Pokemon that have passive abilities that I know nothing about.
  • Hyper Beam is fun except for the part where you get killed while trying to recharge. Earthquake tends to be one of the most useful attacks, as it's got 100% accuracy and is super-effective against a whole lot of things.
  • Hyper Beam is fun except for the part where you get killed while trying to recharge. Earthquake tends to be one of the most useful attacks, as it's got 100% accuracy and is super-effective against a whole lot of things.

    What also fucks me are the Pokemon with weird special defenses. I seem to encounter a lot of Solosis, which really piss me off with their Overcoat.
  • edited February 2014

    Ikatono said:

    Also, Aegislash is my new favorite pokemon ever.

    I have one, and I feel like it's awesome, but I haven't really figured out what I'm going to do with it yet. I'm thinking a tank/wall kind of deal. King's Shield is pretty fucking sweet, yo.
    I run

    King's Shield
    Swords Dance
    Iron Head
    Shadow Sneak

    With EVs in Attack and Defense

    Ideally I send him in on a physical attacker, as he can generally take even a normally effective hit without much trouble. Then use King's Shield and Swords Dance to boost your attack while crippling theirs, giving you the time to reach x3 or x4 attack. Then you sweep their shit. Shadow Sneak gives you priority and super effective on revenge killers like Mewtwo Y and Mega Gengar, while Iron Head gives you more power. If you can pull it off (you have to predict your opponent a bit) he can sweep a team easy. Just watch out for Earthquake.
    Post edited by Ikatono on
  • Ikatono said:

    Just watch out for Earthquake.

    Hold an Air Balloon. Immune to ground attacks until hit by something else.

  • edited February 2014
    EDIT: Nevermind.
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • Nuri said:

    Ikatono said:

    Just watch out for Earthquake.

    Hold an Air Balloon. Immune to ground attacks until hit by something else.
    I might. I really like leftovers though.

    I made a troll team to fuck with people. I start with Hippodon with sandstream, and try to take out anyone I can with him. My other to are Aron and Archen, both level 1. Aron has Sturdy and after getting hit uses Endeavor, bringing the opponent down to 1 hit point to be killed by the sand storm. Also, he holds a Shell Bell, so Endeavor heals him back to full HP ready to go again. Archen holds a Focus Sash and knows Endeavor and Quick Attack to take out guys who are immune to the sand storm, but he's only one use. It's by no means a good team, and very rarely wins, but when it does it feels great, especially if the opponent rage disconnects.
  • Okay, I can be mean sometimes in Pokemon, but that's just evil.
  • The best battle was when someone sent out an Imposter Ditto as their third pokemon and it copied one of the level 1s. We threw pitiful attacks back and forth and I only won due to Shell Bell healing. I can only imagine how pissed that guy was.

    Also, it took way too long to build that team considering it had two level 1s.
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